Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Vampire Diaries Episode2The night of the comet

*Vicki is still in the hospital. She doesn't really remember what happened .Stephan goes to the hospital to use his powers to convince her an animal attacked her.
*At the parent teacher interviews, The history teacher ends up telling the Aunt who is looking after Jeremy and Elena that she is doing a horrible job. Jeremy is skipping school and doing a lot of drugs and drinking. She tries to talk to Jeremy but he doesn't listen at all.
*Elena goes to talk to Stephan but runs into the evil brother Damon. Damon tells her about Catherine, Stephan's ex. It becomes all awkward once Stephan arrives home, and he pretty much is so pissed at Damon he blows off Elena.
*Jeremy is still trying to get Vicki to date him and be with him. He was the one that found her, and was at the hospital while the other guy didn't even go there. Vicki still ends up choosing the other guy for some dumb reason.
*At the comet thing Stephan convinces Elena that he really likes her ,and that he is ready to date after Catherine.
Damon took Vicki to the roof to play with her and Stephan. Damon uses his power to convince Vicki that Stephan actually hurt her. He then tells Stephan that he should just kill her because she is going to tell everyone. Stephan says he doesn't care, because no one will believe her. Damon laughs and uses his power again to convince Vicki it was an animal again. She thinks she wandered onto the roof because of the drug she took.
The episode ends with Damon having sex with Caroline and then turning all creepy and biting her!



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