Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Amazing Race Season15 Episode 1 & 2

The most unfair thing happened at the beginning of this season. Right at the start line there is a challenge and the last team to finish gets eliminated right away. SO NOT FAIR! They end up having to find a particular license plate. In the end its between Annoying Couple(Lance & Keri) and the Yoga Couple(Eric & Lisa). Unfortunately the Yoga Couple ends up getting eliminated. Its sad, because they look like they would have been a lot of fun to watch on the race. Its a pity that they had to leave so early and really its just unfair.
Anyways the other teams are all headed to Tokyo!!! (I have wanted to go there forever!) They are on two separate planes, but the other plane catches up ,and they all end up racing through Tokyo to their first Roadblock. On the flights the teams are getting to know each other and The Poker girls(Maria& Tiffany) decide to not tell anyone they are poker players and instead tel people they work for a charity. They also try and hit on the Brother team who haven't told anyone that they are gay.
They arrive at Tokyo Tower Studios in where they have to play Sushi Roulette. When they get a wasabi bomb they have to finis it in two minutes, and then take a group of 20 tourists through the crowded streets to the pitstop. Ron for Older Team with Marcy, and Cheyne for Team Adorable with Meghan end up finishing first. The males continue to finish the challenge with Maria having to eat a wasabi bomb twice in a row, and Brian having to eat it twice aswell.
Some of the teams end up getting lost and some teams end up losing people. Mika & Canaan(Christian Team) ends up losing one person just outside the pitstop. However, Team Poker ends up losing two and have to go searching for them. They end up just going to the pitstop because it would have been impossible to find them, however it ends up being a non elimination round. They get a two hour penalty, for not showing up with all the people and will have to do speed bump next round.
Pitstop order
1.Meghan & Cheyne (Team Adorable)
2. Zev & Justin (Team Awesome)
3. Lance & Keri (Team Annoying)
4. Marcy & Ron (Team Old)
5. Flight Time & Big Easy (Team Globetrotters)
6. Brian & Ericka (Team America)
7. Gary & Matt (Team Cool)
8. Garrett & Jessica (Team Boring)
9. Sam & Dan (Team Bro)
10. Mika & Canaan (Team Christian)
11. Maria & Tiffany (Team Poker) NoN Elimination round
Next the teams are off to Vietnam. Most of teams end up booking flights online however a few to not, and have to pretty much beg for tickets for the same flight. They all end up on the same flight. People start to notice that Team poker aren't really nice. A man they ask to help also recognises them as poker players. So their secret comes out, and everyone is kind of ticked.
As soon as they get there, they have to race to a place and sleep over night there. In the morning they have to fill these pans with mud and fertilize a tree. Team Poker has to do a speed bump before they can do that ,but it heads up being really easy and they catch up. Its hilarious watching people slip and fall in the mud. The only panic time is when Justin (Team awesome) fell in the water and lost the clue so they didn't know where to go, but they ended up finding it.
Next came the roadblock where each person had to lead geese out of a gated area, over a bridge and back again. Meghan,(Team Adorable) Jessica,(Team Boring) and Ericka(Team America) end up failing it and having to wait for other teams to go before they try again. Flight Time,(Team Globetrotters) Matt,(Team cool) and Sam(Team Bro) end up finishing on their first try. Zev(Team Awesome) does the challenge quickly and everyone else finishes pretty quick too, except Jessica,(Team Boring) and Ericka(Team America). They are still trying, but Ericka finishes first, and Team Boring ends up being the last to arrive at the pitstop.
1. Team Cool
2.Team Globetrotters
3.Team Bro
4.Team Annoying
5.Team Awesome
6.Team Adorable
7.Team Poker
8.Team Christian
9.Team Old
10.Team America
11.Team Boring ELIMINATED


The Vampire Diaries Episode3 Friday Night Bites

*Elena doesn't believe Bonnie's warnings abut the vibes she got from Stephan. She decides to have them both over for dinner so they get to know each other better. The dinner starts to go fine except Caroline, and Damon show up. Caroline has been wearing a scarf ever since she has been with Damon .He is attacking her ,but also putting some sort of trance on her.
*Stephan ends up joining the football team .He apparently is amazingly good at it, which, makes Tyler really kicked off. While Stephan is being great at football Elena tries to get back into cheer leading but ends up quitting instead.
*Damon gives Elena a necklace that will protect her against Damon's powers. Damon ends up hitting on Elena and she slaps him.
*Vicki is still in between Tyler and Jeremy.Clearly Jeremy is the better guy, and her brother, Zach even tells her to stop playing him.
* At the football game Stephan and Damon get into a fight again. Stephan says there must be something still human about him, and then the coach walks out, and Damon attacks him.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Survivor19 Episode 2

This time on Survivor....
Russell confronts Betsy about casting a vote for Ashley instead of Marisa. He tells her, "I think you made a huge mistake and you’ll see that later on." Betsy brushes him aside and doesn't trust him at all. Russell and Jaison start talking about who they trust and don't trust. They bot trust each other, and Russell says he bets that their is a hidden immunity idol somewhere around the camp, as in previous seasons there has been. Russell goes on a search to find it , and eventually he looks under this big tree and there is the idol. Someone even asks him what he is doing looking under a tree, and he tells them he is looking for lizards. He hides the immunity idol in his pants ,and then goes to find Jaison. He is the first survivor to ever find the idol without a clue.
At the reward/immunity challenge its an all out brawl. The teams are pitted against each other 3 at a time. They have to get these balls and pass them to the members of their tribe so they can try and score in the basket. Right away it gets ridiculously rough, with people choking each other, pulling on hair, and just being down right dirty. Jeff ends up stopping the competition and tells the contestants that he is going to pull people from the competition if he sees anymore "cheap shots". Ben ends up getting kicked out two seconds later for a kick. There was a lot more things going on after, and i was surprised Ben was the only one kicked out. Galu easily wins the challenge, in which they get fishing gear and immunity. With the win Russell, the leader of Galu also gets to pick one person from his own tribe to send to the other tribe to visit. He chooses Yasmin.
Right after the challenge Jeff tells Mike that he has to see the medical team because e is very out of breath, especially after taking a really hard hit from Erik. He ends up being in extremely weak condition ,and when he tries to get up he faints. They decide he must get medical treatment immediately. So that ends up being one less member for Foa Foa. Its sad, because i hate to see him go so early.
Back at Galu they are happy with their fishing gear and Shambo decides to go fishing. Instead of really fishing she relaxes away from the tribe ends up losing the mouthpiece and gets no fish. Her tribe is awe fully ticked at her, and basically they all know that when they lose she is the first to go.
At Foa Foa's camp Yasmin has an argument with Ben about the way he was acting and that he pushed her at one point n the challenge. She also says she wants to help their tribe because she doesn't like taking candy from a baby. She basically is being a bitch. She also gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol, which Russell already has. Russell is happy about the fight that Ben and Yasmin had saying that Ben is painting a target on his back and Yasmin with her comments will pay.
At tribal council its between Betsey and Ben. Ben is annoying, mean, and got himself kicked out a challenge. Betsey is probably one of the weakest competitors. However the whole tribe ends up voting Betsy out. Russell just sits there so happy with himself, another one of his threats gone.


SYTYCD Canada Top 12 Results

The opening number was great. Kim had the main part, and she did great at it. I have decided that its between Kim, Melanie, and Jamie Rae to win the show. Its definitely going to be a female. The Bottom three couples ended up being Melanie & Cody, Corynne & Austin and Jaime Rae & Daniel.
Melanie: I love her dancing. She just dances without even thinking about it. Great solo.
Corynne:I think she is a good dancer but technically she needs a lot of work. Didn't like the solo
Jaime Rae: I thought it was a beautiful performance.
Cody: It was cute, but it just wasn't good enough.
Austin:He is really a great dancer, but there is something missing.
Daniel:I enjoyed his solo, especially when he started to take his shirt
Leah is crying as she announces who is going home. Corynne is sent home and so is Daniel!!!!! Its my first sad moment in an elimination. I didn't think he was the weakest. I really wanted to see him in the top 10.
But here is your top ten:Emanuel,Amy,Austin,Jamie Rae,Vincent,Tara Jean,Kim,Everett,Melanie,Cody


GLEE "Preggers"

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Episode.
So much happens this episode i don't even know where to begin.
Rachel is upset that Tina got a solo instead of her. Sue decides to blackmail the principal to let Sandy come back and put on a musical. They give the lead to Rachel hoping to take her away from Glee club.Rachel wants to do both, but when Will won't back down from giving Tina the solo, Rachel quits Glee.
Terri tells her sister that she really isn't pregnant. They decide they need to find a baby. Oddly enough Quinn tells Finn she is pregnant from a time they were in the hot tub together. He believes it, but later on we learn that the president of the abstinence club actually had sex with Puck. Finn is upset and tells Will, who tells Terri .She decides to go and help Quinn in hopes of getting the baby.When Puck finds out he is mad and knows its his, but doesn't know what to do because Finn is his best friend.
Kurts dad catches him dancing and singing to Single Ladies with Quinn and Tina. They say its for football practice because Kurt is the new kicker. Its a complete lie, so then Kurt actually tries out for the team and ends up being an amazing kicker. At practice they realize they are all horrible. They decide to become a team they need to dance together. They of course dance to Singles Ladies.At the first game they are losing.They don't want to do the dance and be laughed at even more. somehow manage to score a touchdown and its up to Kurt to win the game. He does his single ladies dance kicks the ball and its good .They Win!
At home its the cutest/saddest/happiest scene i've ever seen. Its between Kurt and his dad. His dad tells him how proud he is of him. Kurt then tells his dad he is gay. His dad tells him he has known since he was three when all he wanted was a sensible pair of heels.
Single Ladies-Kurt (lip-sync)-Beyonce
Taking Chances-Rachel Berry-Celine Dion (Buy on Itunes)
Tonight-Tina-West Side Story
Kurt: Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker.
Sue: I'll often yell at homeless people: 'Hey, how is that homelessness working out for you? Try not being homeless for once.'


ANTM13 Make Me Tall

They get to walk with Miss. Jay this week and that's always exciting because he is pretty honest about how crappy someone might be. He walks out with this little girl who is just as fierce as he is. I think Brittney,Bianca,Kara and Laura have the best walks so far. Back at the house Ashley and Lulu are saying that Brittney's walk is horrible and they try and help her. I think they know she is competition and are extremely jealous. At the challenge its a runway, here they have to walk with girls who are 5'9 and up. Brittney ends up winning. Ashley and Lulu continue to not like Bianca and think that anyone talking with her is wrong. They give Nicole shit for even having a conversation with her. Nicole just ignores them, which is why i like Nicole even more this episode.
The point of this photo shoot was to look long. I don't really care about looking long so i'm just going to really comment on how the picture looks regardless of how long or tall the look.
ASHLEY: Its a pretty picture, but i think its the styling, and the props around her that make it look great. Love the dress and shoes. 6.5/10
BIANCA: I love her eyes,her mouth is a little weird, but otherwise i think she pulled off a good photo.Again, the styling and props were really good. 6.5/10
BRITTNEY:Its really awkward. Her face looks funny, her pose is odd, and her one hand looks huge. Its really a terrible photo. 4/10 (BOTTOM TWO)
ERIN:So simple but so good. Its a stunning photo. I'm really starting to like her, and i thin if she keeps it up is a good contender to win. 9.5/10
JENNIFER:Its a pretty photo. I think she did a great job. the pose is quite simple,and the expression is a little off but its pretty. 7.5/10
KARA:Her face is a little different but otherwise her body looks amazing. I don't know if her lips always do that, but otherwise its a perfect picture. 9/10
LAURA:The pose isn't the best, but i actually like photo. She reminds me of Caridee a bit. I think she is definitely getting better. 8.5/10
LULU:Its a pretty picture, but its nothing different from what she already did. 5/10 (ELIMINATED)
NICOLE:She looks like a giant in this photo. Its a little scary. However her face and the whole picture is gorgeous. 8.5/10
RAE:Its not really a good picture. She looks pretty, but she also looks average, and like she is in a cheap mens magazine. There isn't anything great about it. 5.5/10
SUNDAI:I really don't like it. I'm not quite sure what it is i don't like but its just not good. 5/10


Melrose Place "Grand"

Jonah is extremely ticked off at Riley when he finds out that she hasn't told any of her friends or family about their engagement. She hasn't even changed her facebook status. They start having a fight about it, but then Ella comes in with some huge news for Jonah. A director she had bails on a job for a music video so she tells Jonah he has the Job and they need to leave right away. The lead singer is nuts, and the video they are suppose to be shooting is crap so Jonah takes the video in a whole new direction. Riley comes to the shoot to say sorry, but is pushed away by Jonah because he is on a tight schedule. Riley goes home and is comforted by Auggie. He kisses her, and she freaks out. When Jonah comes home, Riley has told pretty much everyone and apologises for the fight. Basically she is feeling guilty. Ella has to break the news to Jonah that the director that was originally suppose to do the video is taking credit for Jonahs work. Jonah is upset, but is glad Ella tried to help. Ella feels extremely guilty ad even tears up. She really likes him.
Meanwhile David thinks that Michael ( his father) killed Sydney is out to prove it. He breaks into the office to steal computer files. Lauren catches him, but he lies and says he wanted to meet his dad for lunch. Lauren is trying to get onto Micheal's team at the hospital so she thinks that because she is friends with David that might help. She doesn't know the bad relationship they have, and Micheal ends up hiring her after he learns that David broke in because he wants to keep a close eye on David. In the end on the computer David finds files on all the people that live at Melrose place. Oh,and Violet is continuing to be creepy,even wearing Sydney's clothes.


SYTYCD Canada Top 12 Performances

This is the make it or get eliminated week. There is so much pressure at this point its ridiculous. Anyways thankfully we get two levelheaded guest judges Mia Micheals and Rex Harrington
Tara jean & Everett*Theater*The Joint is Jumpin', Ain't Misbehavin'(Broadway Cast, 1978)
Everything was really great about this performance. The tap from Everett was amazing and Tara jean did a great job too. It was a fun piece.
Melanie & Cody*Jazz*Glory Box, Portishead
This piece was all about her. I watched her the whole time. I had to rewind it to actually watch Cody and see if he did a good job as she did.I didn't think he did as much or was as good as her.
Corynne & Austin*Salsa*I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) Pitbull
With this song its almost an automatic vote getter, however, this was the most awkward dance i have ever seen. She just was horrible. He was trying so hard, but you could tell at the end he was dreading the comments, as was she. She just got them into the bottom three and got herself eliminated.There is no way she would stay after that.
Kim & Emanuel*Hip hop*Respect My Conglomerate Busta Rhymes feat. Lil Wayne & Jadakiss
It was really good, except i feel like we have saw this performance before. She however killed it so it doesn't really matter.
Jaime Rae & Daniel*Contemporary*It Must Have Been Love Kari Kimmel
I thought it was really good. I wasn't sure about the song choice actually. It was a pretty dance ,and i think she did really well, and he was good but not great.
Amy & Vincent*Jive*Pony Time,Chubby Checker
I thought this was amazing.I could not take my eyes off Vincent. They both did a really great job. So much fun!
1.Amy & Vincent
2. Kim & Emanuel
3. Tara Jean & Vincent
Bottom three
4.Jaime Rae & Daniel
5.Melanie & Cody
6.Corynne & Austin (Going home)


Sunday, September 27, 2009

90210,Season2-Sit Down,Your Rocking the Boat

Annie wants to prove to everyone that Naomi sent the sext to everyone and that she is a liar and a bitch.Harry and Debbie try to talk to Annie about it, but they get in an argument. This leads Harry to talk about it with Kelly. Debbie gets more mad when Harry says he talked to Kelly and Kelly suggestion was the same thing Debbie was saying. (I'm terrified that their is going to be an affair. Its what this is all leading up to, and it sucks!)Dixon meets his dream girl, and they have pretty much everything in common except that he is in high school, and she is probably late twenties.He doesn't tell her though and they decide to go on a date on Sunday. (Yay Sunday dates?)
Navid and Adrianna make up after Navid makes this cute video about him being an idiot. Teddy invites them to a party on his Fathers yacht.Navid says yes right away because he knows he has to pretend to actually like Teddy.
At the Yacht Party!
Dixon gets a surprise when he sees his dream girl is djaying there.He decides to lie to her more and pretends he is a music exec. Navid and Liam are in on the lie, and are also told to keep Silver away.Navid is doing a great job at it, until he gets sick. Silver then wanders over to the new girl, when Dixon steps away. The dream girl starts talking about music exec. Dixon. Silver just plays along, instead of totally burning him. He ends up driving off with his dream girl that night with Navids car because she thinks he drives a Lamborghini.
Meanwhile, Navid is getting sick ,and Teddy helps him out. Teddy also explains that he is always getting a bad rep, and really isn't a sleazy guy like Navid thinks he is. Navid realizes that maybe Teddy is a good guy. SO while Navid is feeling sick Adrianna is down below getting something a Teddy tries to kiss her!!!!!(what a sleazeball! I dislike him so much!!!!)She however turns away, thank God!
However the biggest drama is with Annie yet again. She convinces the ugly creep to tell Silver that Naomi sent the text. He does, and Naomi freaks out. Then, Annie freaks out and tells Naomi that her and Liam actually did sleep together and that it must suck that everyone Naomi loves goes to Annie meaning Liam and Ethan.Liam hears this and gets mad at bot of the girls, and we see that he has something up his sleeve.
Next weeks episode is full of lies and cheaters, I'm not looking forward to it at all.


GossipGirl Season2; The Freshmen

Gossip Girl: Every fall confident high school seniors transform into nervous college freshmen. They leave their parents' homes for the hallowed halls of higher education. Like any new venture, the new journey represents opportunity to conquer new territory. Or to be a little less lonely. But just because the opportunity presents itself doesn't mean everyone is ready to take it.
Nate:Pointless?What does he actually do in this show besides sleep with women and cry about his family? I'm over him, and this story line with Bree is going nowhere. he needs to do something exciting.
Blair: She is thinking that she is totally going to rule college and it will be just like highschool. Unfortunately for her, Georgina is her roommate, Vanessa lives on the same floor, and Dan seems to make friends in a heartbeat. She tries to throw a party with Sushi and gifts but everyone decides to eat pizza and watch a video made by Vanessa. I totally would have went for the Blair party.
Dan: He not only makes friends but he also ends up looking pretty hot this episode.Georgina decides to have a party and Blair ends up going with Dan. She tells her that she needs his help to make friends ,because she started off on the wrong foot. She really wants to get back at Georgina.
Serena: Just a wreck. She decides not to go to school because she is an idiot. Chuck tells Rufus because he is worried about her. Serena thinks Chuck was just being a jerk and ruins his plans of opening a night club. She plays with Carter a little using him to get back at Chuck ,and then eventually says she actually likes him. Pointless.
At the Georgina's Rooftop Party
Everyone is having a great time until all these people come in spreading the word of Jesus. Blair grabs the mic and says that Georgina is trying to convert people, and that's all the party was for. Dan realizing what Blair did, goes on the mic just when everyone is getting ready to leave with Blair and tells everyone to stay and that Blair did it to embarrass Georgina. Everyone stays, Blair ends up going home to Chuck, and in the morning Dan and Georgina wake up together.Yuck!
Quote of the Episode:
Blair: [in bed] You were right about the dorms. The lighting is awful. You okay?
Chuck: [sleepy] I am now.
Oh yeah and where is Lil J and Eric been!?!? I want them back!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Heroes Season 4 Premire Episodes 1&2

So confused am i!!!! I must have missed something, because i am extremely lost at what is going on right now. Its not a good way to start the season.But i will try my best to explain it all.
Episode 1 Orientation
Claire: She went off to college. Everything is sort of going ok, except she ends up with a crazy roommate and another girl ends up recognizing her from the whole cheerleader getting murdered thing. The roommate ends up committing suicide, but Claire has major doubts about it.
Hiro & Ando:They started a company called Dial-A-Hero. Their first mission is to save a kitten for this little girl. They end up saving it ,but Hiro freezes himself because he is dieing.
Peter:He went back to his old job of being a paramedic. He is still using his powers and saving people is his main focus right now.
Mr.Bennett: He is still trying to figure out his life and the company and everything. Tracey somehow is alive and he tries to help her by getting the Haitian to wipe Dankos mind. Danko is still hunting Tracey since he learnt that she was alive. Tracy wants to be sure that he fixed it and goes to Danko's apartment, only to witness Edgar murdering him.Edgar is killed him because this ringmaster, Samuel told him he has to or else.
Matt:He is living with Janice and their son and not using his powers.He has his old job back as an LAPD detective. He seems to be doing fine until Sylar comes into his head and wants his body back!
Episode2 Jump Push Fall
Claire: She ends up becoming better friends with the girl who she met earlier. The girl is awe fully curious about the suicide and they both decide that they need to test how the girl fell, or if she was pushed. Claire decides at night to test it with herself. She jumps from the window and lands almost exactly how the dead roommate did. She fixes her broken bones looks up, and the girl she befriended waves to her.
Hiro: He decides he needs to go back in time even though its making him even more sick. He goes back to the carnival from his past when his sister and Ando where at it. He runs into Samuel, the not so nice ringmaster who convinces him to make small changes to change the future. Hiro ends up changing the moment that makes his sister,Kimiko hate Ando.
Peter: He ends up helping Mr. Bennett find this compass.When they find the compass Edgar attacks and Peter fights back just as strong. Edgar runs away. and then goes back to his daily life. He basically just wants to be left alone.
Mr. Bennett: Gets attacked by Edgar when Samuel sends him back.He ends up taking the compass.He ends up calling Tracey because he doesn't want to be alone, but doesn't know who else to call.
Matt: Sylar is pretty much destroying him. He ends up using his powers when he thinks Janice is cheating on him. Meanwhile Angela phones him and wants him to do something with Nathan.
Nathan: Has been feeling like something isn't right.He is slowly getting his powers back, and his memories don't seem real. He tries to get a hold of Peter, but talks to Angela who says its just a midlife crisis.She is pretty much freaking out that Sylar is going to come back.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Vampire Diaries Episode2The night of the comet

*Vicki is still in the hospital. She doesn't really remember what happened .Stephan goes to the hospital to use his powers to convince her an animal attacked her.
*At the parent teacher interviews, The history teacher ends up telling the Aunt who is looking after Jeremy and Elena that she is doing a horrible job. Jeremy is skipping school and doing a lot of drugs and drinking. She tries to talk to Jeremy but he doesn't listen at all.
*Elena goes to talk to Stephan but runs into the evil brother Damon. Damon tells her about Catherine, Stephan's ex. It becomes all awkward once Stephan arrives home, and he pretty much is so pissed at Damon he blows off Elena.
*Jeremy is still trying to get Vicki to date him and be with him. He was the one that found her, and was at the hospital while the other guy didn't even go there. Vicki still ends up choosing the other guy for some dumb reason.
*At the comet thing Stephan convinces Elena that he really likes her ,and that he is ready to date after Catherine.
Damon took Vicki to the roof to play with her and Stephan. Damon uses his power to convince Vicki that Stephan actually hurt her. He then tells Stephan that he should just kill her because she is going to tell everyone. Stephan says he doesn't care, because no one will believe her. Damon laughs and uses his power again to convince Vicki it was an animal again. She thinks she wandered onto the roof because of the drug she took.
The episode ends with Damon having sex with Caroline and then turning all creepy and biting her!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Survivor18 Episode1

I was ridiculously excited for Survivor to start up again. For me, it is a show that doesn't ever get old. So here we go again!
The contestants are already divided up into tribes and as soon as they paddle themselves onto shore Jeff asks them to pick a tribe leader. For Galu its between Shambo,Erik and Russel. Russel ends up getting the most votes. For Foa Foa they almost all agree on one guy Mick with Jaison in second. Each leader then based on first impressions again has to pick , their strongest swimmer, most agile, strongest, and smartest. Mick picks Jaison for the swimmer(Smart choice as he was a water polo champion)Russell as the strongest, Marissa as the most agile and Liz(way to go Asian stereotypes) as the smartest.The other leader Russell picks John as the swimmer,(who ends up swimming in his jeans! idiot!)Erik as the strongest, Yasmin as the most agile, and Shambo as the smartest. I don't know what he was thinking in his choices. Anyways, Foa Foa ends up winning the challenge and getting flint. Galu walks away mostly blaming John for swimming slower then the water champion Jaison.
However Foa Foa still ends up being a tribe of idiots. Mick begins to take charge while Ben keeps putting in his two cents. But besides building shelter Russell is already building alliances. He builds single alliances with all the girls, Ashley, Natalie, Marisa, and Betsy. He says, “I got an alliance with the dumb short-haired blonde, the even dumber long-haired blonde and the dark haired girl. I’d like to call it my dumb-ass girl alliance. I told them exactly the same thing and I believe they’re just gullible enough to believe it.” Betsy doesn't trust him right away.
At the Galu tribe everything is going alright until John who people are already a little ticked at, gets in the way. He wants everyone to sit down and have a concrete plan.
But back to the exciting Foa Foa tribe. Its night time and Russel decides to make up a story about him surviving Hurricane Katrina. Everyone is upset by it, but Marisa suspects something is up with the story. He also decides to burn socks and dump out peoples canteens just to play with them. The next morning everyone is miserable when they discover the canteens are empty and people start snapping on each other. The only happy person is Russell.
At the immunity challenge, Jeff asks Leader Russell how the time has been without fire. Russell praises his tribe as working hard together, and Ben from Foa Foa says"things losers say!" Galu ends up kicking Foa Foa's ass which only makes the Foa Foa tribe more miserable.
Back at camp Mike thinks Ashley is the weakest and tells Mick. Marisa tells Russell that he makes her uncomfortable .Russell freaks out and decides that Marisa needs to go. He goes around telling everyone she needs to go ,and pretty much everyone believes him, except Betsy.
At tribal council the drama continues. Betsy says Ashley is the weakest, Ashley says she isn't. Ben and Russel gang up on Marisa. Marisa pretty much backs down ,but ends up getting voted out with seven of the ten votes.

My opinions: Well my first impression of Marisa leaving the game early was correct. I actually like "evil" Russell, i wouldn't want to be friends with him, but i think he is great for this show. I can't believe how dumb his tribe is. Betsey is a lot smarter then i thought she was going to be, but she better be careful because of Russell. I think he will be out to get her very soon. I was so correct about john being full of himself and Ben being a jerk as well. I'm glad Mike wasn't the first one out, but i still see him as an early boot. I was wrong about Erik, i think he has a lot to offer, and i can't wait till next episode!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

SYTYCD Canada Top 14 Results

The opening number! Ithought it was super hot. It still doesn't beat the one from the last American results show. It was a great dance though, and there was even some boy on boy action, and i don't think i've seen that one any so you think you can dance show. It was really just one big plastic orgy.
Bottom three couples ended up being Amy & Vincent,Natalie & Danny and Jamie Rae & Daniel. I was really shocked to see Jaime Rae and Daniel there. I thought there dance was pretty good, and that one lift clearly destroyed all the other lifts.
Amy:I loved her solo, i think it is the best she has done yet, and she is contueing to get stronger.
Jamie Rae: Her solo was great.There is no way she is going home.
Natalie:I'm over the Krumping.
Vincent:I didn't really like it, i tohught it was a bit to much.
Daniel: I wanted to see so much more, he is great.
Danny: I didn't like it, but he looked a little nervous.
And going home is Natalie & Danny. I think its about time in my opinion. Danny was always to technical ,and i never really saw him let go. Natalie i think was just one of the weaker dancers. She definetly was the weakest female left.
