Monday, October 17, 2005

.......its been a long time.......

well, i haven't posted in a long time. i've missed a lot of tv shows these past weeks cuz i've been busy. but anyways heres whats been happening, in short; Picture:Bre
Americas Next Top Model: the girls started taking topless pictures of themselves. Lisa and Coryn start fighting..Lisa keeps telling everyone what to do to change themselves. Coryn, is sick of it. In an excercise theyhave to point out eachothers flaws. the challenge then is to flaunt your flaw, then hide your flaw.Kyle wins, and takes Kim and Coryn, to a spa with her.In the picture challenge, they have to pose, while they are in a doctors office, poking fun of extreme makeovers.Janice Dickonson is the photographer. She also is the annying person who cant get rid of. most girls love her, i do to, but shes wacky lol.
Bre:has the best picture i think. its totally high fashion. (cheeck implants)
Coryn: good,she covers her muscular body. her face is getting a little bit the same. (Botox)
Diane: has a very pretty picture. (Breast reduction)
Jayla:its good,just looks a little out of preportion,i guess that is the point though.(but implants) Kim: its alright. same sort of face as in the past. (Breast implants)
Kyle: hers is nice, i just don't like her body shape in that pic. (lip injections)
Lisa: her face looks wierd...arms look to big...she looks old (Facelift)
Nicole: its good, kinda scary though.....too extreme of colour. (Fake tan)
Nik: was nice. a lot of hair. (hair extensions)
Anyways we end up with Diane and Bre in the final two, though they both had good pictures there hearts are not in it and their personality is not shining. Diane though gets sent home.
Lost: The people that captured Sawyer, Jin, and Micheal are actually other survivors of the plane crash. there was 23 or so of them, now there is like 5. In those 5 include Rose' husband Bernard. Hurley is in charge of rationing the food, and ends up wanting to blow it all up, because of a previous situation when he won the lottery. in the end, he gives thte food to all the people and they have a little party.
k there is those 2, i missed E.R, and the O.C was not on this week. and survivor has to get its own little thingy. it was a really good one last week. till then.....

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