Sunday, September 27, 2009

GossipGirl Season2; The Freshmen

Gossip Girl: Every fall confident high school seniors transform into nervous college freshmen. They leave their parents' homes for the hallowed halls of higher education. Like any new venture, the new journey represents opportunity to conquer new territory. Or to be a little less lonely. But just because the opportunity presents itself doesn't mean everyone is ready to take it.
Nate:Pointless?What does he actually do in this show besides sleep with women and cry about his family? I'm over him, and this story line with Bree is going nowhere. he needs to do something exciting.
Blair: She is thinking that she is totally going to rule college and it will be just like highschool. Unfortunately for her, Georgina is her roommate, Vanessa lives on the same floor, and Dan seems to make friends in a heartbeat. She tries to throw a party with Sushi and gifts but everyone decides to eat pizza and watch a video made by Vanessa. I totally would have went for the Blair party.
Dan: He not only makes friends but he also ends up looking pretty hot this episode.Georgina decides to have a party and Blair ends up going with Dan. She tells her that she needs his help to make friends ,because she started off on the wrong foot. She really wants to get back at Georgina.
Serena: Just a wreck. She decides not to go to school because she is an idiot. Chuck tells Rufus because he is worried about her. Serena thinks Chuck was just being a jerk and ruins his plans of opening a night club. She plays with Carter a little using him to get back at Chuck ,and then eventually says she actually likes him. Pointless.
At the Georgina's Rooftop Party
Everyone is having a great time until all these people come in spreading the word of Jesus. Blair grabs the mic and says that Georgina is trying to convert people, and that's all the party was for. Dan realizing what Blair did, goes on the mic just when everyone is getting ready to leave with Blair and tells everyone to stay and that Blair did it to embarrass Georgina. Everyone stays, Blair ends up going home to Chuck, and in the morning Dan and Georgina wake up together.Yuck!
Quote of the Episode:
Blair: [in bed] You were right about the dorms. The lighting is awful. You okay?
Chuck: [sleepy] I am now.
Oh yeah and where is Lil J and Eric been!?!? I want them back!



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