Saturday, September 19, 2009

Survivor18 Episode1

I was ridiculously excited for Survivor to start up again. For me, it is a show that doesn't ever get old. So here we go again!
The contestants are already divided up into tribes and as soon as they paddle themselves onto shore Jeff asks them to pick a tribe leader. For Galu its between Shambo,Erik and Russel. Russel ends up getting the most votes. For Foa Foa they almost all agree on one guy Mick with Jaison in second. Each leader then based on first impressions again has to pick , their strongest swimmer, most agile, strongest, and smartest. Mick picks Jaison for the swimmer(Smart choice as he was a water polo champion)Russell as the strongest, Marissa as the most agile and Liz(way to go Asian stereotypes) as the smartest.The other leader Russell picks John as the swimmer,(who ends up swimming in his jeans! idiot!)Erik as the strongest, Yasmin as the most agile, and Shambo as the smartest. I don't know what he was thinking in his choices. Anyways, Foa Foa ends up winning the challenge and getting flint. Galu walks away mostly blaming John for swimming slower then the water champion Jaison.
However Foa Foa still ends up being a tribe of idiots. Mick begins to take charge while Ben keeps putting in his two cents. But besides building shelter Russell is already building alliances. He builds single alliances with all the girls, Ashley, Natalie, Marisa, and Betsy. He says, “I got an alliance with the dumb short-haired blonde, the even dumber long-haired blonde and the dark haired girl. I’d like to call it my dumb-ass girl alliance. I told them exactly the same thing and I believe they’re just gullible enough to believe it.” Betsy doesn't trust him right away.
At the Galu tribe everything is going alright until John who people are already a little ticked at, gets in the way. He wants everyone to sit down and have a concrete plan.
But back to the exciting Foa Foa tribe. Its night time and Russel decides to make up a story about him surviving Hurricane Katrina. Everyone is upset by it, but Marisa suspects something is up with the story. He also decides to burn socks and dump out peoples canteens just to play with them. The next morning everyone is miserable when they discover the canteens are empty and people start snapping on each other. The only happy person is Russell.
At the immunity challenge, Jeff asks Leader Russell how the time has been without fire. Russell praises his tribe as working hard together, and Ben from Foa Foa says"things losers say!" Galu ends up kicking Foa Foa's ass which only makes the Foa Foa tribe more miserable.
Back at camp Mike thinks Ashley is the weakest and tells Mick. Marisa tells Russell that he makes her uncomfortable .Russell freaks out and decides that Marisa needs to go. He goes around telling everyone she needs to go ,and pretty much everyone believes him, except Betsy.
At tribal council the drama continues. Betsy says Ashley is the weakest, Ashley says she isn't. Ben and Russel gang up on Marisa. Marisa pretty much backs down ,but ends up getting voted out with seven of the ten votes.

My opinions: Well my first impression of Marisa leaving the game early was correct. I actually like "evil" Russell, i wouldn't want to be friends with him, but i think he is great for this show. I can't believe how dumb his tribe is. Betsey is a lot smarter then i thought she was going to be, but she better be careful because of Russell. I think he will be out to get her very soon. I was so correct about john being full of himself and Ben being a jerk as well. I'm glad Mike wasn't the first one out, but i still see him as an early boot. I was wrong about Erik, i think he has a lot to offer, and i can't wait till next episode!



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