Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Survivor19 Episode 8

So MERGE! Honestly, i don't understand one thing that happened this episode. It was all over so quickly, with my favourite being voted out... so here is how it went down:
At Galu Shambo and Monica continue to not get along. It doesn't really matter though because a couple hours later and a merge happens!They get blue buffs, and come up with the name Aiga. Brett said it means extended family. They all get to enjoy a feast together, and Russell starts scheming. Everyone pretty much agrees on voting out Laura.
The immunity challenge is lame. The first thing is that a male and a female get immunity. Stupid. The second thing is they only get one freaking shot. Why not add points, make it a little more exciting. Dumb. Laura and John end up winning.
This is where it went retarded. Erik and Laura wanted to flush out the immunity idol, but John wanted to get out Monica, so Erik went to tell the rest of the people, but then Dave didn't like it. He also told Mick,Jaison and Natale to vote Monica wanting to flush out the idol. Jaison however, wanted to then vote out Erik, and Natalie went and told Laura that the others were voting for Monica. Thus the females got mad and somehow convinced the other males to vote out Erik aswell.
Anyways at Tribal Erik got voted out, with him and Shambo voting for Jaison. Russell also played his idol.
So the amazing Erik left pissed off, and heartbroken as the people he bonded with betrayed him. I just couldn't believe it, and i am so going to miss him on the show! At this point i am over tribe Galu, and i want Mick or Natalie to win. Galu sucks! Oh and next week Russell is totally going to win immunity and i am betting Jaison will go instead.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ANTM "Dive Deeper"

So the girls head to the beach where they meet Marissa Miller. She teaches them how to be sexy without being over the top.After Nigel shows up and explains the challenge. They have to jump off a cliff and pose. Nicole wins, and gets extra frames. Then she gives some frames to Sundai,Laura and Jennifer. Erin ends up getting no extra frames at all. For the photo shoot they go diving, and have to pose under water. In general i think its lame photo shoot. The girls don't do to well, and it is just kind of a lame shoot.
The Photos
Erin: It would have been a lot better if she actually went into the water. Her face would have actually looked pretty. 6/10 BOTTOM 2
Jennifer: The picture is really pretty. Her body looks amazing. That being said, its still pretty weak. 7.5/10
Laura: I love this picture. Its a gorgeous photo. She was not doing well under the water, but it turned out great. 8/10
Nicole: Its different then i thought she would do, but its a interesting shot. 7/10
Sundai: Its not good. Thats pretty much it. 5/10 ELIMINATED


Sunday, November 08, 2009

ANTM13 "Lets go Surfing"

The models house gets condemned for being to messy and gross. The girls then get told they are going to Hawaii. I think its a lame trip considering in the past seasons they have went all over the world, and they aren't even really leaving the United States. Lame! After the girls look at their beautiful house they get surf lessons. The challenge that week is to pose on the surf board. Erin ends up winning the challenge and getting a helicopter ride. She complains about it because she wanted to win something like jewelry or clothes. For the photo shoot the girls are turned into two different ethnicity's. So they are biracial beauties.
The Photos
Brittany: This is a really pretty picture. Its not really "fashiony" and i think thats more what they were looking for. However its a gorgeous picture and i don't understand how she could be eliminated for this. 8/10 ELIMINATED
Erin: This picture is really cool. She looks like she is right out of a magazine ad. She is totally an all american girl looking. 8/10
Jennifer:I love this picture. Again the fashion part of it is kind of missing, but it kind of isn't, the necklace could be a gorgeous piece. Its almost to national geographic. 8/10
Laura:This picture is gorgeous. She looks like a model and she is selling the garment great. 8.5/10
Nicole:This is one of the best photos of the season. She looks amazing,and its just a beautiful picture. 9.5/10
Sundai:I think its one of her better photos, but it still isn't to the level of the others. She still looks short. 7/10 BOTTOM TWO


Melrose Place "Gower"

Riley and Jonah film a wedding together.She decides to break off her friendship from Auggie, so she can put her relationship with Jonah first. However, Jonah doesn't break his "work relationship" with that woman.
David thinks he might be responsible for Sydneys death because the night she died he woke up and found himself covered in blood and a knife. Auggie gets fired from his job when he punches this guy out. He and Violet hook up.
Ella's client has a drug overdose and goes to Lauren for help. She wants her to change his hospital records. Lauren refuses even after she offers her $50 000. Ella randomly sees a envelope of cash in Laurens closet, and after she sees a whole bunch of expensive dresses. S e confronts her asking what she is doing. Lauren denies everything. Ella goes back to her boss, and she could have sold Lauren out, instead she comes up with another plan for her client.


SYTYCD6 Top 20 Introduction

Meeting the Top 20. I loved this idea to introduce the dancers. I loved it until i heard that the next show was going to be performances and eliminations. I hate that the judges are eliminating without the public voting. There is also a new stage which i am not loving. Its not as open and its more like a stage which will be harder to get the atmosphere i like. Anyways, each member gets to dance in a group routine in their own style. Its fabulous! They started off with a group routine which was alright, but it wasn't the best top 20 i have seen. There were a few mistakes and hands being missed and such.
Group 1 Russell (Krumper), Legacy (B-Boy) & Kevin (hip-hop/locker) Beggin' (District 78 Remix) by Madcon
It was a really fun routine. They all looked like they were having a ton of fun. They definitely like to perform and this makes me really excited for these three this season.
Group 2 Channing, Jakob, Ariana, and Nathan (Contemporary) Crying by K.D. Lang
It was so pretty and it made me a fan of all four of them I think the two females where a lot weaker, but they still really good. I really liked Jakob the most.
Group 3 Peter, Bianca, & Phillip (Tap) Take The "A" Train by Ella Fitzgerald
I just have to say ,that Everett from SYTYCD Canada would have kicked these three tappers asses. I'm not sure if i liked the routine. Bianca definitely is the best of the group. I also don't understand why they can't do tap routines on the show, when in Canada Tara Jean learned tap for a routine. I don't think it would be to hard to learn.
Group 4 Mollee, Pauline & Ellenore (Jazz) On A Cloud by PPP
I thought this group sucked. It was not a sexy dance and the outfits sucked. They weren't in unison for any of it, and they all just danced without even working with eachother. Not good.
Group 5 Victor, Noelle, Billy, & Kathryn (Contemporary) Viva La Vida by Coldplay
There were a lot of fumbles, but there was so much in this routine. I didn't like the choreography, i thought it was to all over the place. The first group of four was much better.
Group 6 Karen, Ashleigh & Ryan Di Lello (Latin ballroom) Everything I Can't Have by Robin Thicke
This was a fantastic routine. The chemistry was great, and routine was fun.


90210 "Womans Intuition"

Navid and Gia want to find out who is behind the drug use that is going on ,and Gia says that Jasper is a drug dealer. Navid tells Annie, and she goes and asks Jasper. Jasper flips the lid, and yells at Annie for not trusting him and believing anything she is told. Naomi and Silver are worried that Adrianna might start using again, and they are unable to help her. They go and ask Navid to try and talk to her. He says she isn't his problem ,but goes anyways. He asks her to go to a meeting. She asks if he will come and he says no.
Dixon tells Harry and Debbie everything about Sasha. Debbie goes with Dixon when Sasha is complaining about cramps. Debbie thinks something is off with Sasha. The next day she goes to talk with Sasha and when Sasha claims she has already heard the heart beat Debbie knows its a fake pregnancy. She tells her to stay away from Dixon. Later that night Sasha texts Dixon that she lost the baby and that they shouldn't see eachother. Debbie and Harry decide not to tell Dixon that she was lieing. Jen and Liam run into each other again when Ryan decides to introduce the two, because Liam is one of Ryans favourite students. Later on Jen tells Ryan that Liam keeps hitting on her. Ryan confronts Liam and he storms off. At Liams garage Ivy shows up, and they kiss.
Anyways while this is all going on Annie goes to apologise to Jasper for doubting him. Its them against the world. They make up, and Jasper goes to get something from his car, when Adrianna shows up and to buy some drugs.


Gossip Girl "How to succeed in Bassness" & "The Grandfather: Part 2"

How to Succeed in Bassness
Rufus and Lily stay home to hand out candy to trick or treaters, however no one really trick or treats, so Lily pays some kids to come a couple of times.
Jenny is trying to be a good queen ,but when Eric and Johnathan sit above her on the MET steps, she tells them they have to move.Eric understands it, but Jonathan thinks it is going to her head all the power. The next day they both decide to test her and purposely sit higher. They refuse to move and Jenny gives the order, and yogurt is dumped all over them. She gets in trouble from Lily, and has to go to the opening of Chucks new club with Eric. However, while she seems sorry ,she gets her little minions to egg Johnathan on his way to the opening. Eric and Jenny's friendship/sibling hood is pretty much over right now. Jenny is angry and hurt and throws away her sewing machine and her clothes. A new Queen Bitch is in town now.
Nate pretty much makes Dan watch a video of Olivia having vampire sex with her ex-boyfriend.Its a pretty intense scene and that worries Dan a little bit. Especially because on Perez Hilton Olivia is spotted grabbing some free condoms. Dan confronts Olivia about it all, and she said it was a fake relationship the one with her ex. However she ends up having to go on a date with her ex for the opening of Chucks club. She and Dan decided that Dan will sneak in later, but it still leaves Dan a little upset.
Chuck and Blair are basically together, but kind of still a little distant. Blair wants to help Chuck with the opening of the hotel, but Chuck doesn't want her to. He asks Serena to help get the party organized. Blair tries to help by getting Chuck the liquor licence, except she goes to Jack Bass for the help. Chuck finds out ,and is ticked, and then they both realize the licence is fake and the hotel is screwed. So they get together and call the police themselves, so they are the ones controlling the situation. The media goes crazy, and they hotel gets the attention that Chuck and Blair wanted. However, because a bunch of clients ,of Serena's are there she gets in trouble at first because it could make it look bad. It doesn't ,but she still is angry with Blair for putting her in the situation.
Olivia and Dan also get caught making out and go public with their relationship. Serena ends up kissing Olivia's ex so then he isn't along, and his career gets a boost.
The Grandfather:Part 2
This episode is all about Tripps Election. He is losing a little bit in the polls right now ,and everyone is a little worried about it. While Tripp and Nate are taking a walk ,a person starts drowning and Tripp jumps to the rescue. Vanessa catches the whole thing on tape ,and is so excited to have her name attached to this piece. While looking through the footage she notices that the guy jumps into the leg, and doesn't fall in. She tells Nate that she has to let everyone know about it. (I don't know when she became so stupid. She is choosing showing this video over her friend Nate. She is so stupid) Anyways he lies to her, saying that he will let everyone know about it. He doesn't but Vanessa ends up showing everyone anyways. Someone needs to take the fall for the whole set up, and Tripp is going to resign. However, Nate decides to tell everyone that he set it up. He also claims Tripp had no idea and really is a hero. Moments later Tripp wins the race. Tripps wife later confesses to the grandfather that she was the one that set up fake drowning.
Blair invites this random girl she met to the opening of the hotel, and she turns out to be a high class hooker. Serena lets everyone know this, especially when Blair keeps bugging her about her fake boyfriend. Anyways the fight ends in Serena shoving Blair's face into a cake. I hate Serena by the way. She is so self righteous and annoying!
Meanwhile, Olivia just had an interview where she told an embarrassing story about Dan. She doesn't want him to see it. He eventually sees it, and storms off. He only leaves though because its their one month anniversary, and he wants to do something special. Its too cute!
Gossip Girl: Sometimes it's hard to see the lines we've drawn until we've crossed them. That's when we rely on the ones we love to pull us back and give us something to hold onto. Then there are the clearly marked lines. The ones that if you dare cross, you may never find your way back. XOXO, Gossip Girl.


Saturday, November 07, 2009

Heroes "Strange Attractors" & "Once upon a Time in Texas"

Strange Attractors
H.R.G & Tracey: The cops will only release Jeremy to a family member, so he calls in "Aunt Tracey" She doesn't really want to get involved, but decides to. Samuel presents himself to Tracey and tries to convince her to bring Jeremy home to them. He gives her a compass so she can find her way to the carnival. When they are bringing Jeremy out their is a big mob of angry people. Jeremy can't control himself and he kills a person. They take him back into the jail. Some of the cops take matters into their own hands and chain up Jeremy to the back of a truck. Jeremy could kill them ,but he chooses not to. Instead he is dragged to his death. Tracey calls Samuel, and Samuel destroys the police station and all that are in it.
Claire: Her and Gretchen are kidnapped by Becky and the rest of Alpha Chi to play a scavenger hunt. They are taken to an abandoned slaughterhouse. Eventually Claire realises that someone is trying to kill Gretchen, and they see the invisible girl while she is attacking them. Claire gets a metal post through her, but still exposes Becky and saves Gretchen. however the other two girls in the scavenger hunt see what happened and are totally confused and freaked out.
Matt & Sylar: Matt is having sex with his wife when Sylar takes over. Matt freaks out, and tells Janice kind of whats going on. She leaves and Matt starts drinking. He realizes that the alcohol is effecting Sylar. After drinking a whole bottle of tequila, Sylar has disappeared. However, when Matt wakes up he realizes that Sylar is now in control of his body and he is now in the position where Sylar used to be.
Once upon a Time in Texas
Hiro: Is back in time three years ago, and wants to save his love Charlie.Samuel appears to Hiro, reminding him ,that he has to be careful of what he changes. Hiro ends up making a deal with Sylar to stop him from killing Charlie, by telling Sylar about his future. As soon as Charlie is saved and they get away from Sylar, they are excited but nervous to start their new life together. Samuel has another plan, and sends Charlie into some other time and place. Hiro is so mad, but Samuel tells him he needs Hiro to help him. he says he did something wrong and it all resulted in Mohinders death.
H.R.G: He also had a story line about him almost cheating on his wife, but it was annoying and pointless so i'm not going to even recap it.


The Amazing Race15 Ep.6 & 7

Episode 6
Basically all that happened this episode doesn't matter because it was the end that was exciting.All the teams except Team Christian, and Team Globetrotters had reached the pitstop. Mika is afraid of heights and water. The last thing to do before the pitstop mat was a waterslide. Mika would not do it. Canaan was even trying to push her down at one point. Basically she was being a baby about the whole thing. In the end, the Globetrotters caught up, and passed them. Cannan went down the slide and Mika ended up walking down the stairs. They were eliminated because she couldn't go down a waterslide.
The Pitstop:
1.Team Adorable
2.Team Poker
3.Team Bro :)
4. Team America
5.Team Cool :)
6. Team Globetrotters
7.Team Christian ELIMINATED
Episode 7
I missed most of this episode. From what i did see, Team Bro finally came out of the closet. It was funny because then Gary from Team Cool broke the tension "Now it's a good time to tell my son he's adopted." Erika from Team America couldn't do the Roadblack which consisted of counting bells in a tower. The other teams quickly passed through this roadblock. At the detour was another story. The challenges were a little bit tougher. The teams kept switching back and fourth. Team Globetrotter and Team Bro ended up sailing through their challenge. Team Adorable, and Team Cool had some problems, but eventually made it through. That left Team Poker, and Team America to battle it out. While Team America didn't have a problem with the challenge they did have a problem figuring out exactly where the bikes where they were suppose to ride. They got a thirty minute penalty at the pitstop for not following the clue properly. Team Poker, wasn't anywhere close to finishing the detour. they kept switching and eventually they were ready to just give up. Phil came to meet them and they were eliminated from the race.
The Pitstop
1. Team Bro :)
2.Team Adorable
3.Team Globetrotters
4. Team Cool :)
5.Team America


Degrassi9 "Beat It" part 1 & 2

These two episodes are about Riley, for the most part anyways. Riley is gay, and is trying to not be by dating Fiona. Basically he tries to hook up with her, and she doesn't want to, and he freaks out. He also is trying to take this life guarding class so he can be a lifeguard for the summer. The coach is gay, and Riley gets mad at him various times. he ends up punching im and gets in trouble for it. He decides he needs to get rid of it, and goes to a program to get rid of it, but realizes that it probably is just thing to get money from desperate people. In the end of all the drama he makes up with the life guard who tells him it will be ok, and he tells Peter "officially". He also says he will probably not completely "come out" until after highschool.
The other thing that happen is Dave has a great basketball game and has a thing for Jenna. She likes him as a friend but doesn't want to tell him that especially after the Cheerleading squad wants her to try out because Dave is the next big thing on the team. She decides to eventually tell him, and for him to keep his rep they tell everyone he broke up with her. She really has this thing for K.C and he clearly knows it, and Claire knows it, but nothing is being done about it! I dread the day K.C cheats on Claire with annoying Jenna.
Also, Anya has this secret second life where she does Larping. Its Live Action Role Playing.She is this princess, and its really important to her. Leia finds out ,and joins knowing its important to her, but when Sav finds out he is not supportive. he doesn't understand it ,and thinks its not important especially when compared to his band. Anya as the princess ends up figuring out a solution to marry this prince from the other place. She is upset with Sav but knows this is to important and that to many people are depending on her. In the end Sav ends up showing up and playing a song for her pretend wedding. Its so sweet.


SYTYCD Canada Finale.

The Finale was filled with dances from throughout the season. The first dance was a group dance from the top 20 and it was a pretty performance. The dances were picked by the judges and Leah ,however i think they were basically picked and the judges just got to announce them and pretend it was their pick. Some of the choices were questionable, as i barely remembered them. There were quite a few that were the best performances this season and i was ever so happy to see them again. There was also a Mia Micheal's piece, in which it was her way of leaving SYTYCD. Apparently she isn't going to be on the show anymore. Unfortunately she had hurt herself so her goodbye was the dance which left many questions unanswered.
Anyways at the end of the two hour finale they called the four onto the stage and they each had their little goodbyes and i can't wait to work with you later speech's from the judges.
The Results:
Everett got 4rth! After his goodbye speech and him tearing up i almost wanted him to win.
Jamie Rae got 3rd! I was surprised, i thought she would have got second.
and Vincent got 2nd ( I had called him from the very beginning winning it so second place is pretty amazing)
which means TARA JEAN IS CANADA'S FAVOURITE DANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She totally deserved it and I'm especially proud of her being from the prairies!Congrats!
