Friday, May 25, 2012

The Bachelorette Episode 2

Well, its episode number two, connections are starting to happen. I'm not really sure why i'm blogging about this show. Right now most of the guys are so annoying and there is way to many to keep track off. I'm just going to say a few things about the episode and be done with it. Ryan gets the first one on one date. It goes alright, he seems little awkward, but you can tell that Emily is starting to like him. I am starting not to like him. However, she gives him a rose.The second one on one is with Joe, and his date seems to be going well, but some things seem so forced. In the end, Emily doesn't give him a rose, and leaves confused and annoyed. 
The group date is a charity based muppet show. Its kind of cute, but Emily tries to act and it reminded me of why i don't like her. The star in this group date is Charlie. He has a lot of speaking on stage fright. He talsk to Emily and just seems so sweet about everything .It takes a real man to talk about something instead of just getting angry about it.
Here is the rose call out order/some more thoughts on the men
1.Ryan-One on One date rose- also reads Emily a letter that seems so akward and its long and hilarious.
2.Jef- He got a rose earlier for being so sweet and adorable, in my opinion.
3.Kalon- He really hasn't been thinking before he talks and is not getting along with anyone in the house.
4.Arie- There is something off about him, i just don't know.
5.Micheal- Capitol B-oring
7.Sean- He didn't get a group date, and i feel bad for him :(
8.Chris- Not memorable
9.Doug- I still really like him. I hope he gets a one on one soon.
10.Travis- hmm... who was he again?
11.Tony- He is still a little strange.
12.John- I do not like him, and i kind of find him arrogant.
13.Allessandro-Why is he still here?
14.Charlie- I think he is awesome. I really hope Emily gets to know him.
15.Allejandro- Did he even say one word?
16.Stevie-I'm glad he stayed he is kind of funny, however he should focus on Emily instead of his dislike of Kalon.
ELIMINATED- Kyle, Aaron...i don't even remember who they are now...



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