Sunday, September 30, 2007

Survivor Episode 2

At Zhan Hu Crazy Dave wanted to build this elaborate firepit. No one in the ribe had eaten and they were all exhausted, but Dave wanted to waste his time on it. Ashley and him got into a little fight about it. Actually its a big fight because Dave is a complete jerk.
At Fei Long, James is again is pushing down trees with his bare hands. Jean Robert is being super lazy. Apparently its all part of his "plan".Amanda asks Todd to be in a alliance, which he thinks is great and they decide to get Aaron aswell, because he works hard, and they hope if anything bad happens the blame will fall on Aaron.
The Reward Challenge: Jeff throws two big wooden balls into a pit of mud and they go three on three and have to get it to their side. Anyways Amandas top falls down and James is the star again, Frosti tries so hard to stop him. Fei Long wins. They get fishing gear and they also get to "kidnap" a member from the other tribe. They choose Jaime. Jaime gets a clue for the hidden Immunity idol and is suppose to share it with one member from the other tribe. She chooses Leslie. Who in turn tells Tood, because she wants an alliance with him.

The Clue:
What is thought to be hidden
may sometimes be seen.
Though their eyes are not,
yours must be keen.
The Immunity Challenge: Each tribe has to push this log through two walls. The log is a puzzle they then have to solve. Dave like looses his energy which is really funny to watch and Frosti steps in and really takes over. and once again Fei Long wins.

Zhan Hu has a little bit of trouble deciding who to get rid of. It was between Ashley and Dave, and sadly Ashley goes.
The Votes: All for Ashley and she votes for Dave. Her end speech was great.


Friday, September 28, 2007

ANTM Episode #2

So Tyra announces that this season is a “Green” Season. Their Bus is all recyclable stuff. The house has some information too, like taking ten minute showers and such. We have a bunch of stuff about Heather and her condition. What the girls think and stuff. The girls house is pretty amazing. The runway is super cool, and the pool of course is awesome.
The Challenge: The girls went to Old Navy and Ms. Jay gave them some tips on how to dress for the challenge and then they had to pick out an outfit. Some of the girls did good like, Saleisha and Chantel. Heather probably had the worst outfit.

The Photo Shoot: At the photo shoot Bianca and Lisa get into a fight. Bianca is pretty much being a bitch, and saying that a stripper is not going to win ANTM. I wish Lisa would have just hit her.
They had to take two pictures. One has beautiful women smoking, and then in the mirror, the effects that smoking has.
Best to Worst photos:
1.Victoria: Stillborn Child: I love the picture, not so much her one leg but otherwise she is now one of my favourites.
2.Sarah: Premature Aging: The best picture. I think this could be a year for a plus size model. Great emotion.
3.Lisa: Facial Tumour: I loved it. I think she will do well, if she continues taking pictures like that.
4.Chantal: Tracheotomy: I really like this picture. Her emotion is perfect.
5.Janet: Burn Victim: One of the best emotion wise. She just is still a little forgettable.
6 &7. Heather and Saleisha: Second-hand Smoke: I really like Saleisha, she did great. Heather didn’t know what to do on the shoot she is lucky she got a good shot.
8.Bianca: Severe Gingivitis: it’s a little disturbing, in a good and bad way. She is really pretty I don’t know if the right emotion was shown in her reflection picture.
9.Jenah: Hair Loss from Chemotherapy: Boring…
10.Kimberly: Sunken Face: As much as I like her it was not good.
11.Ambreal: Lung Cancer: The photo is just boring. Her eyes annoy me, As well as her mouth being open.
12.Ebony: Collapsed Lung / Oxygen Mask: really blah…
13.Mila: Losing Hair From Chemotherapy: Just not right.. Both pictures look really bad.
Anyways, so Saleisha won the old navy challenge at the panel, and Ebony and Mila were the bottom two. And Then Mila left, rightfully so. I didn’t think she was all that great. I never saw her making it past the first few weeks. She was my first predition to go, so i'm glad i got it right :)
Mila Quote: I think if you concentrate on the positives, the negatives just go away..
My Like List


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Beauty & The Geek Episode #2

Well Sam is an idiot. I kind of think he is a little fake. I’m glad that the girls are ignoring him. I think Amanda and Tony are an adorable team. Nicole is kind of funny. She definitely seems like she is a geek. The rapping challenge is hilarious. Poor Tony, said he puts a wall around himself.. Its so sad. I really think Jasmine is the dumbest girl in the house. It sucks for David that he got partnered with her. The Guys had to create a rap and perform it.

The Challenges

Will and John were the best. John I thought got really into it which was neat to watch. Will was super cool too. Poor Tony messed up his performance which sucked. I couldn’t understand what David was saying, and the rest really were horrible. I was happy that Will won.

The beauties challenge was hilarious. Half of the time I had no clue what any of them were saying. Jens performance was really funny because she didn’t say anything. Sams was good even though his first part he sounded like an idiot. I actually though Shalandra was going to win at first but his rebuttal was good.

Jasmine and Natalie eavesdropping on them discussing who to put up for elimination was funny especially when Will caught them. I would have eavesdropped too.
I hate that my two favourite teams got picked to go into the elimination room. I was sad when Tony was talking to Amanda. It was really sad. I almost cried. I really could not pick a team that I wanted to stay over the other. But, whatever it’s a game. I felt so sad for Tony.. I wanted to see Tony’s makeover. I can’t wait till the makeover episode. Hopefully its next week.
My favourites: Natalie & John


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I Love this show. Anyways so we have a quick recap. Then, the wonderful show begins.
*So at the end of Serena and Dans date he uh waved at her.. So he goes over to the hotel the next morning to tell her that he really likes her.
*Nate also goes over to the hotel to talk with serena and has to sit with Dan to wait for her.
* Serena goes to visit Blair. It does not go well. Serena is speechless when she Blair tells her that Nate told her about them having sex.
* Revenge is best served cold..
*Jenny goes to see Blair. She wants to see what Chuck is saying about her. Blair smiles evily and asks her to help her get ready for brunch
* Serena’s mother goes to talk to Dan’s dad. They end up really getting nowhere.
*Nate and Dan talk a little, and then Chuck shows up and they argue and want to fight again.
*So Blair gives Jenny a dress, and says that she will find a way to repay her.
* Serena and Dan are going to get something to eat but Serena’s mother says she has to go to the brunch.
* They show up and get evil looks
* So Nate wants to talk with Serena and he gives her Chucks room key to meet him.
* Meanwhile, Chuck gives Blair his room key so they can finally have sex to seal the deal or whatever.
* Nates dad is glad that he and Blair are back together.
*Chucks dad tells him to stop drinking because its before nnoon, and that he thros these parties for Chuck.
*Blair takes Nate to Chucks room, and they run into Blair..
*Will it be a three way or d-day?
*They bicker in the room and Blair runs down to tell Dan what Serena did. They follow her and they all end up in this circle, of hate. Even chuck comes, and says something about Jenny and Dan pushes him and he is knocked into a waiter and everyone looks and Dan leaves. Serena says she will come and he said he would rather she didn’t.
*Serena runs after Dan. He says he doesn’t know what he is doing there and that she wasn’t who he thought she was.And she says that if he doesn’t understand then he wasn’t who she thought he was. They both go to walk away, looking back at each other at different times.
* Dan is upset, Blair and Nate are still together I guess, Serena is sad. Chuck is just being Chuck. And Jenny likes the dress she got from Blair…


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Survivor;China Episode 1

I love Survivor and always will, its probably the best reality show in the world. So anyways,
we start off by seeing Jeff talking about China and the survivors. The survivors go into a temple that is welcoming them. Leslie has trouble doing it, because she believes it is like bowing to another God. Courtney also has trouble just doing the thing in general. Jeff tells them that they are going to be stuck in the clothes they are wearing. For some of them it is not good. Some are wearing dresses and like nice clothes. The tribes were already chosen, and off they go to their islands.

Fei Long: Aaron doesn’t want to be a leader, yet you know he is going to be. The tribes get Rice, and no flint. It starts raining pretty much right away. Courtney doesn’t like her team. Jean Robert, already judges Todd. He thinks he is devious. Which Todd is, but the conversation is funny anyways. Todd asks him not to tell everyone that he is like that. Then, there is James he just tears down trees with his arms, and Aaron helps.
Best part:
James: I am more of a worker, less of a talker the whole initiation of the social thing , talking and trying to out strategise that’s gonna kill me.
Leslie: I think James is amazing, he’s like superman, I’ve never seen, he just works but I’m worried about James, he just seems very quiet.
Leslie: You’re a very interesting guy, what do you do?
James: Bury people
Leslie: You bury people that’s interesting, are u serious
James: Yeah

James by himself: I’m a gravedigger, the solitude by myself digging a grave I like that work you know, I’m kinda by myself. that’s part of my problem over here now, I’m used to being by myself
James: I could be more sociable and charming
Leslie: You know what charm is deceptive, You be you and you’ll be fine.
James by himself: I’m definitely worried about the social aspect, I need to pay more attention to that, so I need to do a little bit more hustling and hopefully pull out the challenges and make them love me.
Zhan Hu:Chicken was trying to give some input but no one was taking it into consideration. They are trying to dance and such. P.G can’t get into the wackiness. Chicken, isn’t saying his opinion anymore. The team is complaining because their shelter was dumb, and they all got went. AShley, is sick and just laying around.
The Immunity Challenge: It was incredible. Well ,James and Frosti mostly James was incredible. Each tribe is connected to each other and they have to carry a heavy dragon. While carrying it they have to get through this maze. Both tribes are equal through this part until on little corner at the end, but then James can’t get his clip undone, so Frosti pulls ahead of James, but then James catches up and they both jump over the wall to unlock the gate, and then the next. James and Frosti both jump over the walls like its no problem, its amazing. They race back to their tribes, and go trough the gates, through a swamp and up to the platform. They then have to solve this puzzle, and Fei Long ends up winning. The votes:
Ashley - Voted for Peih Gee
Chicken - Voted for Ashley
Dave - Voted for Ashley
Erik - Voted for Chicken
Jaime - Voted for Chicken
Frosti - Voted for Chicken
Peih-Gee - Voted for Chicken
Sherea - Voted for Chicken
Byebye Chicken...


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

KID NATION Episode 1

Ok, so the show starts off with the host talking. Then we see the kids coming in a big school bus. We learn that there is going to be four leaders and that they were already picked. They come in a helicopter, and these kids are Mike, Anjay, Laurel and Taylor. The four kids are told secretly that at every town meeting about every 3 days, they get to chose which kid worked the hardest and should get a gold star. The gold star is worth $20,000.

All the kids then proceed to take a few wagons with supplies a short distance to where their “abandoned” town is. Dk gets hurt on the way and has to sit on one of the wagons. Mike and Greg get into a fight on the way their because Greg thinks Mike isn’t helping. There is this one kid Jimmy, who is eight and is already homesick.

After a rough start trying to get supper ready, Sophia takes charge and cooks the pasta. Taylor has a moment where she thinks she wants to go home and Mike has a rough start when he wants a meeting but all the kids just want to go to bed. He gets upset, but they agree everything will be better in the morning.

The next day there is a council an no one is listening, Greg and Mike get into a fight and Greg actually pushes Mike. This kid Michael steps up and has this awesome speech and everyone claps. After that the council has to divide the kids into 4 groups and each council member will be a leader. Anjay has mostly older kids, Taylor has the younger ones, and the rest are mixed.

The host then comes and gives them a challenge. The Winners of the Challenge will become “The upper classSecond place will be the Merchants, Third place is the cooks, and fourth is the labourers. So the challenge is they have to navigate themselves towards these things that squirt up their colour of water, then they have to fill three big bottles. Mikes team is 1rst, then Sanjays, then Taylor’s, Then Laurels.

Taylor is worried about her group cooking the next morning, but they end up doing a great job, and Sophia is a little jealous, and then gets mad because the kitchen isn’t clean. Greg and Blaine have also been vandalizing the town with chalk writing the word “blue” on everything.

At the town council Sophia complains about the kitchen, Michael also steps up and has a little speech. The host asks if anyone wants to go home, and poor little Jimmy puts up his hand and says he wants to go, after some people saying he shouldn’t, he still decides to go. And lastly the gold star is awarded to Sophia. She also gets to phone home.

Fav. Moment: The host asks Jimmy how he is doing, and he says he misses his parents, and Greg says “ you can be my wingman” Jimmy asks “who said that“, and Greg is like” its Greg” and Jimmy is like “no” Its hilarious.
Standout kids:
Jared: He has these funny moments. Hes a little weird though.
Greg: A bully, but he does try and help the youngest kids.
Jimmy: It sucks he went home cuz he was adorable, but he was so brave not to fall for the pressure and say what was really on his mind.
Laurel: She seems very level headed, and I think is making a great leader.
Michael: He is adorable. He also is a great leader, and seems really smart.
Sophia: She is annoying, but she knows what she wants and I think she will do everything to get it.
Mike: He is a great leader. He tries really hard and really wants the town to work.


ANTM Season 9 Episode 1

"The Girls go Crusin"

So they start off on a cruise.They do a little walk on a runway wearing life jackets and Ms. Jay critiques them.Then they start with the interviews and here is my impressions:
Ambreal: I love her walk. I love her personality.
Chantal: She knows fashion, I’m not to fond of her personality
Sylvia: yeah I can understand why this girl didn’t make it.
Heather: well we have a sob story…She seems ok, but she will never be able to walk right.
Saleisha: She seems a little short..
Victoria: She seems really real. But I don’t know if she really wants to be a model.
Janet: She seems pretty cool as well, not to much of a model though.
Jennifer: eek that accent.
Marvita: I don’t like sob stories…but this girl seem so strong. It sucks she didn’t make it
Mila: I don’t like her.I don’t know how she made it
Christie: She is so ugly..
Sabrina: eek…
Jenah: I don’t like her either.. Annoying..
Sarah: Shes funny.. I kind of like her.
Lisa: I like her. Shes neat..I could care less that she is a exotic dancer.
Bianca: I don’t like her either.
Kimberly: I love her
Ebony: Don’t like her either.. But she has had a really rough life.. I dunno
Ok, they all go to the beach and we see Jaslene. They are doing some photos on a beach. Then 13 girls get cut, and its down to 20.
Then Tyra and the Jays discuss the girls and pick the top 13.
So here is my newly revised boot list:
13. Mila
12. Ebony
10. Bianca
9. Janet
8. Jenah
7. Sarah
6. Heather
5. Chantel
3. Lisa
2. Ambreal
1. Kimberly


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beauty & The Geek Episode1

So its a new Season of Beauty and the Geek, and we got a whole two hour episode. In my opinion it was to long, but whatever. We saw auditions, and we met a lot of dumb people and a lot of smart people, and alot of ugly and pretty people. Not that much else happened, they got teams picked, and some are definetly not happy with the way they were picked.Anyways so here is my quick opinion on each Beauty and each geek.


David: He seems a strange.. um.. he does LARPing.. which is live action role playing.. um during this episode he ended up beng put with a person he didn't want and he was upset about it.

Jesse: I kinda liked him. I don't know he was kind of quiet.

John: Just a goof ball... he was pretty quet aswell. He seems pretty tall. oh and he got a perfect 5.0 at M.I.T.

Josh: This guy is actually one of my favourites. His rubberband hobby is kinda has this ridiculous laugh its cute and annoying at the same time.

Joshua: The nerdiest guy in the house. Apparently his mom wants him to get a girlfriend. Oh yeah, and he actually calls his mom when he is meeting the girls. HAHA Right now i would say hes the most popular guy in the house, just cuz he didn't know where he was sleeping and some of the girls said he could sleep in their tent.
Luke: he seems pretty laidback..I kinda like him aswell..
Tony: The cutest thing ever. I hope he lasts for awhile.

Will: He is pretty funny. He went first for the introductions which i thought was pretty brave of him. He seems really nice and willing to learn.

William: hes adorable, very, very shy.. He has like 10,000 comics. He also got paired with someone he didn't want..

Amanda: She seemed pretty down to earth...except her goal is to be a playboy centerfold.
Erin: I dounno.. she seems pretty nice and in there for the experience.
Hollie: I like her. She actually doesn't seem to dumb despite her appearance. Her job also includes doing a betty boop voice.. its cute and weird at the same time. The guys love it though.
Jasmine: Well i thought i would like her but is she ever annoying.. Idon't think her partner likes her much either.
Jennifer: Uh..her boob job just is to much.. yepp thats all i have to say. She can benchpress 135, which is good. Her partner isscared of her aswell.
Katie: She also seems pretty nice. i dunno the blonds are all getting mixed up in my head lol.
Natalie: Shes pretty and actually seems smart.. i mean shes double majoring in computer science and abnormal pshycology.
Rebecca: She seems nice, a pretty big flirt i think..
Shalandra: i really dislike her.. She is the dumbest one there..

The Twist: Nicole and Sam. The girl is the nerd and the guy is the hottie. The guy really isn't that hot, just a nice body. Anyways we didn't get to meet them yet just see a breif glance at them..


Gossip Girl-Will I be watching Episode #2??

One of the previews for the show had these words for each Character:
Serena van der Woodsen: Fallen
Blair Waldorf: Vulnerable
Dan Humphrey: Alone
Nate Archibald: Lost
Jenny Humphrey: Naive
Chuck Bass: Dangerous

Anyways, Episode 1(pilot)Recap:

We begin seeing Ms. Serena and hearing Gossip Girl. So we learn that Dan has this crush on Serena. Nate and Blair(Serena’s best friend or ex best friend) are an item, but Blair knows Nate has this thing for Serena. So as soon as Blair finds out Serena is back she tells Nate she is ready to have sex with him. They don’t get to really even start when Nate finds out Serena is back, he rushes out. We only saw some brief moments of Jenny, Chuck and the two sidekicks of Serena or Blair’s?
So Serena’s little brother tried to kill himself, and that’s why she is back. Her mother is hiding him in a hospital..
So Jenny is a popular wanna-be… she made these personalized invitations for Blair’s little party, so she could get an invite. Dan doesn’t really care that his little sister is going to a party, but I think he kind of does. Their Dad( Rufus) is apparently a washed up rock star.
So Jenny gets her Invite and Serena does not. Apparently there isn’t enough room. Then Blair and her posse walk away, but not before Serena gets Blair to meet her tonight.
Jenny makes Serena a secret invitation. Serena sneaks her brother out for some shopping. Her little brother totally has a thing for Jenny. Dan hides when he sees Serena…its kind of funny.
Chuck smokes pot and is the comedian of the show. Nate, wonders if his life is planned out, and whether he is going to end up like his parents.
Serena wants things to go back to the way they were. Blair doesn’t seem like she wants that, but then she kind of warms up. They call each other B and S which is hilarious. They hug in the end so.. I guess that’s good?
So Jenny , convinces or persuades Dan to go see Serena at the hotel bar.
Chuck, however sees Serena and really is a jerk. He hits on Serena and then gets her some food and then asks for sex. Anyways he caught Serena and Nate having sex at a wedding a year ago. That’s why she left. Anyways Chuck tries to get with her and she knees him in the balls and runs.
Also, while that’s happening Nate is telling Blair what happened a year ago, right before they were going to have sex. Blair yells at Nate to get out, saying she knew something happened.
Nates dad tells him to get back with Blair, or else. And of course Blair takes him back.
So the cutest thing happens, Dan has Serena’s cell when she drop it, and then she comes up and says she remembers him. Her mom got her a dress, for the party, and Serena tells her she is actually going out with Dan.. To his fathers Its cute.
Apparently Dans dad, and Serena’s mom are ex lovers so that’s interesting. So Jenny is going to the party and Dan has a date.
Serena meets the washed up rock star daddy.
Poor Jenny, gets roped into going somewhere quiet with Chuck. She doesn’t want to do anything, he gives her champagne. She texts her brother ad they rush over and save her from creepy Chuck. Dan punches him, and Serena yells at him. Then all three leave together.
Next episode: A lot more catfights.. Haha.. So I guess since I recapped the whole show it means I will be watching it haha.. Another show to add to my list!!!


Sunday, September 16, 2007


So cuz i like predicting things here is my prediction for Survivor. Its based off various things and sites. But here is my final list:

16. Steve Chicken Morris







9.Jean Robert






Final 3. Courtney,Amanda, Todd

I am fairly confident in this list. I am a little bit iffy on the order that Aaron,Dave and Jaime go..aswell as which male is in the final 3. I am quite positive of the final 9. Anyways. This is the first season that i think i know the order this well.. I guess we will see what happens.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

ANTM Pre-show Opinions

My opinions based on 2 pictures and a close up of their face and 60 seconds of an interview.
13. Heather
12. Victoria
11. Janet
10. Chantel
9. Lisa
8. Bianca
7. Mila
1.Kimberly WINNER :)


Survivor Allstars #2???

Well with the excitement of the new Survivor China coming this week, there has also been excitement over the 16th season being another allstar season. I think its a great idea. AS long as they get the right people that i like lol. So just for fun, here is who i think would make a great all star cast:

From Vanuatu:
1.Eliza Orlins
2.Dolly Neely

From Palua:

3.Bobby Jon Drinkard
4.Ian Rosenburger
5.Stephanie Lagrossa

(I know that Stephanie and BobbyJon have been on the show twice now ,i still think they are awesome and Stephanie is probably one of the best survivors ever.)

From Guatemala:

6.Judd Sergeant
7.Brian Corridan
8.Rafe Judkins

I really want Brandon cuz hes hot..but he really didn’t make to much of an impact his season besides being hot.

From Panama:

9.Daielle DiLorenzo
10.Cirie Tiffany Fields

From Figi:
11.Yau-Man Chan
12.Dre Herd
13.James Reid

From China:
well not sure yet.. its going to be a girls season so i'm thinking 3 girls from here.

Also heres who i never want to see again:
Scout or Twila or Lydia (yes i don't like old women on survivor,they are annoying)
Tom Westman or Terry ( nor do i like no it alls)


Monday, September 10, 2007

Can't wait for....

I'm excited for the new tv season! Last year i was so busy and missed so muh tv.. But i am going to try so hard to update on all my favourite shows!!


Beauty & the Geek -Tuesday, Sept.18th

KidNation- Wednesday, Sept. 19th NEW

ANTM- Wednesday, Sept. 19th

Survivor- Thursday, Sept.20th

The Big Bang theory- Monday, Sept.24th NEW

Heroes- Monday, Sept. 24th

Crimminal Minds- Wednesday, Sept. 26th

The Next great AB- Friday, Oct.19th NEW

Project Runway- Wednesday,Nov.14th

Lost- In Feburary???

The Amazing Race-???is it coming back??

Degrassi-????when?? who knows?
