Friday, January 30, 2009

American IDol top 36???

Adam Lambert
Alexander Wagner-Trugman
Alexis Grace
Allison Iraheta
Ann Marie Boskovich
Anoop Desai
Arianna Ayesha Afsar
Brent Keith
Casey Carlson
Danny Gokey
Jackie Tohn
Jasmine Murray
Jeanine Vailes
Jessica Langseth
Joanna Pacitti
Jorge Nunez
Junot Joyner
Kai Kalama
Kendall Beard
Kristen McNamara
Kris Allen
Lil Rounds
Matt Breitzke
Matt Giraud
Megan Corkrey
Michael *unsure of last name- maybe Michael Sarver or Michael Tristan or Michael Bartul Mishavonna Henson
Nathaniel Marshall
Nick Western (the only one not listed on the AI site- possibly could be Nick Hendrix from Orlando?)
Ricky Braddy
Scott MacIntyre
Stephen Fowler
Stevie Wright
Taylor Vaifanua
Tatiana Del Toro (WTF???)
Von Smith

What?? It better be Micael Castro!!!!!! Where is COdy Sheldon, Emily Hughes?? :(
The highlighted ones make me happy!


American IDol8 Jacksonville auditions

My first question is why did Simon and Randy start in different seats? I don’t want Simon sitting by Kara, I want him by Paula!!!
Joshua Ulloa? I was actually really entertained by him. I don’t know how far he will get in Holly wood, but he was a cool guy.
Sharon Wilbur: I didn’t like her voice at all.
Dana Moreno: Had an ugly dress on, and an ugly sounding voice.
Keneseva: A horrible performance by this 16 year old. I don’t even know if it was a serious audition.
Julissa/beauty queen: didn’t think she is that beautiful, but she is pretty crazy and fun. Her voice was better then I thought it was going to be. Jasmine Murray: another 16 year old… Should have picked a different song.
George Ramirez: He was pretty funny, and maybe a little bit crazy. Annemarie: She was confused , she had an alright voice though.
T.k. Hash: I really like him. I thought he was way better at singing Imagine , then David A. I am curious t why Simon said no.
Michael Perrelli: I didn’t really understand why he was crying. I thought his family was nice, his dad being the case carrier was funny. I actually thought he wasn’t a bad singer. I would have put him through.. I hope he comes back next year

Final thoughts: I disliked this episode.
The only good thing about it was T.K Hash. The worst thing is Michael Perrelli..he was good.. just like Josiah...


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

American Idol 8 Louisville, Kentucky

We are now @ Louisville Kentucky!
After last nights horrible episode I was hoping tonight would be better. The first contestant Tiffany Shed didn’t really make me excited to watch at all. My advice to her would be go to college, however I don’t even know if she is smart enough for that.
However, the next contestant totally brightened my mood. Joanna Pacitti came in and sang beautifully. She is defiantly one of the top female competitors in my opinion. She is super pretty and by hearing a bit of her story of already trying, I think makes her deserve it.
Mark Mudd, or Muck? Is that what they where calling him? The only thing that bothered be was that the judges made it a big deal about him saying “be careful” I didn’t think it seemed like a threat at all. It was just like have a good day, or stay well.
Brent Keith Smith came next and I thought he was alright. You could definitely tell he was super nervous .Hopefully he doesn’t let his nerves bother him or he will be gone before he even steps off the plane.
Matt Giraud was next and the judges said he reminded them of Elliott which he definitely doesn’t remind me of. Maybe because he used a song that Elliott made very popular, but otherwise no.
Alexis Grace, I just like her name, and her personality, I’m not really a fan of the voice though.
The judges went totally crazy during this episode especially with Aaron Williamson. I really laughed though when he said he was trying out to be Americas next top model. Ha-ha. I felt really bad for this guy though, he just looked so heartbroken.
I felt really bad for Rebecca Garcia, the one who wrote her lyrics on her arms. The words weren’t even right and she was so bad. But she genuinely looked upset.
Some others made it in, who I barely caught what their names were, Kris Allen, Felicia Barton, Ryan Johnson and Shera Lawrence.
And last but not least was Leneshe Young. She had this sad story about being homeless and such and I couldn’t tell if she was really real, but during her audition she won me over. I quite liked her voice and the song she wrote “Nattie” was pretty cool. She is also totally marketable, which is great for American Idol.
Final Thoughts:
None.. Actually this episode was quite boring I now realize. Forgettable, I hope it starts to get better!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

90210; The Accident

I was so happy to see Mr. Matthews back. However, he is pretty much changed into a jerk.

Dixon reveals that him and Silver aren't donig good to Ethan. Silver gets kicked out of Mr.Matthews class because she called him a child molester on her blog etc.

Annie is trying out for the part of Cleopatra in the school play. She tries to convince Ethan to think about trying out to so then they can spend more time together.

Adrianna is also wanting to try out for the part as Cleopatra. Naomi notices that she really hasn't been taking care of herself and tells her to go to the doctor. Naomi brings Kelly and tries to convince Adrianna that she should maybe have an abortion. kelly says she should weigh all the options. Adrianna doesn't want to hear any of it.

Dixon tries to talk to Silver about whats going on , but she is so focused on getting back into Mr.Matthews class that she doesn't even listen. She decides to write a paper for his class even though she isn't in it anymore.
Naomi's mother left because of whatever reason, and her dad is selling the house and tells Naomi that she is comng to live with him and his fling.
Adrianna went driving all night to think, and almost gets into an accident.

Ty comes bac kinto the picture and Ethan gets a little jeleous. Annie and Ty have to tryout together and they are told they have great chemistry together. Then Ty goes on to tell Annie not to worry, because she will be comfortable on stage soon enough.

Mr.Matthews tells Kelly that he is burned out, and this will probably be his last year teaching. He doesn't enjoy what he is doing anymore. He does however read the paper that Silver wrote and lets her in the class. Kelly tells him him that he is a darn good teacher if he can get a student whos not even in the class to write a paper.

Adrianna went to the doctor and ended up missing her tryout for the play, she however does it anyways when the woman is leaving and leavse everything out there.

Adrianna reveals to Naomi that she is to far along so she has to have the baby... we also find out the father isn't Hank..its Ty!

Adrianna ends up getting the part as Cleopatra, which makes Annie upset. She is upset because she didn't get it, but also upset that she is aactually upset about it all. Ethan also gets a part. He comes to get her for a cast supper, however Annie doesn't really want to go but says he should go and have fun.

Meanwhile, Silver is all excited about getting back into class and keeps going on about it. Finally Dixon just buts in, and breaks up with her! She is left sitting there shocked.

Annies parents, finally convince Annie that she should go to the cast party. She calls up Ethan and he says he will come get her, when CRASH!
Till next time! I hope hes ok!


American Idol 8 San Francisco Auditions

The home of two greats William Hung and Katherine Mcphee. Really this episode was terrible. I have never saw such a talentless city. The people they put through that they showed, well most of them were just ok, and probably won't make it past the first cut.

Tatiana Del Toro was first and her laugh made my want to scream. Was she for real? She was an ok of a singer but her personality was so annoying. I can't believe she actually got a gold ticket.
Next we had Dean Anthony Bradford, who was wearing this crazy looking coat which i kind of liked, however he couldn't sing at all.

Jesus Valenzula was next and was really a nice guy, with an ok voice. The judges had him bring his kids in and i think they kind of gave him the ticket based on his kids. He is really likable though, and his second song was pretty good.

Dalton Powell was great at the Rubik Cube, but horrible at singing.

Akilah Askew..something.. was studying like crazy about how to train your voice and such. I think though she was actually crazy. through the whole entire audition i was saying this woman is nuts! I just want to clear my mind of her!

Then we get three people who made it, but we didn't really get to see much of their auditions. I didn't even catch all of their names. The first one was John Twiford, then a red haired girl, and Raquel something.
Adam Lambert was pretty much awesome. I really love musical theatre guys. My brother is one and so i know how hard they work. I also love that for the past year and a bit he has been in the cast of Wicked! I loved Wicked so much. I just think it is an awesome show. Anyways, he was really good, so i look forward to see much more of him.

And the last person we had was Kai Kalama who performs and also takes care of his sick mother .The story was pretty sad. He really is super hot, and had a pretty good voice. I'm not sure if he is strong enough, but hopefully he works it out in Hollywood.
Final thoughts:

Basically the show was disappointing. There was only 12 that made it from there so it was kind of a waste of a city. I don't know why they didn't just show all 12 of the auditions and be done with it. and that's all i have to say about it.


GossipGirl; You've got Yale

This episode starts off with everyone waiting to find out who has gotten into Yale. Blair starts the morning off perfect and is excited. Dan is pretty much a nervous wreck. The weird thing is that the students find out the results by text message? Really? Anyways Dan gets in and so does Serena. However Serena lies ,and says she is wait listed instead. She only does this because poor Blair did not get in. Blair freaks out. She goes to tlak to the head mistress, who lets Blair know that the top ones get in when they are wait listed and Blair is next on the list. Blair knows that someone else got in, and is etermined to find out woh that someone is. The worst thing is that while this drama is going on Blair also gets her first "B" from the new teacher Ms. Carr. Blair tries ot talk it over with Ms.Carr, but Ms.Carr says there is nothing she can do about it. She decides to play a prank on Ms. Carr and invites her to the boathouse for supper and then to the Opera. The Boathouse is closed and the Opera starts earlier then 8. Its all funny until Blair gets a call from the head mistress who had talked to Ms Carr earlier and said she will keep Blairs average at an A. Blair runs off to make amends. Ms. Carr takes the apology, except when Blair leaves Ms. Carr phones the headmistress. Yeah, a bitchy thing to do. Blair ends up getting detention and her Yale admission now is now certian. Blair declares war. Which i think is great because really who does this Ms. Carr think she is? And how can something that happened out of school get you detention? Ms. Carr will get hers, and i can't wait..I just hope it doesn't bring Dan down aswell.
Dan and Serena kind of fight aout the whole yale thing when Serena declines to go. Dan ends up ignoring a call from Serena so he can talk more with Ms.Carr. I really am starting to hate this broad.
Lily and Rufus are definetly together now which grosses out all the kids. They really are sweet together. The ost important thing that happened this episode was Lily and Chuck connected. Chuck ned to take down Jeck Bass, and asked Lily to help considering she owns 20% of the company still. She says she will, but that she really wants him to become part of the family. He isn't so interested. They go through a bunch of plans, even crashing an airplane with Jack in Finally at the Opera Lily comes up with the perfect plan. Before Bart died they were going to officially adopt eachothers kids. It was signed and everything. The paperworks exists which really makes Lily the legal guardian. Chuck signs for it and Jack is furious. Somehow Jack locks Lily in the washroom and is super angry. He tries to kiss her, and is pretty much attacking her. Dan and Chuck don't know where she is, and Chuck remembers he saw her going into the washroom and breaks down the door. he throws Jack down and punches him. That is pretty much the end of Jack Bass. Thank gosh!(but we never found out what he and Blair did!)
The next morning, Lily calls Chuck over, and says thank you and that when he turns 18 the company is his. He is grateful, and asks if he can accept Lilys offer and move in. awe so cute!
Oh yeah and Nate and Vanessa are all dating this episode. She buys tickets to the Opera in crappy seats, but Nate also bought good box seats. They went to sit in the ones Vanessa bought instead but there was this crazy coughing woman, and they switch to the good seats. Its kind of cute. but oh so boring!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

90210; Love me or Leave me

Quick Summary because i kind of hated this episode.
It all starts off with ethan and Annie being all lovey dovey and saying "i love you" all the time. Silver thinks its gross and is really just being bitter about everything.

Naveed and Adrianna are talkig and he is setting up his camera and he comments on how she is glowing. Adrianna says she is not glowing! (She really was! Ever since she has been off drugs in the show she is looking so pretty! She is pretty much my favourite character right now.)
Dixon decided to join choir and Silver just makes fun of him for it. They find out school will be cancelled the next day because of the extreme heat, and the air conditioner isn't working. The whole school basically is going to have one huge beach party. (It really makes me jeleous because here in Saskatoon it is so freaking cold!)
Annie gets a car from her Grandma.However Deb freaks out about it and takes it away. (I was so mad) Basically Deb and Grandma are both trying to be like "the boss of the house". Anyways, secretly Grandma gives Annie the keys to the beach house, saying she needs to just get away.

Dixon talks to Naveed about bitter Silver. Naveed says the whole things is about wanting to hear "i love you" from Dixon. Dixon isn't convinced.

Adrianna finally confides in Niomi that she is pregnant not on drugs again, which is what most people think after she fainted in class. Niomi says she will be there for her.

Ethan and Annie go to palmsprings where the beach house is, and in the back of both of their minds is "is this the night?" So they go for this big expensive supper and its all romantic but a little weird because they are still kids.

Silver wants to build this awesome sandcastle and just as her and Dixon are finishing the castle he decides to say those 3 little words. She says "Thankyou" He gets mad, then she gets mad that he got mad and its one big mess. Plus she breaks the sandcastle!
Adrianna finally tells Naveed that she is pregnant. He walks away saying he needs to think.

Meanwhile Annie and Ethan start making out and Annie starts laughing and starts talking about how she has been waiting for the right person etc. Ethan says he doesn't want to have sex because what if he hurts her in the future or she regrets it. She says" he just did hurt her".

The parents find out about Annie going to the beach house and confront Grandma saying that they are the parents and if she doesn't like it they will move out. Then they go to get Annie. However once they get their they are so happy to see that Ethan and Annie are sleeping in two seperate beds.

The next day:
Annie and Ethan go out ot the car and find her parents sleeping in the back of the van. Her mom is topless.haha. They don't talk on the way home. At schoo lthey end up talking about it. They both realize they were taking things to fast and they want to slow it down.
Dixon basically just ignores Silver ,and it pretty much looks like its over.
Naveed tells Adrianna that he wants to be there for her but he can't. Its over. Adrianna walks away and around the corner she breaks down. (Its super heartbreaking.. i want Naveed to be there for her.. i really do.)
:( That is why i hated this episode. I loveAdrianna and Naveed together!
Oh and Annie gets the car back!


Friday, January 16, 2009

American Idol 8 Kansas Auditions

Kansas is the home of last years winner David Cook and also the Wizard of Oz. I love that we get to see Jason being all cute waiting to greet Paula.

Anyways the first contestant is Chelsea Marquarot who is so bad. She actually thought she was good though. Next is Ashley Anderson who really needs to cut her hair, bangs and that length of hair can only be pulled off by a few, and she is not one of them. She was good,. I think I would have liked her more if she had sang a different song. Next we Have Casey Carlson who definitely picked the wrong song. I didn’t like her voice one bit. However, she is freaking gorgeous and is wearing the cutest dress ever. The judges gave her a ticket which is good for her.

Brian something was dreadful, definitely did not sound like Josh Groban. Then there is a bunch of bad singers who I really just want to forget.
Von Smith had this Quirky cuteness to him and was an alright singer. The judges really liked him which I was surprised.
I laughed that Fantasia’s brother and David Cooks brother didn’t make it. Talent doesn’t always run in the family. However it definitely does for the Castro’s. Jason and his brother Michael are super cute together. Michael can’t d interviews just like his brother which I thought was hilarious. H e also called Jason girly which was even funnier and then tried to explain it, but just made it worse. The brother rivalry between them is super cute as well. Basically what I’m saying is I would like to marry into the Castro family.
Matt Breitzke seemed like a nice genuine guy and his voice was pretty good.
Jessica Furney was a breath of fresh air. She sang really well and is just such a normal girl, which is really nice to see. I hope she does well.
I really like seeing rappers. I wish more would come out that can actually sing. The sisters were alright. I definitely think India was much better then Asia. The Mclain sisters were hot though with that rap!

Jamar Rogers was good, I thought he was hot, other then that I don’t think he will make it that far.
His best friend Danny Gokey,however has such a good voice. His tone and vibe he puts off when he sings is really nice. This guy is going to do great. His story was really sad, but I’m glad he has lots of support around him. Next was the also brilliant Anoop Desai. I have this current infatuation with east Indian guys. I don’t know what it is, but they are all amazing. Anyways back to his voice. Which was amazing and soulful.
The next guy reminded me of Clay Aiken. He didn’t get a gold ticket though. His voice wasn’t great, but I thought there was potential. I don’t think the cheerleaders helped either.
Asa Barnes was next and he had the most adorable daughter ever. I didn’t really like his voice that much, but it could be because he sang Michael Jackson. I don’t think anyone should ever sing Michael, or Mariah, or Whitney. Just don’t.
Next we got a great guy Michael Nicewonder. My only advice to him would be don’t bleach your hair anymore..oh yeah and you definitely cannot sing.
Next we got the ever so wild Dennis Brigham who picked a great song, With you by Chris Brown. I was pretty entertained. I don’t think he will make it far in the competition but I think he’s got “it”.
Next was a girl who thought she was great and she wasn’t and she freaked out when she didn’t get a ticket of course.
And last but definitely not least was Lil Rounds. She has the most adorable kids I have ever saw. I just want to take that whole family and just watch them play and be oh so cute. Anyways she was super talented ,and I predict top 12 for sure. No questions asked.
My final questions about tonight:
Why was there a guy singing with a banana?
I need to become a member of the Castro family, how do I go about that?
Has there ever been someone with a ridiculous costume that has actually had a good voice?


American Idol 8 Arizona auditions.

The beginning thing about all the past seasons is always a great way to start the show and remind us of the great and horrible moments from the past. I really got teared up though when they showed Elliott’s mother Claudette. What a lovely supporting, adorable woman she was. She is definitely missed.

The You tube video of the girls crying when David Cook won, instead of David Archuleta was hilarious when I had first saw it. Everyone should Google it and watch the whole version. Its hilarious!

Anyways so we start off this season in Phoenix Arizona, the home of Miss Jordin Sparks.
The first contestant is Tuan Nguyen. My only comment about him, is that his real hair?
Next was Emily Hughes who is my favourite of the night. I loved her when I saw her because I always enjoy people with tattoos. I also love that she said she got a whole bunch because she didn’t want to be one of those people forced into sitting in an office. I totally can relate to that. I loved her performance of Barracuda. I also like the fact that she wants to go with her band after the show. I think that’s great, we need more girl bands!

Randy Madden was next and I really wanted them to take him. He really seemed like a nice guy. When he said He just wants someone to tell him that he’s great I really felt for him. I got what the judges were saying about him, I don’t necessarily agree that to be a rocker you have t o go through hard times and be with a band and such. RANDY, I THINK YOUR GREAT! J.B Afua had a really sweet voice so much that I almost wanted to marry him right then and there just s so I could hear him sing to me like that every night.

Michael Gurr was uh.. Interesting? I couldn’t tell if he was singing, and I don’t understand why they made him sing another song!

Next we got to meet Aundre, oh sorry “X-ray“…yeah was he high or drunk?

Arianna Afsar was next and I thought she was adorable. She is a little to adorable for me, but she had a good voice. Props for her smiling the whole way through.

On day two we got a little montage of “all the notes” We then get to meet Elijam who has the deepest vice I have ever heard. How old was he again? 17? Ridiculous. I really, really liked him…his voice not so much, but he was such a sweet guy.

Next we got to meet Carla Kara’s biggest fan. She is song writer just like Kara, but unlike Kara she s super annoying ,and can’t sing at all. Kara even makes the comment about if that is her fan what does that say about herself. Hilarious!

Stevie Wright came up and sang and was ok. The judges seemed to like her..a little to much… even compared her to Kelly Clarkson.

Michael ( I missed his last name) was like a diamond in the rough. He didn’t look like he could sing, but he did. I’m not quite sure how he will do in Hollywood though.

Next, we get Katrina Darrel who I am saddened to say got a ticket. Nothing like a girl in a bikini to show little girls how to act. I can’t believe how rude she was to Kara and even Paula. She didn’t care what they thought, she just wanted to know Simon and Randy’s opinion. Anyways I hated the way she bobbed her head while she sang. The good news is eventually she will have to put on real clothes.

Eric Thomas aka Sexual Chocolate was a nice treat after seeing the girl above.^ To bad he couldn’t sing!
Briana Quijada was super bubbly and down to earth. I doubt however she will make it very far in this competition. Her voice just didn’t seem to strong.

Deanna Brown surprised me. She doesn’t look the part, I think she could be quite good. Her voice is just really interesting. Good luck to her!

Cody Sheldon will melt little girls hearts. He is super adorable and super cool making those horror films. I loved his song choice, and I thought he did a really good job.

The next guy is pretty much awesome. His name is Alex Wagner Trug-man. I know a lot of people will find him not funny and blah, blah ,blah. But I loved him! All his jokes made me laugh. The whole closet thing that went on in the judges room was hilarious. The fact that he sang in the closet was even funny. I definitely would have said Joe Cocker too. I really want him to do well. Cuz I secretly am in love with people who make lame jokes and are a little dorky. And last but not least we have Scott Macintyre. He seems super smart, and I love how he just goes out and does things even though he is blind. He has a good voice , I just hope Hollywood round doesn’t eat him alive. I also thought it was hilarious and sad at the same time, when Ryan went to give him a high-five and was like “oh crap, he can’t see my hand”.

So my final thoughts are
How do you get a job handing out golden tickets?
Didn’t Paula look stunning this whole time? She was wearing this great outfit. Her makeup was perfect, her hair flawless. I’m not much of a Paula fan, but she is looking great!
& good luck to Alex Wagner-Trugman, Cody Sheldon, Emily Hughes and J.B Afua. & of course to everyone else minus Barbie girl.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

GossipGirl; Gone with the Will

ugh!!!! I hate that Jack Bass. Just when it looked like things between Blair and Chuck were getting so good, he messes it up. I totally blame him, Chuck didn't mean it!
Anyways heres what happened on this GG episode:

Starting with Chuck because he is the one i can't get off my mind! First, Jack becomes Chucks guardian. The will of his father is read, and he is given 51% of the company leaving Jack Bass very pissed off. At first he doesn't want it all, wondering why his father even wants him to have it. He is mad and upset. Good Blair, comes to the rescue encouraging him, and saying his father obviously saw something in him. He decides to take it, leaving Jack even more angry. So Blair and Chuck plan to have supper together but Jack has other plans for Chuck. He takes him out partying and gets him completely wasted. Before this of course, he tells Blair that she should throw a brunch in Chucks honour. Of course the next morning, Chuck is wasted with two girls in their underwear when some important people of Bass industries come to the brunch . They see him like this and wonder what on earth Bart Bass was thinking when he put his son in charge. Apparently, Bart wasn't to confident in him either because he put like a clause on it. If the board doesn't think he is being responsible his guardian will become CEO. Which the board doesn't think he is and which makes Jack Bass CEO!!!! Not only does Chuck lose that, he finally(well for now) loses Blair. He had yelled at her for trying to be "his wife". She pretty much has had enough and even after he brings flowers and tries to apologise she doesn't forgive him, and even throws the flowers back at him.
Oh yeah and did you know that Rufus and Lily had a son together? Yeah? well so does everyone else now, thanks to none other then Nelly Yuki. Yeah,her again...The whole group thinks Dan is cheating on Serena and they need to find out with who, when Nelly decides to steal Dans phone. She finds out the secret and they send it in to Gossip Girl. At the Brunch everyone reads the message. Serena is upset, not with Dan but just because there was the secret between her, Eric and Lily. Eric and Jenny seem to be alright with it, considering they fought like brother and sister this whole episode.

Meanwhile, Lily and Rufus aren't having much luck connecting with the parents that adopted their son. They are still in love though, and hook up grownup like. Then they get a call that the father wants to meet with them. They go and meet and the father gives them the tragic news. The son "Andrew" had drowned a year ago. They are upset, and on the way to Rufus' apartment, they think maybe they weren't meant to be a family. They open the door, and Serena,Dan, Jenny and Eric are all laughing and eating together... a perfect family. (except that two of them are dating.) and the fact that the adoptive parents lied, and the son that died really wasn't the son of Lily and Rufus. So his name probably isn't Andrew, that was the other son they have... so when will we meet him?!?and how?!?

Oh yeah, Nate and Vanessa make brief appearances this episode. It was their anniversary...2 months.. Plus people actually know who Vanessa is because of Gossip Girl, and she is a little amused by this fact.
Awesome quotes this episode:
Blair: It's so hard finding obedient minions.

Lawyer: [About letting Jack be guardian] Are you comfortable with this?
Chuck: Curfew?
Jack: None.
Chuck: Girls sleeping over?
Jack: Yes, please.
Chuck: I'll allow it.

Nate: [on Bart's letter] Aren't you curious what it says?
Chuck: I think I can guess. You're a disappointment of a son; I'd die of embarrassment if I hadn't already; why do you wear so much purple?

Lily: I don't want to spend another day yet another minute trapped in this hotel room scared that you are going to hate me forever... when I'm still in love with you.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Quick recap:
* Adrianna had this rehab runion and invites Brenda. Brenda doesn't really want to go, and Kelly freaks out on her for it. They bicker back and fourth. At the place Adrianna finds out that this guy Hank who she had slept with is HIV positive.This leads her to go get tested. Thankfully she doesn't have HIV but she is pregnant. She doesn't know who the father is, and is upset about what Naveed is gonig to think. Brenda runs out, and Kelly goes to her house asking her to pretty much explain herself. Brenda tells her she can't have kids, and she is thinking of adopting. They want to be there for eachother.

*Christina(the cheerleader) invites Dixon over to her house to listen to this gospel choir and stuff. He doesn't tell Silver because she doesn't like her. However at the house he tells Christina he has a gf, and she laughs, because she has a gf aswell. Dixon then invites Silver over and tells her that he didn't really like keeping this from her.
* Annie overhears that Sean is in trouble and tells her parents. Sean claims he has to pay his dads gambling debt. Annie and Debbie know that something is not right with this kid and ask Harry to make Sean take a paternity test. Harry asks, and Sean agrees,.... however is gone the next morning. He didn't leave without getting the money though from Naiomis mother. Naiomi blames Annie for it.....


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Gossip Girl ;The Realm of Basses

"Where in the world is Chuck Bass" GossipGirl

Another great episode. Here is a summary of what unfolded:
*Rufus dissapeared for two weeks.He tells Dan some lie, and Dan isn't to convinced.Rufus was actually trying to find his secret love child with Lily.
*Dorota and Ms. Blair are planning a party for the Colony Club. Its a club for woman of upper eastside. So basically a snobbish club. Anyways Blair tries to convince herself she is over Chuck and doesn't care where he is. However, Jack(Chucks uncle) texts Blair and says he has found him. (Why Jack has her number and is texting her i'm sure will unravel soon enough.)
*Jenny is back at school and is hanging out with the lovely Eric. She keeps seeing Penelope and her crew be mean to Nelly.(That little asian girl) She gets pretty upset about it, since she was once in that position.
*Serena back at school runs into Dan and tells him that 3 hours into the flight to Argentina, she broke up with Aaron. HAHAHA. The best part is that it was a 15 hour flight. 15 hours!!! Anyways they both go through this oh i miss you thing and they kiss. Serena and Dan back together again!
*Rufus goes to Lily and wants to know where the kid is. Lily says she won't tell him, but reveals its a boy! There is another Dan out there!
*Jenny and Eric see Penelope making Nelly clean her shoe, and Jenny stands up and pulls Nelly away from them.
*Chuck shows up at school and lights a joint in the middle of the hallway. Blair is there and the headmistress catches him. Blair defends him, claiming its been rough for him, and also Jack Bass shows up. The head mistress says she will let it go, if it doesn't happen again. Chuck lights up another joint and walks out of the room .lol.
*Dan starts to wonder whats going on with his dad especially after Rufus tells Dan he and Serena shouldn't date again. He finds info on the adoption center.
*Blair ends up hating the colony. They of course are snobby and end up bashing Lily,Serena and Chuck.
*Nelly tellls Jenny that Penelope is sleeping with a guy her dad works with, and they decide to blackmail them for Nellys freedom. It works as Jenny gets a secret about the other two and they threaten to g oto Gossip Girl. Jenny then becomes Queen J! however, she doesn't want it, and Nelly then sides with the others again. Apparently she just wanted a new leader, and Jenny didn't want it. So Nelly is just as scheming as the rest of them.
* Dan goes to Rufus to get answers and Rufus won't tell him anytihng. Dan then decides to g oto Chuck. Chuck tells him that he isn't really the first born.
* Lily and Rufus reconnect sort of and decide to fing their son.
* Chuck is going to jump off a roof! Blair and JAck rush up and try to convince him not to jump. He screams "I'm Chuck Bass,No one cares!" Blair says she will always care, and if he he doesn't want to do it for himself he shouldn't jump and do it to her. he steps off the edge to safetly and they embrace.. They go down to the limo and Jack says to Blair that they shouldn't let Chuck know about Newyears!!!!!!


Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year tv!

I can't wait for everything to start up again...This week we have Gossip Girl tonight, 90210 on Tuesday, ER on Thursday and a auper awesome episode of SNL. Everyone must check it out on Saterday! The musical guest is Taylor Swift and other guest is Neil Patrick Harris! Two awesome people, i will not miss this! Hottness!!!!
