Saturday, October 24, 2009

ANTM13 Interview 101

The girls go to CBS studios where they meet Laura Spencer and Ant. I have no clue who these people even are. They are to learn how to be correspondents. They each get to interview Ant and they get feedback .Some of the girls are so oblivious to how to even give an interview its hilarious. After that is a challenge where they are going to interview Jessica Lowndes from 90210. They have TelePrompter ,and during the interview it gets cut off and they have to kind of wing it. Erin ,and Jennifer did the best job by far. Nicole asks her if she ever had kids, and Laura completely goes blank .The winner ends up being Nicole, and she picks Rae and Jennifer to do a seventeen spread.
Back at the house the girls get some boxes and inside are paper and pens etc, so they can write a script for Cover Girl! They are doing a commercial for Cover Girls Exact Eyelights.
The Commercials:
Brittany: She ends up being non relateable ,and her lines are performed as if she is reading a script. 6/10
Erin: Even though she did great at the challenge she completely tanked. She couldn't do her lines, and then she kept crying. They had to redo her makeup 4 different times. I felt so bad for her ,but the night before she barely practiced, so in the end it probably could have been avoidable. 3/10 BOTTOM TWO
Jennifer: The first take she did was pretty much perfect. She was friendly , had great lines, and made you want to get the product. 9/10
Laura: She messed up alot on this, but eventually she got it down and it was decent. 7/10
Nicole: Surprisingly enough she did fairly well. in the end she was relateable and looked great! 8/10
Rae: During her commercial she wasn't acting like herself at all. She sounded ticked off and barely smiled. It was not a good performance at all. 4/10 ELIMINATED
Sundai: She had this weird accent and way of doing the commercial. I found it really cheesy. 6/10



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