Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Gossip Girl ;The Realm of Basses

"Where in the world is Chuck Bass" GossipGirl

Another great episode. Here is a summary of what unfolded:
*Rufus dissapeared for two weeks.He tells Dan some lie, and Dan isn't to convinced.Rufus was actually trying to find his secret love child with Lily.
*Dorota and Ms. Blair are planning a party for the Colony Club. Its a club for woman of upper eastside. So basically a snobbish club. Anyways Blair tries to convince herself she is over Chuck and doesn't care where he is. However, Jack(Chucks uncle) texts Blair and says he has found him. (Why Jack has her number and is texting her i'm sure will unravel soon enough.)
*Jenny is back at school and is hanging out with the lovely Eric. She keeps seeing Penelope and her crew be mean to Nelly.(That little asian girl) She gets pretty upset about it, since she was once in that position.
*Serena back at school runs into Dan and tells him that 3 hours into the flight to Argentina, she broke up with Aaron. HAHAHA. The best part is that it was a 15 hour flight. 15 hours!!! Anyways they both go through this oh i miss you thing and they kiss. Serena and Dan back together again!
*Rufus goes to Lily and wants to know where the kid is. Lily says she won't tell him, but reveals its a boy! There is another Dan out there!
*Jenny and Eric see Penelope making Nelly clean her shoe, and Jenny stands up and pulls Nelly away from them.
*Chuck shows up at school and lights a joint in the middle of the hallway. Blair is there and the headmistress catches him. Blair defends him, claiming its been rough for him, and also Jack Bass shows up. The head mistress says she will let it go, if it doesn't happen again. Chuck lights up another joint and walks out of the room .lol.
*Dan starts to wonder whats going on with his dad especially after Rufus tells Dan he and Serena shouldn't date again. He finds info on the adoption center.
*Blair ends up hating the colony. They of course are snobby and end up bashing Lily,Serena and Chuck.
*Nelly tellls Jenny that Penelope is sleeping with a guy her dad works with, and they decide to blackmail them for Nellys freedom. It works as Jenny gets a secret about the other two and they threaten to g oto Gossip Girl. Jenny then becomes Queen J! however, she doesn't want it, and Nelly then sides with the others again. Apparently she just wanted a new leader, and Jenny didn't want it. So Nelly is just as scheming as the rest of them.
* Dan goes to Rufus to get answers and Rufus won't tell him anytihng. Dan then decides to g oto Chuck. Chuck tells him that he isn't really the first born.
* Lily and Rufus reconnect sort of and decide to fing their son.
* Chuck is going to jump off a roof! Blair and JAck rush up and try to convince him not to jump. He screams "I'm Chuck Bass,No one cares!" Blair says she will always care, and if he he doesn't want to do it for himself he shouldn't jump and do it to her. he steps off the edge to safetly and they embrace.. They go down to the limo and Jack says to Blair that they shouldn't let Chuck know about Newyears!!!!!!



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