Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Survivor; Ancient Ruin

yes, no Brandon picture this week! right to the point, the reward challenge: thye got hot dogs and beer, and then they got to play for individual immunity, because, both tribes were going to tribal council. It was a boulder run thingy. Amy hurt her ankle again, and lost one part, but when she had to compete again she kicked ass! However it wasn't enough and Nakum ended up winning.Jaime was very happy to have won and screamed for joy, Bobbyjon then yelled back at him right in his face, and Jaime yelled back etc. Jaime was doing it out of Joy, i don't understand what was Bobbyjon's problem. in the individual immunity they had to get these letter things and spell a word. Judd couldn't open his bag but noticed what the word was on Rafe's table and told him. it was smart, because Margaret was getting close to solving it. it was "ancient ruin" At tribal, there was a huge fight. Judd freaked out at maregaret, she said he has ADD. anyways She ended up being voted out. no loss for me. Rafe also got to sit in on the other tribes vote, and got to give someone immunity. He gave it Gary, which was wierd, because you think he would have wanted to save Amy, to either weaken the other tribe, or keep her for the merge. anyways Brian ended up getting voted out anyways. one thing that was mean about that was they were all saying how great Brian was then they just stabbed him in the heart and voted him out .lol
Star of this episode was Judd he solved the riddle, pushed the boulder and made an exciting tribal council
i want Amy, or Lydia to go next......



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