Sunday, January 18, 2009

90210; Love me or Leave me

Quick Summary because i kind of hated this episode.
It all starts off with ethan and Annie being all lovey dovey and saying "i love you" all the time. Silver thinks its gross and is really just being bitter about everything.

Naveed and Adrianna are talkig and he is setting up his camera and he comments on how she is glowing. Adrianna says she is not glowing! (She really was! Ever since she has been off drugs in the show she is looking so pretty! She is pretty much my favourite character right now.)
Dixon decided to join choir and Silver just makes fun of him for it. They find out school will be cancelled the next day because of the extreme heat, and the air conditioner isn't working. The whole school basically is going to have one huge beach party. (It really makes me jeleous because here in Saskatoon it is so freaking cold!)
Annie gets a car from her Grandma.However Deb freaks out about it and takes it away. (I was so mad) Basically Deb and Grandma are both trying to be like "the boss of the house". Anyways, secretly Grandma gives Annie the keys to the beach house, saying she needs to just get away.

Dixon talks to Naveed about bitter Silver. Naveed says the whole things is about wanting to hear "i love you" from Dixon. Dixon isn't convinced.

Adrianna finally confides in Niomi that she is pregnant not on drugs again, which is what most people think after she fainted in class. Niomi says she will be there for her.

Ethan and Annie go to palmsprings where the beach house is, and in the back of both of their minds is "is this the night?" So they go for this big expensive supper and its all romantic but a little weird because they are still kids.

Silver wants to build this awesome sandcastle and just as her and Dixon are finishing the castle he decides to say those 3 little words. She says "Thankyou" He gets mad, then she gets mad that he got mad and its one big mess. Plus she breaks the sandcastle!
Adrianna finally tells Naveed that she is pregnant. He walks away saying he needs to think.

Meanwhile Annie and Ethan start making out and Annie starts laughing and starts talking about how she has been waiting for the right person etc. Ethan says he doesn't want to have sex because what if he hurts her in the future or she regrets it. She says" he just did hurt her".

The parents find out about Annie going to the beach house and confront Grandma saying that they are the parents and if she doesn't like it they will move out. Then they go to get Annie. However once they get their they are so happy to see that Ethan and Annie are sleeping in two seperate beds.

The next day:
Annie and Ethan go out ot the car and find her parents sleeping in the back of the van. Her mom is topless.haha. They don't talk on the way home. At schoo lthey end up talking about it. They both realize they were taking things to fast and they want to slow it down.
Dixon basically just ignores Silver ,and it pretty much looks like its over.
Naveed tells Adrianna that he wants to be there for her but he can't. Its over. Adrianna walks away and around the corner she breaks down. (Its super heartbreaking.. i want Naveed to be there for her.. i really do.)
:( That is why i hated this episode. I loveAdrianna and Naveed together!
Oh and Annie gets the car back!



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