Monday, October 10, 2005

7th heaven....Degrassi.....

7th Heaven: Ruthie, likes Martin, and won't go out with this other guy because he is to nice.Simon, tells his parents that he and Rose moved in together and is happy when his parents say that she can't. He wanted to use his parents as an excuse even though he really wanted it. In the end, he buys her that expensive ring she wanted to make up for him not letting her move in. Lucy has to help a girl in her group thingy that is having sex. her and Kevin are all lovey now. Martin finally talks to Lucy, and tells her that sandy is pregnant. the twins are being little boy sluts,lol, and getting new girlfriends everyday. that is aboutit in this episode. next one though, i think everyone finds out about Martin....this should be interesting.

Degrassi: so Liberty is pregnant. the episode starts off, by her hating Jt. she hates everything abouthim. they are driving along and she tells him, and they drive into a pole. so he is like freaking out. in the end they break up, buthe still wants to help with the baby, and he got a job. meanwhile, Spinner is trying to talk to Jimmy, and Jimmy is making his life not good. Spinner meets this girl and shes asks him to come tothis is a friendship group, of christians. he is a little wierded out, but by the end she still likes him, even after what he did last year, and hi likes her. finally things are looking up for Spinner.

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