Saturday, October 24, 2009

GLEE "Mash-up"

A slushie war! Everyone from the football team and other "popular" kids are attacking people except this time Finn and Quinn are getting it. They are super upset about getting picked on like this and want to be popular again. They go to Emma for help and she suggests wearing sunglasses.
Ken(The football coach) and Emma want to learn to dance for their wedding. They ask Will to help do a mash up, of the songs they each want. While Will is dancing with Emma, Ken gets super jealous, and can't stand that she is in love with him. To get back at Will, he makes practices on Thursdays, and tells the kids in football that they have to choose Football or Glee Club.
Sue has fallen in love with a broadcaster at the news station .They go on one day and she starts being super nice to everyone. She even asks Will for dance lessons. It doesn't last long though when she catches the broadcaster hooking up with another broadcaster. she turns into the same old Sue, and even ends up firing Quinn from the Cheerios.
Meanwhile Puck had a dream about Rachel ,and woke up deciding that maybe its time for him to date a nice Jewish girl, or at least get with her. They start hanging out, and are pretty cute together except that Rachel likes Finn and Puck likes Quinn. At Glee Club he sings a song to her, and Quinn is totally loving Puck ,and Finn is getting jealous of Rachel getting the attention from Puck.When Puck gets slushie poured on him ,she helps him wipe it off and he tells her that he has to choose football over Glee.
The next Thursday,everyone is waiting to see who will show up to Glee and who is going to football practice. Kurt of course chooses Glee, and so do the other two guys who are apparently with the other two cheerios on Glee. After a few seconds Puck walks in and Rachel runs to him so happy he choose Glee.However Finn doesn't show up, he chose football.
The next day he has a slushie in his hand and is suppose to throw it at someone. he is unable to do so and Kurt takes one for the team, throwing the slushie at himself. He asks Finn if any of those football guys would have ever did that for him. Finn goes and tells Coach that he can't pick football over Glee and wants to do both. Ken gives in, and tells him that the practices are cancelled and to let the other guys know.
Rachel tells Puck that they can't be together because she wanted to make Finn jealous, and it didn't work. Puck is ticked off, but more so because he wanted to make Quinn Jealous as well.
Will goes with Emma to see if she can dance in her wedding dress. They have some cute moments, and in the end he tells her he can't mas-up the two songs Ken and Emma want because they are too different.
1. Bust a Move Buy on iTunes
2. Thong Song
Buy on iTunes
3. Sweet Caroline
Buy on iTunes (A heartwarming song by the one and only Puck)
4. I Could Have Danced All Night
Emma: I would like to have “I could’ve danced all night” Will: Oh, from “My Fair Lady”. Great choice, such a romantic song. Emma: Yes. Coach Tanaka: Yeah, If you’re making a mix tape for the boring parade. I want the “Thong Song”. I need something I can shake my moneymaker to.
Puckerman: My ears are starting to hurt. Can we take a break? Rachel: Ok Puckerman: Wanna make out? Rachel: Sure.
Puckerman: It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.
Puckerman: We’re a couple of good looking Jews- it’s natural.
Puckerman: Are you questioning my badassness? Have you seen my guns.
Coach Sue Sylvester: If it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark cold night, I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.
Coach Sue Sylvester: Q, take off those sunglasses. I want to look in your eyes when I give you this piece of business. You’re off the Cheerios. I can’t have a pregnant girl on my squad. You’re a disgrace.



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