Saturday, October 24, 2009

Survivor19 Episode 6 & 7

Computer has been broken, so i haven't been doing any updates at all. So here is everything in a short version.
Episode 6
It is still raining and windy and basically everyone is miserable. Evil Russell doesn't really care to much about the rain and claims it just makes him stronger. Other Russell keeps working himself to prove he is a strong leader. Everyone on the tribe is worried about him and is hoping he relaxes before he wears himself out. At the reward/immunity challenge, Jeff tells the tribes that they both will be going to tribal council and voting someone out. The winning tribe will get to eat pizza at the council. They start out the challenge by pushing a giant ball with someone in the middle of it towards the end, while they are blindfolded. After they get to the finish line, there is a puzzle to complete. It starts off fine, but near the end of the course we see Russell stumbling a lot. Everyone thinks he's just tired but then all of a sudden he collapses on top of the puzzle. Jeff stops the challenge and calls medical over. Russell wakes up and then blacks out again.Jeff ends the challenge sending them back to their camps and Jeff tells them at tribal council he will let them know about Russell. Russell however, is clearly not going to be on Survivor anymore. He looks a mess and keeps backing out. He is upset, but eventually says being a great husband and father is more important then winning survivor. At tribal Jeff tells the tribes about Russell and then sends them back to their camp with no one else going home.
Episode 7
Without their leader Galu picks Shambo to be the new leader, leaving the girls pretty ticked off. The guys decided they will eventually need to get rid of those three girls and decide they would rather have Shambo on their side. The reward challenge is a memory game where each member picks two items and has to try and make a match. They can then either keep the item, or keep the point. Galu ends up winning and they get to spend the day on a boat and have have a great feast. Shambo as the new leader has to pick one member not to share in the reward and go with the other tribe. She picks Laura, which ticks off all the females even more. At Foa Foa Russell is totally impressed with Natalie for getting along with Laura so well .Knowing the merge is coming he hopes that Laura could be someone that could switch later on.
At the immunity challange Foa Foa takes the early lead, but when Galu catches up, Jaison basically gives up leading Galu to win once again. At tribal its between Jaison who is just giving up, and Liz who Russell doesn't trust. In the end Liz ends up getting the boot.


GLEE "Mash-up"

A slushie war! Everyone from the football team and other "popular" kids are attacking people except this time Finn and Quinn are getting it. They are super upset about getting picked on like this and want to be popular again. They go to Emma for help and she suggests wearing sunglasses.
Ken(The football coach) and Emma want to learn to dance for their wedding. They ask Will to help do a mash up, of the songs they each want. While Will is dancing with Emma, Ken gets super jealous, and can't stand that she is in love with him. To get back at Will, he makes practices on Thursdays, and tells the kids in football that they have to choose Football or Glee Club.
Sue has fallen in love with a broadcaster at the news station .They go on one day and she starts being super nice to everyone. She even asks Will for dance lessons. It doesn't last long though when she catches the broadcaster hooking up with another broadcaster. she turns into the same old Sue, and even ends up firing Quinn from the Cheerios.
Meanwhile Puck had a dream about Rachel ,and woke up deciding that maybe its time for him to date a nice Jewish girl, or at least get with her. They start hanging out, and are pretty cute together except that Rachel likes Finn and Puck likes Quinn. At Glee Club he sings a song to her, and Quinn is totally loving Puck ,and Finn is getting jealous of Rachel getting the attention from Puck.When Puck gets slushie poured on him ,she helps him wipe it off and he tells her that he has to choose football over Glee.
The next Thursday,everyone is waiting to see who will show up to Glee and who is going to football practice. Kurt of course chooses Glee, and so do the other two guys who are apparently with the other two cheerios on Glee. After a few seconds Puck walks in and Rachel runs to him so happy he choose Glee.However Finn doesn't show up, he chose football.
The next day he has a slushie in his hand and is suppose to throw it at someone. he is unable to do so and Kurt takes one for the team, throwing the slushie at himself. He asks Finn if any of those football guys would have ever did that for him. Finn goes and tells Coach that he can't pick football over Glee and wants to do both. Ken gives in, and tells him that the practices are cancelled and to let the other guys know.
Rachel tells Puck that they can't be together because she wanted to make Finn jealous, and it didn't work. Puck is ticked off, but more so because he wanted to make Quinn Jealous as well.
Will goes with Emma to see if she can dance in her wedding dress. They have some cute moments, and in the end he tells her he can't mas-up the two songs Ken and Emma want because they are too different.
1. Bust a Move Buy on iTunes
2. Thong Song
Buy on iTunes
3. Sweet Caroline
Buy on iTunes (A heartwarming song by the one and only Puck)
4. I Could Have Danced All Night
Emma: I would like to have “I could’ve danced all night” Will: Oh, from “My Fair Lady”. Great choice, such a romantic song. Emma: Yes. Coach Tanaka: Yeah, If you’re making a mix tape for the boring parade. I want the “Thong Song”. I need something I can shake my moneymaker to.
Puckerman: My ears are starting to hurt. Can we take a break? Rachel: Ok Puckerman: Wanna make out? Rachel: Sure.
Puckerman: It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.
Puckerman: We’re a couple of good looking Jews- it’s natural.
Puckerman: Are you questioning my badassness? Have you seen my guns.
Coach Sue Sylvester: If it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark cold night, I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.
Coach Sue Sylvester: Q, take off those sunglasses. I want to look in your eyes when I give you this piece of business. You’re off the Cheerios. I can’t have a pregnant girl on my squad. You’re a disgrace.


ANTM13 Interview 101

The girls go to CBS studios where they meet Laura Spencer and Ant. I have no clue who these people even are. They are to learn how to be correspondents. They each get to interview Ant and they get feedback .Some of the girls are so oblivious to how to even give an interview its hilarious. After that is a challenge where they are going to interview Jessica Lowndes from 90210. They have TelePrompter ,and during the interview it gets cut off and they have to kind of wing it. Erin ,and Jennifer did the best job by far. Nicole asks her if she ever had kids, and Laura completely goes blank .The winner ends up being Nicole, and she picks Rae and Jennifer to do a seventeen spread.
Back at the house the girls get some boxes and inside are paper and pens etc, so they can write a script for Cover Girl! They are doing a commercial for Cover Girls Exact Eyelights.
The Commercials:
Brittany: She ends up being non relateable ,and her lines are performed as if she is reading a script. 6/10
Erin: Even though she did great at the challenge she completely tanked. She couldn't do her lines, and then she kept crying. They had to redo her makeup 4 different times. I felt so bad for her ,but the night before she barely practiced, so in the end it probably could have been avoidable. 3/10 BOTTOM TWO
Jennifer: The first take she did was pretty much perfect. She was friendly , had great lines, and made you want to get the product. 9/10
Laura: She messed up alot on this, but eventually she got it down and it was decent. 7/10
Nicole: Surprisingly enough she did fairly well. in the end she was relateable and looked great! 8/10
Rae: During her commercial she wasn't acting like herself at all. She sounded ticked off and barely smiled. It was not a good performance at all. 4/10 ELIMINATED
Sundai: She had this weird accent and way of doing the commercial. I found it really cheesy. 6/10


Melrose Place "Windsor"

Ella and Riley go to the photoshoot and it turns out to be a nightmare for Riley.The photographer is a total bitch and a complete sellout. She ends up getting encouragement from Ella ,but ends up walking off from the job. Meanwhile Jonah is having a meeting with a producer management guy, who ends up wanting to change a lot of things about his movie. The the other person who is this female comes in ,and loves Jonah and his ideas. She asks him out for drinks but he declines.
Back at home Riley goes to talk with Auggie for comfort. Jonah gets home, and when he sees that Riley is over at Auggies he gets a little ticked off. He confronts Auggie ,and Auggie spills that they had kissed .Jonah decides to go for drinks with that woman after all. The photographer comes to talk with Riley about her being to young to get married and Riley is really starting to doubt herself.
Lauren catches David in the act of stealing some stuff ,and she keeps going on about how it is wrong etc. Little does David actually know what Lauren is doing behind everyones back. David was going to lend her money for her tuition but Lauren said she didn't want it.


Friday, October 23, 2009

SYTYCD Canada Top 4 Performances

Group Dance: Cabaret* Theme for Gypsy (Shivas Regal) Sonny Lester & His Orchestra
I thought their unison was terrible. The routine itself was ok but it wasn't as good as it should be at this stage. These are suppose to be the top 4 dancers in Canada. The choreography should ave been better, and the dancing should have been better.
The Guys:Hip Hop* B.O.B. -OutKast
I wasn't super excited when i heard what genre they were doing but when it started it was totally cool. They both surprised me. Everett especially hit the floor hard and has that swagger. Overall it was a good piece.
Tara Jean & Everett* Jazz* Say (All I Need), OneRepublic
I really really loved this dance, that little fall isn't going to cost her because through the entire dance you could feel the emotion. These two dancing together is incredible. To me ,they are like the Dominique and Sabra, and the Katee and Josh kind of couple.
The Girls: Mambo* Ran Kan Kan -Tito Puente
I didn't feel the energy from them. The dance was ok, but it didn't showcase their amazingness.
Jaime Rae & Vincent*Contemprary* Can't Stop Thinking 'Bout You, Martin Sexton
I think she made this piece. She really never does anything wrong, and Vincent was ok.
Tara Jean & Vincent*Hustle * Last Dance, Donna Summer
I found her a little nervous, and technically lacking,I'm not sure if it was because she fell in the previous dance , or if she was a little hurt.
Jaime Rae & Everett*Samba* Run the Show, Kat DeLuna
I think this dance had a crazy amount of tricks and it might have been the kiss of death for the both of them.
Everett Solo: It was an awesome solo, i love tappers!
Jamie Rae Solo: It was alright, not as good as some of her past ones.
Vincent Solo: As usual his legs went crazy!
Tara Jean Solo: It was the best solo of the night.
My winner is Tara Jean. I didn't really like her in the beginning but throughout the top 12 she has been great. Her personality makes me want her to win. I think Jaimie Rae will come in second because she really has done nothing wrong in this competition. For third its a toss up really ,they are both amazing dancers, and genuinely nice guys. They both adapted to every genre really well ,and in their each styles they are great.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

90210 "Unmasked"

Adrianna is trying to get over Navid who doesn't even want to be at the same events as her. Naomi decides tat she has to break up with the Deans son, and go for the other guy, after he claims he likes her.
Silver is struggling taking care of her mother and getting everything done. When her and Teddy are paired up for a project she tells him she will do it on her own and put his name on it. She ends up forgetting about it and Teddy takes the fall for it. Teddy finds out about her mother dieing and helps her relax a little by talking with her ,and shooting some golf balls off a roof.
Harry and Debbie decide to try and stop arguing and make time for each other. They are going to have lunch the next day, but when Kelly comes to talk with Harry about her mother dieing he cancels. He tells her he is swamped at work, and Debbie decides to bring him lunch. She catches them having lunch together. Harry claims that Kelly doesn't have a thing for him. He calls Kelly to tell her what Debbie thinks ,and when Kelly hesitates he knows its true.
Liam's car gets hit by this girl Ivy. She clearly backs into him, and doesn't say sorry, and this ticks Liam off. They get into an argument. Later they find out that Ivy is the new member for the surf team. During a competition where they can win a brand new board, Ivy cheats to win. Later they make up, when they both explain their short tempers.
Dixon is having trouble dealing with a girlfriend who doesn't want to do anything in public. When he wants to go to the Halloween party, instead of be wit her he decides that they must end things. She is pretty upset, but Dixon knows this is for the best. Later that day she comes to Dixon and tells him that she is pregnant.
Annie and Jasper are so cute having this adorable romance. he asks her to start in his movie, and she is super happy to except that Jasper wants her to steal a car. She ends up stealing one for the movie, or for Jasper's entertainment, and off they go into the sunlight.


Gossip Girl "Enough about Eve"

A toast..Blair wants it, Vanessa Needs and Olivia gets it.
Its a silly toast to the parents at this NYU thing and things get heated. The dean originally gave the speech to Olivia, but she turned it down, so then Vanessa got it . Vanessa was super happy and invited her mom who is against the school ,and everything that is money related. Blair however wanted it and vows to take down Vanessa. However Olivia decides to do the speech after Dan invites her to the event to meet his parents. Blair then tells Vanessa that Olivia is doing it, which in turn Vanessa tells Dan that Olivia is really nervous about meeting his parents, and that they should go on a date that night instead. She also tells Olivia that Dan doesn't want her to meet her parents because they don't like celebrities. So with Olivia not going she cancels on the speech again, which leaves Vanessa doing it ,except Blair made a deal with the guy that does the speech deciding, that if he got a kiss from Chuck Bass for Tripps scavenger hunt she could do the speech. Blair ends up lieing to Chuck and and tells him she wants to play the game again, and this time she picks out a guy, which is the speech guy. She shows up just as they kiss.
Blair tells Vanessa she is doing the speech ,and Vanessa is left upset. She decides to get Blair back and takes a microphone and confronts her. Blair tells Vanessa she is better and she even lied to Chuck to get this speech. Chuck hears this ,and storms off. Olivia ends up giving the speech and Vanessa ends up saying she wishes Rufus and Lily where her parents in front of her mother. In the end Vanessa and Blair end up at a coffee shop together alone, and confused about everything that just happened.
Serena and Nate decide to team up and play poker against the guys who have Carter. They end up gambling away a lot of money aswell as a picture of Nate's cousin Tripp (who is running for some election) smoking a bong. When Serena loses they are both upset but Nate apparently had the intentions of losing. The photo that they gave was fake and they want the Buckley's to show the press the photo and then the real photo will be leaked looking like the Buckley's are trying to sabotage Tripp. Serena finds out ,and turns her back on Nate and ends up getting Carter back with that information. Carter however wants to clear his name and own up to it .So he goes off like an idiot, after all the work Serena has done to free him ,not to mention turn her back on Nate.


Heroes "Tabula Rasa"

Syler/Gabriel/Nathan: He wants to be called Nathan ,and that's when Samuel realizes that something must be done to help him remember who he is. He ends up going into the house of mirrors and seeing his past and all the murders he has done. He can't believe its him. Samuel invites the cop that was chasing him last time to the carnival and he tells Sylar he must kill him or leave because he is endangering everyone. Sylar goes to kill him ,but ends up not being able to, the guy with knives,Edgar does it for him. Edgar is starting to get more angry especially after Lydia is being so nice to Sylar too. Samuel welcomes Sylar into the Carnival and part of the family.
Hiro: He ends up in the hospital ,and thinks he is there to help Peter until he meets the deaf woman. He then knows his mission here is to try and help her understand that her power is a gift. He makes her show the beauty in her gift ,and then he disappears realizing he needs to help save Charlie.
Peter & Mr. Bennett: Peter goes to Mr Bennett to see if he can find a healer or someone with powers that could help save Hiro. Mr. Bennett thinks of a kid who could heal animals however, the company had wiped his memory and who knows what the kid is like. They go to see the kid and find dead animals, and dead parents. The kid starts shooting at him saying that everything he touches dies. The kid ends up shooting Peter, and Mr. Bennett tells him he needs to heal Peter he needs to save his life. The kid touches him and he heals. Peter gets up and having got the kids power is going to go back but Mr. Bennett decides to stay with the kid who obviously has issues.Peter goes back to the hospital but Hiro is gone.


Tthe Amazing Race 15 Episode 5

After last weeks devastating episode where Team awesome, Zev and Justin where eliminated because of a lost passport, i wasn't even excited for this episode.
The Teams head to Dubai to find the worlds tallest building. The teams ended up being split up when singing up for a bus. The scheduled times where only 15 minutes apart, but no one was happy about being in the second group. Mika from Team Christian is terrified of heights and was worried there was going to be a detour or something on the building but there wasn't. There was a fast forward ,and all of the teams decided not to go for it except Team Adorable. They then went to a racetrack and one member had to go around the track in less then 45 seconds. Cheyne raced around and didn't look nervous at all ,while Meghan was in tears worried ,and nervous for him. Cheyne finished the task and they head straight to the pitstop having got the Fast Forward.
Team Bro, Team America, and Team Poker all arrived at the roadblock at the same time. In the desert they had to find a pot with some water, and it proved to be way harder the it looked. Not all the urns had water, so the three people searched together. Two other teams show up quickly and Brian ended up being the first to find it telling Tiffany and Dan where it was. Tiffany let Dan use her Ladel after his was broken and then when they where done The Team poker's car wrecked. Team Bro waited around for them to get their car instead of racing ahead.
Team Annoying and Team Christan took forever getting to the roadblock because they kept getting lost .Team Annoying probably got lost every time anything happened. They are probably the most clueless team ever to be on this show.
Somehow Team Cool, ended up getting to the detour before anyone else and i was ever so happy for them. However the detour ended up slowly them down. The Detour took place at Ski Dubai. Its a giant indoor snow place. The detours where Build a snowman ,or Find a snowman. In Build a snowman they had to build a snowman outside in the heat. In Find a snowman they had to dig through this huge snow pile to find a tiny snowman. Team Cool was having trouble actually finding a Snowman. Team Poker, Team Bro, Team America and Team Globetrotters showed up pretty much at the same time, and all started digging. Team America quickly fund a snowman while all the other teams started to find the task hopeless. The three teams except Team Globetrotters decided to go and do the other task. Right after Team Globetrotters found a Snowman. The teams quickly built their snowman's, and Team Christian did their task and Team Annoying was basically behind them ,but ended up being last with Lance wanting to kick his snowman.
Pit Stop
1.Team Adorable (Fast Forward)
2.Team America
3.Team Globetrotters
4.Team Cool
5.Team Bro
6.Team Poker
7. Team Christian
8.Team Annoying ELIMINATED


Degrassi9 Shoot to Thrill & You be illin'

Shoot to Thrill
Johnny and Alli are my favourite Degrassi couple right now. I'm not sure why because Johnny is a total jerk ,and Alli is so naive. Alli joins a photography club ,and they have to take portraits. Alli takes some adorable ones of Johnny with a stuffed animal, but Johnny warns her that she cannot show anyone. Alli is a little upset because everyones boyfriends want to do things in public and are actually nice guys. Alli gves Johnny a cell phone so she can talk to him when they are at school. She ends up taking naked pictures of her self and texts them to Johnny. Called Sexting, it brings her and johnny a little bit closer, and he even hangs out with her at school.
She ends up showing everyone the picture of Johnny with the stuffed animal. She says she just wanted everyone to see the real side of him and not the loser one. Johnny freaks out, and shows people the ones that Alli has been taking. Alli is devastated! Mr. Simpson finds out and makes everyone delete the picture for good and Johnny ends up having the only copy of the picture and won't give it to Alli.
You be Illin'
Johnny finally gives the phone back to Alli, and it almost seems like they might be trying to work things out, acting all cute and flirting.However things go sour when Johnny tells Alli that he found a growth on himself ,and that he lied saying when he told her that she was his first. Naturally she freaks out, and completely hates him. She asks the annoying blond girl to go with her while she gets checked out. They also decide to get back at johnny and want the whole school to know he might have a std. The blond girl with a secret microphone tries to hit on him, and he ends up claiming that he would never do that because the only girl he likes is Alli. They walk out of the room, and everyone has heard it, Alli again is left looking stupid.
On a side note, Fiona has been getting hit on by every guy and Riley is actually nice to her ,she decides to get to know him better. Since Riley hasn't told anyone he is gay, he decides to go out with Fiona, and while they are getting along great, its all pretty fake. A guy from his past comes up and Fiona puts one and one together, but isn't completely sure. She tells Declan, and says that she is definitely going to figure it out.


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Vampire Diaries Ep.6 "Lost Girls"

So much happened!This was probably one of the better shows because a lot was revealed.
Damon took Vicki after he attacked her. She wakes up and doesn't really remember to much. She is very weak and he gets her to suck some of his blood, and he has some of hers.It gives her an incredible amount of energy. They both are dancing around, and having a ton of fun. She then confesses how her life is so sad, and he kills her! However a couple minutes later she wakes up having just started transforming into a vampire. She gets confused and is slowly starting to remember things and rushes off.Meanwhile Stefan has been trying to answer Elena's questions, and finally tells her he is a vampire.He tells her about his and Damon's past. Catherine was a girl from the past and she used them both basically and she was the one that ended up being the vampire.She turned Stefan into one.
Vicki ends up at Elena and Jeremy's house and is going pretty much crazy. Stefan realizes that she is turning, and that she has two choices. She can have human blood and become a vampire, or she will die. Jeremy, and her brother Kyle who Jeremy called just think that Vicki is high on something crazy. Eventually Vicki runs off again and Stefan goes after her. When he finds her he convinces her to come and then gets shot by the reporter guy who was using the compass that was stolen from Jeremy to hunt vampires. The reporter is just about to put a stake through Stefan's heart when Damon comes and kills the guy. He gets his ring from Stefan, and takes off. Vicki then drinks the blood of the reporter. Stefan goes back and tells Elena he couldn't save Vicki. Elena says that she can't be in a relationship with Stefan, but she will keep his secret.


Survivor19 Episode 5

At Galu Shambo is feeling like an outcast being the only member not to vote out Yasmin. She had voted for Monica and Monica now wants Shambo to be the next to go. We see Erik washing his face and a huge wave crashes him down. Its a funny ,but scary Erik moment. The waves seem to be getting bigger and bigger at both camps.
At Foa Foa Liz makes a comment about Ashley being a picky eater and Russell thinks Liz is trying to play mind games. He is overreacting, but it seems to get Liz a little upset. Ashley thinks she will be fine at the challenge.
At the Reward challenge it is one of my favourite competitions. Its a Gross food eating challenge, with the winners getting sausages and steaks etc. Its a roulette based game where a member from each tribe drops the ball in and whatever the ball lands on Jeff puts it into a smoothie. There is also a space of "Jeffs choice"It ends p not being a race, just each member has to finish to get the point. Some of things they have to eat is Giant Clams, Sea Snails, Jellyfish, sea noodle, and sea slug guts. It ends up being tied 4-4 when Ashley for Foa Foa goes against Dave and is unable to finish her smoothie. Galu leader Russell then has to pick someone to send over to the other tribe, and they will not get the reward. He picks Shambo and she is ticked! She actually gets mad right in front of everyone, its pretty awkward. He claims its because she lost a chicken, but we all know its because she is annoying!
At Galu Russel tries to start a fire, as does some others while Dave laughs at them. Dave offers some suggestions, and Russell gets ticked at him. He doesn't want to ask Dave for help, and Dave doesn't want to help unless asked. Eventually Russell lets Dave takes over and within minutes the fire is going.
At Foa Foa Shambo shares her clues with everyone. They all end up thinking someone has it, because it is not where it is suppose to be. Liz goes up to Russell and asks him ,and he gets incredibly defensive once again. Its the second argument between them both, and he warns her that she is on thin ice. During the night it storms, and storms, and everyone is freezing and looks so miserable.
At the Immunity challenge the next day i have never seen a group of survivors look so sick, and cold. Shambo returns to her tribe and none of them except Erik even acknowledge her. Monica says its because everyone is miserable. The challenge has a male and female holding separate ropes attached to a basket while the other tribe throws sacks into the basket. The team that lasts the longest wins. Russell is the first person to drop, after Galu keeps getting sacks in right after another. Liz holds on for an incredible time after, but eventually drops as well. Galu wins!Before Tribal, no one really gets to talk and figure out which way everyone is voting because its storming out, and no one wants to step foot outside that shelter. At Tribal, everyone except Ashley ends up voting her out. She has been the weakest member of the tribe from the very beginning. She also completely sucked at the last two tribals and i can't believe she lasted as long as she did. Foa Foa is now down to 5 members, Jaison,Russell, Liz, Mick and Natalie.


SYTYCD Canada Top 6 Results

So Tre Armstrong choreographed the group number, and i thought it wasn't that great. It was a little entertaining, but there was nothing that i haven't seen before. I thought the costuming was terrible too!
So after Leah talked about the same old things, and the solos happened the results were in and Melanie and Emanuel were sent home!It was sad to see Melanie go, because she is such a gorgeous dancer, but the top two girls Jaime Rae and Tara Jean are amazing too! I'm really glad Emanuel left, and from the beginning, i said i wanted Vincent to win, and over the past couple of weeks i have loved Everett.
I think a female will win it, but i would be happy with anyone of the top four winning.It would be amazing to see a tapper like Everett win, but i have loved Vincent since day one. I can't wait for the finale!!


GLEE "Throwdown"

Sue and Will have to work together. Sue decides to split up the group and does so by picking all the minorities. Its pretty hilarious. Its so hard to recap all that happens between them. Just watch it! But basically they argue and fight until they completely blow up on one another. Sue tries to get him fired ,and he flunks alsmost all of her Cheerios. In the end Sue quits, only because the kids were getting to emotional for her. There are some hilarious scenes between them. Will goes with Terri for an ultrasound, that Terri and her sister have already convinced the doctor to do a fake one. Its kind of upsetting how emotional Will gets about a baby that isn't really there. Its going to be so sad the day he finds out there is no baby.
Quinn also tells Rachel that she better stay away, and Rachel still ends up trying to protect the kind of secret that Quinn is pregnant by giving the nerd guy her underwear. She did it for Finn, and but kind of for Quinn too. Eventually Sue finds out, and announces it to everyone and the story runs in the newspaper. Quinn is really needing people and at the end of the show they do the "Keep holding on" and its a really cute moment for the Glee Club.
1. Hate on Me Buy on iTunes
2. No Air
Buy on iTunes
3. You Keep Me Hangin' On
Buy on iTunes
4. Keep Holding On
Buy on iTunes
(While hugging)Will: I will destroy you. Coach Sue Sylvester: I’m about to vomit down your back.Will: It’s on
Jacob (Nerd reporter): The independent polling company in my Dockers has determined you’re the hottest girl in the school.
Coach Sue Sylvester: Listen up! When you hear you name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing.Will: That’s called a piano, Sue.Coach Sue Sylvester: Santana, Wheels, Gay Kid. Come on! Move it! Asian, other Asian, Aretha, and Shaft.
Coach Sue Sylvester: Bigotry is no laughing matter.Santana: And that’s how Sue see’s it (while doing Sue’s signature hand sign off)Coach Sue Sylvester: Outstanding!
Will: Sue! Hey Sylvester! I’m talking to you.Coach Sue Sylvester: Oh, hey buddy. I thought I smelled failure.Will: Why did you take the piano when it was my time with the kids?Coach Sue Sylvester: A properly steam cleaned piano is key to any successful music group.Will: You are undermining me in front of these students.Coach Sue Sylvester: You’re delusions of persecution are a tell tale sign of early stage paranoid schizophrenia.Will: That is it, Sue! This ends right here.Coach Sue Sylvester: Cock fight. FANTASTIC!!!!
Coach Sue Sylvester: Should they learn Spanish? Sure! If they want to become dishwashers and gardeners. But if they want to be bankers, and lawyers and captains of industry, the most important lesson they can possibly learn is how to do a round-off.
Coach Sue Sylvester: Don’t touch me.(Will touches her) THAT IS A LAWSUIT MISTER. I WILL SUE YOUR ASS!!!
Principal Figgins: NO, NOT THE CHILDREN (when Sue finished throwing things and went for kids. Instead she grabs a teacher)
Finn: I came up with the best baby name of all time. DRIZZLE Quinn: Drizzle? Finn: Yeah, yeah. Cuz you know how awesome it is when it’s just drizzling outside. But it’s not really raining so it smells like rain but you don’t need an umbrella to go outside. Quinn: Are you a moron? Finn: What? Quinn: We’re not naming our baby, Drizzle!


ANTM13 Petite Ninja Warriors

The Girls Get to go on Go-sees! I love this part of the competition, because i love who really has what it takes to make it and not just what the judges say. I also think its funny how some fail at the easiest things like reading a map.Anyways Kara Gets called scruffy, and Sundai and Rae end up being late at the end of the challenge. Nicole wins and gets stuff from all the designers they see including the dress in the picture below!I love it!!!!
The Photos
Brittany:The look works, but its almost a look i've seen before. I also don't think there was enough variety in the poses. 7/10
Erin:I think i was expecting a lot more form her, but she delivered at least one kick ass upside down shot, and the other two are alright. 7.5/10
Jennifer: I like her photos but i think its more because of the styling then anything she did. 7/10
Kara:There was no energy in these photos. The poses were stupid, and she didn't even make a pretty face. 3.5/10 ELIMINATED
Laura:She probably had one of the harder props ,and she make it work. All different poses, and great face! She looks like an actual model! 8.5/10
Nicole:It could just be that red hair, but she looks amazing in these shots. The middle one is fantastic! 9/10
Rae:In like a nymph ninja way, these photos are really good. She looks gorgeous. 8/10
Sundai: Bad posing, and overall just a bad shoot! 5/10 BOTTOM TWO
Ultimately i think the competition is between Nicole, Brittany and Laura. I think they have had the strongest photos and are gonig to continue to do so. I could see Jennifer maybe coming in for third.


Melrose Place "Shoreline"

Jonah is shooting an ad campaign and needs Riley to bring some camera equipment down to the shoot. Riley comes down and the designer doing the shoot thinks she is amazing and wants her to be the face of the jean campaign. Riley says no, but then when Jonah reveals how he is having trouble paying bills, Riley takes the job offer.
Wendi ,Laurens boss sens her on a job on a yacht with some other girls. She is super nervous, but calms down ,until she sees David show up on the yacht. She bails on the job, and almost gets fired ,but Wendi is going to give her another shot, and then shes done.
David is there because he is meeting with some people, when e turns down an offer he gets the crap beat out of him. The next morning when Lauren is going to work she sees David and takes him to the hospital. David Father, wants to know what happened, and put Lauren up to the task of figuring it out. Neither of them know each other was on the boat.
Violet fakes being sick to get closer Micheal (Davids Father, and Sydney's ex)She eventually hooks up with him, and video tapes it to get revenge for him hurting Sydney.


Friday, October 16, 2009

SYTYCD Canada Top 6 Performances

Tara Jean & Vincent*Salsa*Vengo Caliente Sonora Carruseles
It had a really good energy and besides me hating the costume i think it was a great way to start the show.
Jaime Rae Solo: I always enjoy her solos, and this one was really good.
Melanie & Everett*Jazz Rock* Burn it to the Ground, Nickelback
This dance fails on every level. The lift was horrible, the choreography was crap, and the song choice was dreadful. The best part was the crowd surfing at the end. I hope there next dance is amazing.
Tara Jean Solo: This is my favorite solo of hers. She really has stepped it up these past weeks, before she was forgettable but definitely not anymore.
Jaime Rae & Emanuel*Quickstep*Let's Go Hipjoint, feat. Sherry, St. Germain
I hate the quickstep, but i think she made him look better then he as in the past. It was an alright performance.
Melanie Solo: It was very pretty. She is a gorgeous dancer.
Everett Solo:At one point i think he almost slipped, but his tap is really good as always.
The Girls: Concerto for 2 Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043: II. Largo Ma non Tanto (J.S. Bach) The Scottish Ensemble/Jonathan Rees
Probably one of my favourite dances this season. One of these three should win. Beautiful choreography, costumes, dancing, lights, just everything.
The Boys: Get Up Offa That Thing James Brown
Everett was amazing. I didn't take my eyes off of him, so i had to rewind to watch the others. Vincent almost over did it, and Emanuel wasn't good enough. As a whole,it wasn't as good as it should have been.
Tara Jean & Vincent*Contemporary* It Doesn't Hurt (Studio Version), Katie Thompson
This was all about her. I think this performance put her into the top 4. It was an extremely emotional peice for the dancers, the judges and me aswell .Brilliant.
Emanuel Solo:I'm pretty much done with him. Solo was so cheesy and definitely not in a good way.
Melanie & Everett*Hip Hop*That's Right, Ciara
I love him in this. He hit it hard, and i hope this dance saves him. She did amazing aswell.
Jaimie Rae & Emanuel* Jazz Funk* I Gotta Feeling, Black Eyed Peas
The dress was so distracting. I think with a little less dress, it could have been great. The concept was great, it just wasn't all there.
Vincent Solo:His hips are just crazy, but it seems like i've seen this solo many times from him.
After a great show its really hard to call, but crossing my fingers for Emanuel to go home. With the girls its a lose, lose situation as those three are so talented!


90210 "Wild Alaskan Salmon"

Adrianna breaks up with Navid because she is stupid, and then calls Teddy right away. Teddy however doesn't want a girlfriend and she realizes she made a huge mistake. She tries to get Navid back , but Teddy actually doing something useful told Navid that they had kissed. Navid tells Adrianna he wants nothing to do with her.
Silver decides to go see her mom, even tough Kelly warned her not to get involved.Her mom, Jackie asks her to move in with her, and Silver isn't sure. Kelly goes to see Jackie and tells her to stay away from Silver. Jackie then uses that as a way to get Silver mad at Kelly and move in. This whole thing is really fishy to me, and i'm sure she is sick, but maybe its not fatal and she is using it somehow.
Naomi gives her sister Jen like $100, 000, to get an awesome lawyer for her divorce. Instead Jen really wants it to but a racing horse. I can't wait till the day when everyone realises what a bitch Jen is.
Ryan and Harry go out and Harry gets hammered. At the end of the night Debbie is taking care of him ,and he calls her Kelly.
Annie decides to go on a date with Jasper. Its a cute moment and i love it. The guy that had the sext about Annie tells her that Jasper had pulled a knife on people before, and that she should stay away. Annie believes him, and tells Jasper she is busy and basically gives him the cold shoulder. The other guy then asks Annie on a date and stupidly she accepts. Jasper sees Annie go off with the guy, and looks really angry. The date is going fine,and its kind of cute, until he forces himself on Annie. Jasper however had followed them and is to the rescue. After Annie tells him why she got scared of him, and Jasper laughs it off. At the end of the episode we see Jasper with a knife slitting the tires and scratching the guys vehicle.
