Tuesday, January 20, 2009

American Idol 8 San Francisco Auditions

The home of two greats William Hung and Katherine Mcphee. Really this episode was terrible. I have never saw such a talentless city. The people they put through that they showed, well most of them were just ok, and probably won't make it past the first cut.

Tatiana Del Toro was first and her laugh made my want to scream. Was she for real? She was an ok of a singer but her personality was so annoying. I can't believe she actually got a gold ticket.
Next we had Dean Anthony Bradford, who was wearing this crazy looking coat which i kind of liked, however he couldn't sing at all.

Jesus Valenzula was next and was really a nice guy, with an ok voice. The judges had him bring his kids in and i think they kind of gave him the ticket based on his kids. He is really likable though, and his second song was pretty good.

Dalton Powell was great at the Rubik Cube, but horrible at singing.

Akilah Askew..something.. was studying like crazy about how to train your voice and such. I think though she was actually crazy. through the whole entire audition i was saying this woman is nuts! I just want to clear my mind of her!

Then we get three people who made it, but we didn't really get to see much of their auditions. I didn't even catch all of their names. The first one was John Twiford, then a red haired girl, and Raquel something.
Adam Lambert was pretty much awesome. I really love musical theatre guys. My brother is one and so i know how hard they work. I also love that for the past year and a bit he has been in the cast of Wicked! I loved Wicked so much. I just think it is an awesome show. Anyways, he was really good, so i look forward to see much more of him.

And the last person we had was Kai Kalama who performs and also takes care of his sick mother .The story was pretty sad. He really is super hot, and had a pretty good voice. I'm not sure if he is strong enough, but hopefully he works it out in Hollywood.
Final thoughts:

Basically the show was disappointing. There was only 12 that made it from there so it was kind of a waste of a city. I don't know why they didn't just show all 12 of the auditions and be done with it. and that's all i have to say about it.



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