Saturday, October 08, 2005

survivor, Episode 4

The reward challenge was like an answer a question, and then get a prize. the quetions were like who desereves this the most...The last question though was who has the most tribe spirit. The people chosen were Brian, and cindy(i think) they got to stay on thier tribe while the rest was switched around. The new tribes are Nakum: Stephanie, Jamie, Rafe,Lydia, Brooke, Cindy, Margaret and Judd. Yaxha:Bobby Jon, Blake, Brandon, Danni, Brian, Gary and Amy. Anyways so Gary is still trying to hide his identity, about being a true football player. i don't think it is going to work. on the other tribe Judd is actually loving this new switch, because he didn't really feel close to anyone b4 and connects with steph, & Jaime. in the immunity challenge, they had to paddle around and then go get littles paddles and throw them at these things to break them. Nakum was winning, but then Judd blew it. so they had to go to tribal council. Judd voted with his new friends and voted out, Brooke.
The star of this episode was probably Brandon, just because he got the winning thing for the immunity challenge. i also liked Judd because he had a big role in the game
i really want Lydia, Amy, or Cindy to go next.
*************i missed The amazing race,(rogers off) lost and e.r this week......**************



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