Friday, September 28, 2007

ANTM Episode #2

So Tyra announces that this season is a “Green” Season. Their Bus is all recyclable stuff. The house has some information too, like taking ten minute showers and such. We have a bunch of stuff about Heather and her condition. What the girls think and stuff. The girls house is pretty amazing. The runway is super cool, and the pool of course is awesome.
The Challenge: The girls went to Old Navy and Ms. Jay gave them some tips on how to dress for the challenge and then they had to pick out an outfit. Some of the girls did good like, Saleisha and Chantel. Heather probably had the worst outfit.

The Photo Shoot: At the photo shoot Bianca and Lisa get into a fight. Bianca is pretty much being a bitch, and saying that a stripper is not going to win ANTM. I wish Lisa would have just hit her.
They had to take two pictures. One has beautiful women smoking, and then in the mirror, the effects that smoking has.
Best to Worst photos:
1.Victoria: Stillborn Child: I love the picture, not so much her one leg but otherwise she is now one of my favourites.
2.Sarah: Premature Aging: The best picture. I think this could be a year for a plus size model. Great emotion.
3.Lisa: Facial Tumour: I loved it. I think she will do well, if she continues taking pictures like that.
4.Chantal: Tracheotomy: I really like this picture. Her emotion is perfect.
5.Janet: Burn Victim: One of the best emotion wise. She just is still a little forgettable.
6 &7. Heather and Saleisha: Second-hand Smoke: I really like Saleisha, she did great. Heather didn’t know what to do on the shoot she is lucky she got a good shot.
8.Bianca: Severe Gingivitis: it’s a little disturbing, in a good and bad way. She is really pretty I don’t know if the right emotion was shown in her reflection picture.
9.Jenah: Hair Loss from Chemotherapy: Boring…
10.Kimberly: Sunken Face: As much as I like her it was not good.
11.Ambreal: Lung Cancer: The photo is just boring. Her eyes annoy me, As well as her mouth being open.
12.Ebony: Collapsed Lung / Oxygen Mask: really blah…
13.Mila: Losing Hair From Chemotherapy: Just not right.. Both pictures look really bad.
Anyways, so Saleisha won the old navy challenge at the panel, and Ebony and Mila were the bottom two. And Then Mila left, rightfully so. I didn’t think she was all that great. I never saw her making it past the first few weeks. She was my first predition to go, so i'm glad i got it right :)
Mila Quote: I think if you concentrate on the positives, the negatives just go away..
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