Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Degrassi....and a little bit of 7th heaven

Ok, so Degrassi was a gooder. It starts off by showing the band praticsing. They want to land a wedding gig. Ellie is trying to get a little closer to craig, but he says they are just friends to marco, and his dad. Craig has decided just to be friend with all girls and that’s it. He is starting to talk to Manny again too, well more like flirting with her. One day at the car place where Joey works, he meets this girl, who needs a band for her sisters wedding, shes like 23. She comes by to hear the band and hires them aswell as gets a date for the wedding, with Joey. So they are getting ready for the wedding, when Ellie comes up, she is like really dressed up, and Craig even gets distracted by her, and drops some equipment. But then comes Manny, who Craig invited. She is dressed all slutty, and not pretty at all. While setting up and getting ready to play, Ellie, and manny have a little verbal fight, where Ellie calls her useless, and a pop tart, and then Manny calls her ugly. Anyways things are not going great for Joey either, his dates friends are making fun of his car shop, his commercials, and the fact that he is older then her. So he ends up leaving, very upset. In the middle of a song, Ellie throws a drumstick at Mannys head. The music stops and they take a break. Ellie, and Manny go running off in different directions. Craig goes after Ellie, and says;
Craig: Ellie wait! What the hell’s going on?!
Ellie: You tell me! You’re the one who called her. You’re the one who sat there drooling over her all night like some perv! And this, this isn’t me okay? I don’t dress up.
Craig: I’m flattered…?
Ellie: Don’t be! This is for the gig. This doesn’t mean anything.
Craig: Ellie. We do group together. You’ve seen me down in the gutter. Lower than low. Lower than I want anyone else to see me. That’s why you’re my friend. My really good friend.
Ellie: So glad I can be there for you.
*She starts walking away*
Craig: Ellie!
Ellie: Bye. See you in group.
It is so sad.you had to see it. I love Ellie, and Craig is just being an ass. She is like a perfect person, and there he goes, ruining everything. Then at the end of the show, he goes to visit Manny, and then kisses her. What a dick. I hate him. I like Manny, but she is just being a little slut. I used to stick up for her and feel sorry for her.I get to into this show… Anyways, that’s about all….oh and that girl comes to Joeys, and she says she doesn’t care about what anyone says, she likes Joey. Well that sucks because, I still want it to be Joey, and Caitlin.
7th Heaven: uh, Basically everyone knows that Sandy, is pregnant, but they don’t know its Martins. Martin tells Meredith he loves her. Lucy goes to talk to Sandy, hopefully Sandy gets the point about martin not really wanting to be responsible, like Sandy wants him to. Lucy also talks to Rose, telling, her that it seems like she is controlling. Rose doesn’t get the point. Lucy s the only one to know about Rose having an engagement ring. that’s about all the exciting parts.

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