Friday, October 07, 2005

ANTM: A quitter and a loser

The first little thing that happens is the girls have to walk around an edge of a pool. then they have to dance around with silly hats.....They take adive from Miss J. He points out that Sarah and Kim are the worst of the bunch. The next day Cassandra is worried about geting her hair cut more.....her mother on the phone asks if her hair is worth more then this opportunity. Later the girls go to this studio and meet this designer, Sue Wong. they get to get dressed in pretty clothes, and walk down this runway, and at the end is this spinning platform. the winner of this challenge gets to waer a pretty dress that Tyra once wore. The reward ends with a crappy, dinner..but back at the house Sarah and Kim started making out and later it is revealved that it makes Sarah confused...while Kim thinks its just all harmless. The next day is the photo shoot. before that though,Jayla and Cassandra need to get their hair fixed. Jayla gets her extensions out, and gets it cut all short again. Cassandra however, doesn't want to sacrafice her hair anymore. Jay doesn't really care, either she has to or she is gone. She chooses to leave the competition. It was stupid. she had already cut her hair so what was a little more?!?!So the photo shoot, the girls have to pretend they are running away from something...its unknown to them...they are like fashion victims... They also have to walk for the judges with their signature walk.
Jayla: looks awesome in her picture.her walk was ok.
Coryn: her pic is good, and her walk is fine.
Diane: i liked her pic. it made her look skinnier..her walk is alright.
Kim: makes a speech about nothing,lol her pic is pretty good, and her walk sucked.
Kyle: has an alright walk, her picture sucks.
Lisa:her walk sucks, and her picture is horrible.
Nik: i liked her photo, and her walk was alright.
Nicole: i liked her picture, the judges didn't. Her walk was not good, because she went to pull up her skirt while walking.
Bre: has a really good walk. Her picture was just ok.
Sarah:has a horrible walk, and the worts photo of the bunch.
so it gets down to the final two which is Kim and Sarah. Thankfully Sarah gets kicked out. She was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture: Jayla. i love purple!



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