Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Amazing Race Season15 Episode 1 & 2

The most unfair thing happened at the beginning of this season. Right at the start line there is a challenge and the last team to finish gets eliminated right away. SO NOT FAIR! They end up having to find a particular license plate. In the end its between Annoying Couple(Lance & Keri) and the Yoga Couple(Eric & Lisa). Unfortunately the Yoga Couple ends up getting eliminated. Its sad, because they look like they would have been a lot of fun to watch on the race. Its a pity that they had to leave so early and really its just unfair.
Anyways the other teams are all headed to Tokyo!!! (I have wanted to go there forever!) They are on two separate planes, but the other plane catches up ,and they all end up racing through Tokyo to their first Roadblock. On the flights the teams are getting to know each other and The Poker girls(Maria& Tiffany) decide to not tell anyone they are poker players and instead tel people they work for a charity. They also try and hit on the Brother team who haven't told anyone that they are gay.
They arrive at Tokyo Tower Studios in where they have to play Sushi Roulette. When they get a wasabi bomb they have to finis it in two minutes, and then take a group of 20 tourists through the crowded streets to the pitstop. Ron for Older Team with Marcy, and Cheyne for Team Adorable with Meghan end up finishing first. The males continue to finish the challenge with Maria having to eat a wasabi bomb twice in a row, and Brian having to eat it twice aswell.
Some of the teams end up getting lost and some teams end up losing people. Mika & Canaan(Christian Team) ends up losing one person just outside the pitstop. However, Team Poker ends up losing two and have to go searching for them. They end up just going to the pitstop because it would have been impossible to find them, however it ends up being a non elimination round. They get a two hour penalty, for not showing up with all the people and will have to do speed bump next round.
Pitstop order
1.Meghan & Cheyne (Team Adorable)
2. Zev & Justin (Team Awesome)
3. Lance & Keri (Team Annoying)
4. Marcy & Ron (Team Old)
5. Flight Time & Big Easy (Team Globetrotters)
6. Brian & Ericka (Team America)
7. Gary & Matt (Team Cool)
8. Garrett & Jessica (Team Boring)
9. Sam & Dan (Team Bro)
10. Mika & Canaan (Team Christian)
11. Maria & Tiffany (Team Poker) NoN Elimination round
Next the teams are off to Vietnam. Most of teams end up booking flights online however a few to not, and have to pretty much beg for tickets for the same flight. They all end up on the same flight. People start to notice that Team poker aren't really nice. A man they ask to help also recognises them as poker players. So their secret comes out, and everyone is kind of ticked.
As soon as they get there, they have to race to a place and sleep over night there. In the morning they have to fill these pans with mud and fertilize a tree. Team Poker has to do a speed bump before they can do that ,but it heads up being really easy and they catch up. Its hilarious watching people slip and fall in the mud. The only panic time is when Justin (Team awesome) fell in the water and lost the clue so they didn't know where to go, but they ended up finding it.
Next came the roadblock where each person had to lead geese out of a gated area, over a bridge and back again. Meghan,(Team Adorable) Jessica,(Team Boring) and Ericka(Team America) end up failing it and having to wait for other teams to go before they try again. Flight Time,(Team Globetrotters) Matt,(Team cool) and Sam(Team Bro) end up finishing on their first try. Zev(Team Awesome) does the challenge quickly and everyone else finishes pretty quick too, except Jessica,(Team Boring) and Ericka(Team America). They are still trying, but Ericka finishes first, and Team Boring ends up being the last to arrive at the pitstop.
1. Team Cool
2.Team Globetrotters
3.Team Bro
4.Team Annoying
5.Team Awesome
6.Team Adorable
7.Team Poker
8.Team Christian
9.Team Old
10.Team America
11.Team Boring ELIMINATED



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