Sunday, October 30, 2005

been sick...

yes, i have strep throat, i didn't blog at all last week. another reason why, was because alost all the shows were reeats or not on. Degrassi was new, and not much really happened except that Jimmy has decided he does not want to play basketball anymore. Danny (liberty's brother) finds out she is pregnant, and is pissed off. The Amazing Race was aldo new. but it was a non elimination round, so not that important. The Paolo family actually looked like a family this week. The on kid was scared to bungee jump, but then he did and kissed his mother on the cheek. i want the Weavers to win still!! i'm going to blog about survivor, and ANTM on a seperate one leter on sometime....Happy early Halloween!!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Survivor; Ancient Ruin

yes, no Brandon picture this week! right to the point, the reward challenge: thye got hot dogs and beer, and then they got to play for individual immunity, because, both tribes were going to tribal council. It was a boulder run thingy. Amy hurt her ankle again, and lost one part, but when she had to compete again she kicked ass! However it wasn't enough and Nakum ended up winning.Jaime was very happy to have won and screamed for joy, Bobbyjon then yelled back at him right in his face, and Jaime yelled back etc. Jaime was doing it out of Joy, i don't understand what was Bobbyjon's problem. in the individual immunity they had to get these letter things and spell a word. Judd couldn't open his bag but noticed what the word was on Rafe's table and told him. it was smart, because Margaret was getting close to solving it. it was "ancient ruin" At tribal, there was a huge fight. Judd freaked out at maregaret, she said he has ADD. anyways She ended up being voted out. no loss for me. Rafe also got to sit in on the other tribes vote, and got to give someone immunity. He gave it Gary, which was wierd, because you think he would have wanted to save Amy, to either weaken the other tribe, or keep her for the merge. anyways Brian ended up getting voted out anyways. one thing that was mean about that was they were all saying how great Brian was then they just stabbed him in the heart and voted him out .lol
Star of this episode was Judd he solved the riddle, pushed the boulder and made an exciting tribal council
i want Amy, or Lydia to go next......


Friday, October 21, 2005


Well, this episode was a little bit boring. i like it when the photo shoots have like tons of makeup and interesting themes. This model comes with a bunch of recipes for treating your skin right. The next challenge, they have to be in an interview, and well try to sell the facecream. they have certain sentences they have to try and say. they get a point for each one. Kyle does the best, and lisa was just horrible, making up stupid things. Kyle wins and chooses Nicole to share the prize. They get to host vh1's The fabulous life of.. todays hottest supermodels...Coryn and Lisa then get intoa huge fight again. Coryn ends the fight by calling lisa an alcoholic bitch. While they are doing it, lisa is pretending how she would read it if she had one. the guy comes in and basically tells her to shut up. we learn that Lisa really is a crazy alcoholic. She is like talking to a bush, calling him cousin it, and she even ends up passing out outside. Tyra come and talks about vices.....where lisa admits to liking wine, but says she doesn't drink, to get drunk, and says she only drinks like one glass. which is such a lie. The photo challenge is in 3 parts. The girls have to do a commercial for secret platinum clear gel, then thye have a photo shoot, then an interview to sell the product. in the commercial, they have to say a secret of their own. lisa totally nails her performance, while Coryn does horrible. Nik and Jayla have the same secret, except Nik has another line about sleeping with a night light. Jayla gets to go first, and then steals nik's lines!!!! i was so surprised at Jayla. Nik is so rattled that she is off in the rets of the stuff. Jayla never apologies and when she talks to the camera about, she is angry at nik that she is mad! i would be mad too!!
Nicole: has a great photo(see above) she is pretty yet sophisticated.
Coryn: the judges say she looks sad all the time, i agree, her pic is beautiful though.
Jayla: her photo is alright, i like her hair flipped out more.
Kyle: her commercial was funny, she over acted, her pic was just alright.
Bre: her mouth looks funny in her pic, but otherwise ok.
Kim: her pic is good, not great
Lisa: has a great picture, awesome commercial, and good interview. she nailed everything.
Nik: is sad and doesn't tell the judges why. her pic is good, but the rest was stiff and even dull.
Overall, the judges say that Lisa had the best performance, and Nicoles picture is going to be in a secret ad. Coryn, and Nik end up in the final 2. Then Coryn( looking very beautiful) is chosen to go home. its sad. i was actually starting to really like her. but she doesn't seem to upset about it.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Amazing Race.mooning

The Amazing Race: Well the families start off by heading to Anniston, Alabama. They have to find this big office chair. It is really big, one has to climb to the top of it to retrieve the clue. The teams then are sent to a race track. It hit’s the Weavers pretty hard, because they’re dad actually died in a speedway accident. Arriving at he speed way, teams are told to make one lap around the track. Everyone thinks they are going to be in a racecar, however, they end up riding these bike things. The Paollo sons are especially excited then upset. When the Weaver family gets there, it almost looks like they are going to quit, because they think that they have to go in a racecar, but thankfully, they get courage and are relieved to find out its only on bikes. Why driving on a long stretch of highway, Lauren Bransen, moons the linz family. Alex Linz then lifts up his shirt for the girls. They then have to go to the southern colonel. It is a trailer park. The Shroeder family, doesn’t think that the trailer park dealership is the place they are suppose to go and end up driving around. Once they do get there, they have to find certain times they will be leaving. They find 8:00, but Stassi wants to look for an earlier date, the Godlewskis, told them to also, the dad, decides just to go for 8:00. The next mistake the Schroeder family makes is trying to take a short cut. It doesn’t work, I blame the father for all their mistakes. They end up at a detour, where they have to dress up in clothes, and either chop 4 pieces of a log, or play blackjack and win 3 times. The Bransen’s, Linz’s, Gaghans, Schroders and Weavers, chose the blackjack.The linz’s and Gaghans end up quitting and switching task. The Paolos, end up sawing and are done first. Yes they are in first for the time being!!! The Bransen family ends up coming in first, and the Paollo second. They are so happy though, just coming in second. The Linz and Godlewski end up third and fourth. The Weavers then get fifth, and the Shroeder team, and Gaghan family are left racing till the end. The Gaghan family beat them. It is sad because the Shroeders are from that area, and they lost there. It is even more sad to see New Orleans just a few weeks before Hurricane Katrina. I read that the Shroeder family lost all their stuf in it, and they went to stay with the Rogers, and all the families sent them stuff.
fav families left: The Linz family, The Gaghan family, and the Weavers
then the Bransens, then the paollo's. then comes the last team, Godlewski's(boring team)


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Degrassi....and a little bit of 7th heaven

Ok, so Degrassi was a gooder. It starts off by showing the band praticsing. They want to land a wedding gig. Ellie is trying to get a little closer to craig, but he says they are just friends to marco, and his dad. Craig has decided just to be friend with all girls and that’s it. He is starting to talk to Manny again too, well more like flirting with her. One day at the car place where Joey works, he meets this girl, who needs a band for her sisters wedding, shes like 23. She comes by to hear the band and hires them aswell as gets a date for the wedding, with Joey. So they are getting ready for the wedding, when Ellie comes up, she is like really dressed up, and Craig even gets distracted by her, and drops some equipment. But then comes Manny, who Craig invited. She is dressed all slutty, and not pretty at all. While setting up and getting ready to play, Ellie, and manny have a little verbal fight, where Ellie calls her useless, and a pop tart, and then Manny calls her ugly. Anyways things are not going great for Joey either, his dates friends are making fun of his car shop, his commercials, and the fact that he is older then her. So he ends up leaving, very upset. In the middle of a song, Ellie throws a drumstick at Mannys head. The music stops and they take a break. Ellie, and Manny go running off in different directions. Craig goes after Ellie, and says;
Craig: Ellie wait! What the hell’s going on?!
Ellie: You tell me! You’re the one who called her. You’re the one who sat there drooling over her all night like some perv! And this, this isn’t me okay? I don’t dress up.
Craig: I’m flattered…?
Ellie: Don’t be! This is for the gig. This doesn’t mean anything.
Craig: Ellie. We do group together. You’ve seen me down in the gutter. Lower than low. Lower than I want anyone else to see me. That’s why you’re my friend. My really good friend.
Ellie: So glad I can be there for you.
*She starts walking away*
Craig: Ellie!
Ellie: Bye. See you in group.
It is so had to see it. I love Ellie, and Craig is just being an ass. She is like a perfect person, and there he goes, ruining everything. Then at the end of the show, he goes to visit Manny, and then kisses her. What a dick. I hate him. I like Manny, but she is just being a little slut. I used to stick up for her and feel sorry for her.I get to into this show… Anyways, that’s about all….oh and that girl comes to Joeys, and she says she doesn’t care about what anyone says, she likes Joey. Well that sucks because, I still want it to be Joey, and Caitlin.
7th Heaven: uh, Basically everyone knows that Sandy, is pregnant, but they don’t know its Martins. Martin tells Meredith he loves her. Lucy goes to talk to Sandy, hopefully Sandy gets the point about martin not really wanting to be responsible, like Sandy wants him to. Lucy also talks to Rose, telling, her that it seems like she is controlling. Rose doesn’t get the point. Lucy s the only one to know about Rose having an engagement ring. that’s about all the exciting parts.

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Survivor; # 5

So this episode starts off by Margaret getting a little bit mad at Judd for betraying. Judd doesn't seem to care at all what she thinks. Personally, i think Judd made a great decision. anyways so in the reward challenge the teams have to pick one member to cut the rope with a rock,then one to untie the ropes, then there is three members that have to spin this thingy to pull a cart up, and then they all get into the cart, and one member cuts the rope, and they all go down the ramp. Jaime is chosen for Nakum, and Brandon for Yaxha, to start the challenge off. Nakum does not get past the first stage. Jaime can not cut the rope, while Brandon gets past it in like 2 minutes. Jaime wants to finish the challenge but stephanie is like no, we are done. she is really starting to get annoying. The prize ends up being an awesome little pool thingy that can go in the water and it is protected from the crocidiles. it ends up leaving Yaxha really refreshed. Blake earns the name Golden Boy and people are starting to get sick of his frat boy stories. The immunity challenge is like a sling shot thing, that one person shoots a ball, and the other team mates have to catch them in little net things. Nakum wins the challange and Jaime is so happy..Bobbyjon, like screams at Jaime cuz he is happy. (foreshadowing 4 next weeks events)
So back at the Yaxha camp, Gary,Amy, and Brian, are trying to convince people to vote for Blake because he is annoying. They are planning to vote out Brian though. But in the end, Blake gets voted out. Brandon ends up being the only person not to vote against Blake....i hope that doesn't hurt him in the end. but anyways it was an interesting thing, that Bobby jon, and Danni voted out puts them down in numbers, but hopefully, it doesn't hurt them in the end either.
The star of this show...was probably Brian....he saved himself by some of the things he said, but i also loved Brandon as usual. Next week, i want Lydia to get voted off. Her dancing was really annoying.


Monday, October 17, 2005

.......its been a long time.......

well, i haven't posted in a long time. i've missed a lot of tv shows these past weeks cuz i've been busy. but anyways heres whats been happening, in short; Picture:Bre
Americas Next Top Model: the girls started taking topless pictures of themselves. Lisa and Coryn start fighting..Lisa keeps telling everyone what to do to change themselves. Coryn, is sick of it. In an excercise theyhave to point out eachothers flaws. the challenge then is to flaunt your flaw, then hide your flaw.Kyle wins, and takes Kim and Coryn, to a spa with her.In the picture challenge, they have to pose, while they are in a doctors office, poking fun of extreme makeovers.Janice Dickonson is the photographer. She also is the annying person who cant get rid of. most girls love her, i do to, but shes wacky lol.
Bre:has the best picture i think. its totally high fashion. (cheeck implants)
Coryn: good,she covers her muscular body. her face is getting a little bit the same. (Botox)
Diane: has a very pretty picture. (Breast reduction)
Jayla:its good,just looks a little out of preportion,i guess that is the point though.(but implants) Kim: its alright. same sort of face as in the past. (Breast implants)
Kyle: hers is nice, i just don't like her body shape in that pic. (lip injections)
Lisa: her face looks wierd...arms look to big...she looks old (Facelift)
Nicole: its good, kinda scary though.....too extreme of colour. (Fake tan)
Nik: was nice. a lot of hair. (hair extensions)
Anyways we end up with Diane and Bre in the final two, though they both had good pictures there hearts are not in it and their personality is not shining. Diane though gets sent home.
Lost: The people that captured Sawyer, Jin, and Micheal are actually other survivors of the plane crash. there was 23 or so of them, now there is like 5. In those 5 include Rose' husband Bernard. Hurley is in charge of rationing the food, and ends up wanting to blow it all up, because of a previous situation when he won the lottery. in the end, he gives thte food to all the people and they have a little party.
k there is those 2, i missed E.R, and the O.C was not on this week. and survivor has to get its own little thingy. it was a really good one last week. till then.....

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Amazing Race,“My family apparently has MANY mood swings.”

pic: the Aiellos stuck in the mud
well i missed last weeks episode so i was excited to watch this weeks. so it starts off by the teams having to take a plane.The weavers don't really know all about taking planes so they stop to talk to the air port people for a bit. some other teams think they are being sneaky....The Schroeder mother tells her kid to stop talking to the the kid from the Weaver family. then the Schroeder son,(Hunter) says she is a bitch to the the other kid(Rolly)after the plane ride they go to a gazebo, and there is a detour. The detour is muddy waters or forrest gump. The Weaver, Aiello, and Gaghin families choose the muddy option and have to drive these jeeps through a big mud run. The rest have to take the heads off 200 pounds of shrimp. The Weavers end up trying about 6 times and then give up and head off to do the shrimp. the aiellos try like 13 times and finally get through the mud. The Gaghans are the only family to get through it, in one try!!Everyone finished the shrimp quickly. Then there was 2 buses,that where going to a mysterious place. it was 6 hours long, and the Weaver family had like a break down.they were crying and complaining and so they ended up at a space and rocket place.There was a road block, for 2 people. they got to go into one of those things that spin. Astronauts use it for everyone does it and the goes to a computer and gets a message from Phil, amnd then goes to the finish. The teams on the first bus have a big lead so they end up rushing around, but not to much. The other teams on the second bus have to keep going fast and everything be cause they are super close . The Bransens end up being first. followed by the Linzes, Schroeders, and Godlewskis. The weavers make it there next. The Aiellos could have made it there faster, but they take to long to decide whos going to do the roadblock.The Gaghans then the Paollos make it there, leaving the Aiellos to be loss, i liked them but not one of my favourites.
fav families: The Linzes,Schroeders,Gaghans, and the Weavers.
the rest are just ok......
Next week though should be a cruel episode....The Weavers had a dad that died at arace track, and now they are going to be going to a race track, for probably, a road block. thats just not right. & yes the Paollo family has many mood swings, most which are anger, an more anger.


Monday, October 10, 2005

7th heaven....Degrassi.....

7th Heaven: Ruthie, likes Martin, and won't go out with this other guy because he is to nice.Simon, tells his parents that he and Rose moved in together and is happy when his parents say that she can't. He wanted to use his parents as an excuse even though he really wanted it. In the end, he buys her that expensive ring she wanted to make up for him not letting her move in. Lucy has to help a girl in her group thingy that is having sex. her and Kevin are all lovey now. Martin finally talks to Lucy, and tells her that sandy is pregnant. the twins are being little boy sluts,lol, and getting new girlfriends everyday. that is aboutit in this episode. next one though, i think everyone finds out about Martin....this should be interesting.

Degrassi: so Liberty is pregnant. the episode starts off, by her hating Jt. she hates everything abouthim. they are driving along and she tells him, and they drive into a pole. so he is like freaking out. in the end they break up, buthe still wants to help with the baby, and he got a job. meanwhile, Spinner is trying to talk to Jimmy, and Jimmy is making his life not good. Spinner meets this girl and shes asks him to come tothis is a friendship group, of christians. he is a little wierded out, but by the end she still likes him, even after what he did last year, and hi likes her. finally things are looking up for Spinner.

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Saturday, October 08, 2005

survivor, Episode 4

The reward challenge was like an answer a question, and then get a prize. the quetions were like who desereves this the most...The last question though was who has the most tribe spirit. The people chosen were Brian, and cindy(i think) they got to stay on thier tribe while the rest was switched around. The new tribes are Nakum: Stephanie, Jamie, Rafe,Lydia, Brooke, Cindy, Margaret and Judd. Yaxha:Bobby Jon, Blake, Brandon, Danni, Brian, Gary and Amy. Anyways so Gary is still trying to hide his identity, about being a true football player. i don't think it is going to work. on the other tribe Judd is actually loving this new switch, because he didn't really feel close to anyone b4 and connects with steph, & Jaime. in the immunity challenge, they had to paddle around and then go get littles paddles and throw them at these things to break them. Nakum was winning, but then Judd blew it. so they had to go to tribal council. Judd voted with his new friends and voted out, Brooke.
The star of this episode was probably Brandon, just because he got the winning thing for the immunity challenge. i also liked Judd because he had a big role in the game
i really want Lydia, Amy, or Cindy to go next.
*************i missed The amazing race,(rogers off) lost and e.r this week......**************


Friday, October 07, 2005

ANTM: A quitter and a loser

The first little thing that happens is the girls have to walk around an edge of a pool. then they have to dance around with silly hats.....They take adive from Miss J. He points out that Sarah and Kim are the worst of the bunch. The next day Cassandra is worried about geting her hair cut more.....her mother on the phone asks if her hair is worth more then this opportunity. Later the girls go to this studio and meet this designer, Sue Wong. they get to get dressed in pretty clothes, and walk down this runway, and at the end is this spinning platform. the winner of this challenge gets to waer a pretty dress that Tyra once wore. The reward ends with a crappy, dinner..but back at the house Sarah and Kim started making out and later it is revealved that it makes Sarah confused...while Kim thinks its just all harmless. The next day is the photo shoot. before that though,Jayla and Cassandra need to get their hair fixed. Jayla gets her extensions out, and gets it cut all short again. Cassandra however, doesn't want to sacrafice her hair anymore. Jay doesn't really care, either she has to or she is gone. She chooses to leave the competition. It was stupid. she had already cut her hair so what was a little more?!?!So the photo shoot, the girls have to pretend they are running away from something...its unknown to them...they are like fashion victims... They also have to walk for the judges with their signature walk.
Jayla: looks awesome in her picture.her walk was ok.
Coryn: her pic is good, and her walk is fine.
Diane: i liked her pic. it made her look skinnier..her walk is alright.
Kim: makes a speech about nothing,lol her pic is pretty good, and her walk sucked.
Kyle: has an alright walk, her picture sucks.
Lisa:her walk sucks, and her picture is horrible.
Nik: i liked her photo, and her walk was alright.
Nicole: i liked her picture, the judges didn't. Her walk was not good, because she went to pull up her skirt while walking.
Bre: has a really good walk. Her picture was just ok.
Sarah:has a horrible walk, and the worts photo of the bunch.
so it gets down to the final two which is Kim and Sarah. Thankfully Sarah gets kicked out. She was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture: Jayla. i love purple!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Degrassi & 7th heaven

Degrassi* It was all about Paige and universities. Her bf, came back from where ever he was. He came back, she was all pretty and he dumped her. before that she gave him a present of a day planner, he then gave her a joint. the next day she was upset, and then more upset because Alex wouldn't go look at universities with her. Alex said she would though, if paige was high. so she did and blew her chance at getting into the school she wanted. We also see Jimmy inthis episode. He is still dating Hazel, and also coaching basketball. There is this kid on the team who thinks he can't learn anything from a guy that got shot and is now in a wheelchair. Well Jimmy proves him wrong, by shooting from way past half somehwhere far that the kid can not. The best part of this episode was seeing the scenes for next episode.....Jt, and Liberty are having sex, and she might be pregnant!!!!!!!!!! haw interesting......

7th Heaven* not much to say....Ruthie can't dance. the rev. calls her She gets it inher head that guys think she is.Simon and Rose move in together, but its all messed up. They argue and Rose gets her way. meanwhile everyone thinks they are going to break up and his whole family is happy about it. That Sandy girl is like stalking martin, because she wants him to take responsibility...blah, blah...oh and she wants him to marry her...she is crazy. i mean why should you have to force someone into a relationship. Lucy has a church social and gets angry at Kevin because he went tothe "mommy and me" class. He told them that he quit his job because he almost got shot. so lucy got mad. there was no word about mary...thats about it.

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

The O.C & E.R

E.R: so sam is stupid. Her son ran away, se finds him, takes him to see his dad in jail then dumps Luca. Luca was probably the best thing that ever happened to sam and her son. She is just stupid. Dr. pratt reunites with his father again, and his fathers family sorta. Neela, Abby and and Ray are struggling to be good trainer people to the others..or whatever doctor terms that is. Ray ends up facing problems with a surrogate mother who needs to have a cesearn, but won't. she thinks she can deliver it, but really she can't. she is also stupid. The baby ends up being basically brain dead. the parents that were suppose to have it don't want it, and neither does the woman who carried it. it made me cry......and Ray was so sweet after.. The nurse asked him why he was sitting with the baby, and he says something alongthe lines of: hes had a hard day, and he shouldn't have to be alone when he wakes up" something like that. not to much else has been happening....

The O.c, a lot has happened. Caleb was broke, so there was no money in the will. Tha means Jimy can't pay off the debt hes in and gets the shit beat out of him.he then clls marissa the next morning(where he is suppose to marry Julie again) and gives her the ring and sails away. i actually felt sorry for julie. She then keeps going downhill. she loses her houseand is living in a motel. Marissa and ryan had sex on the beach!lol they were in this little hut thing that marissa and seth stole 4 them from the school.The get back to the school and the evil new dean catches seth! He asks Seth who helped him and seth doesn't tell. He gets detention for 3 months. but later on the evil girl Taylor pretends to be worried about seth and says that the dean might expel him or something. Summer goes an tells the dean that she was involved. he then kicks her of social chair president.Taylor then gets it(evil little witch)so then there is a dance that summer has but taylor take all the credit for...and at this dance summer follows taylor, and catches her and the dean Kissing!!!i predicted that one. meanwhile Marissa started at a publi school. People already knw that she shot someone though she was trying to start out fresh. But she ends up meeting a skater boy, named Johnny, his girlfriend Casey and their boy Chili (he likes her) they go to their own dance and she starts having fun, while ryan gets jealous and feels left out. Kirsten i dfinally home, and we learn that Charlotte is trying to steal money from her but has to think of a new plan since she Kirsten didn't get any inheritence thats it....things ar ejust staring to get interesting.

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