Tuesday, January 20, 2009

90210; The Accident

I was so happy to see Mr. Matthews back. However, he is pretty much changed into a jerk.

Dixon reveals that him and Silver aren't donig good to Ethan. Silver gets kicked out of Mr.Matthews class because she called him a child molester on her blog etc.

Annie is trying out for the part of Cleopatra in the school play. She tries to convince Ethan to think about trying out to so then they can spend more time together.

Adrianna is also wanting to try out for the part as Cleopatra. Naomi notices that she really hasn't been taking care of herself and tells her to go to the doctor. Naomi brings Kelly and tries to convince Adrianna that she should maybe have an abortion. kelly says she should weigh all the options. Adrianna doesn't want to hear any of it.

Dixon tries to talk to Silver about whats going on , but she is so focused on getting back into Mr.Matthews class that she doesn't even listen. She decides to write a paper for his class even though she isn't in it anymore.
Naomi's mother left because of whatever reason, and her dad is selling the house and tells Naomi that she is comng to live with him and his fling.
Adrianna went driving all night to think, and almost gets into an accident.

Ty comes bac kinto the picture and Ethan gets a little jeleous. Annie and Ty have to tryout together and they are told they have great chemistry together. Then Ty goes on to tell Annie not to worry, because she will be comfortable on stage soon enough.

Mr.Matthews tells Kelly that he is burned out, and this will probably be his last year teaching. He doesn't enjoy what he is doing anymore. He does however read the paper that Silver wrote and lets her in the class. Kelly tells him him that he is a darn good teacher if he can get a student whos not even in the class to write a paper.

Adrianna went to the doctor and ended up missing her tryout for the play, she however does it anyways when the woman is leaving and leavse everything out there.

Adrianna reveals to Naomi that she is to far along so she has to have the baby... we also find out the father isn't Hank..its Ty!

Adrianna ends up getting the part as Cleopatra, which makes Annie upset. She is upset because she didn't get it, but also upset that she is aactually upset about it all. Ethan also gets a part. He comes to get her for a cast supper, however Annie doesn't really want to go but says he should go and have fun.

Meanwhile, Silver is all excited about getting back into class and keeps going on about it. Finally Dixon just buts in, and breaks up with her! She is left sitting there shocked.

Annies parents, finally convince Annie that she should go to the cast party. She calls up Ethan and he says he will come get her, when CRASH!
Till next time! I hope hes ok!



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