Monday, September 28, 2009

Survivor19 Episode 2

This time on Survivor....
Russell confronts Betsy about casting a vote for Ashley instead of Marisa. He tells her, "I think you made a huge mistake and you’ll see that later on." Betsy brushes him aside and doesn't trust him at all. Russell and Jaison start talking about who they trust and don't trust. They bot trust each other, and Russell says he bets that their is a hidden immunity idol somewhere around the camp, as in previous seasons there has been. Russell goes on a search to find it , and eventually he looks under this big tree and there is the idol. Someone even asks him what he is doing looking under a tree, and he tells them he is looking for lizards. He hides the immunity idol in his pants ,and then goes to find Jaison. He is the first survivor to ever find the idol without a clue.
At the reward/immunity challenge its an all out brawl. The teams are pitted against each other 3 at a time. They have to get these balls and pass them to the members of their tribe so they can try and score in the basket. Right away it gets ridiculously rough, with people choking each other, pulling on hair, and just being down right dirty. Jeff ends up stopping the competition and tells the contestants that he is going to pull people from the competition if he sees anymore "cheap shots". Ben ends up getting kicked out two seconds later for a kick. There was a lot more things going on after, and i was surprised Ben was the only one kicked out. Galu easily wins the challenge, in which they get fishing gear and immunity. With the win Russell, the leader of Galu also gets to pick one person from his own tribe to send to the other tribe to visit. He chooses Yasmin.
Right after the challenge Jeff tells Mike that he has to see the medical team because e is very out of breath, especially after taking a really hard hit from Erik. He ends up being in extremely weak condition ,and when he tries to get up he faints. They decide he must get medical treatment immediately. So that ends up being one less member for Foa Foa. Its sad, because i hate to see him go so early.
Back at Galu they are happy with their fishing gear and Shambo decides to go fishing. Instead of really fishing she relaxes away from the tribe ends up losing the mouthpiece and gets no fish. Her tribe is awe fully ticked at her, and basically they all know that when they lose she is the first to go.
At Foa Foa's camp Yasmin has an argument with Ben about the way he was acting and that he pushed her at one point n the challenge. She also says she wants to help their tribe because she doesn't like taking candy from a baby. She basically is being a bitch. She also gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol, which Russell already has. Russell is happy about the fight that Ben and Yasmin had saying that Ben is painting a target on his back and Yasmin with her comments will pay.
At tribal council its between Betsey and Ben. Ben is annoying, mean, and got himself kicked out a challenge. Betsey is probably one of the weakest competitors. However the whole tribe ends up voting Betsy out. Russell just sits there so happy with himself, another one of his threats gone.



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