Saturday, November 07, 2009

Heroes "Strange Attractors" & "Once upon a Time in Texas"

Strange Attractors
H.R.G & Tracey: The cops will only release Jeremy to a family member, so he calls in "Aunt Tracey" She doesn't really want to get involved, but decides to. Samuel presents himself to Tracey and tries to convince her to bring Jeremy home to them. He gives her a compass so she can find her way to the carnival. When they are bringing Jeremy out their is a big mob of angry people. Jeremy can't control himself and he kills a person. They take him back into the jail. Some of the cops take matters into their own hands and chain up Jeremy to the back of a truck. Jeremy could kill them ,but he chooses not to. Instead he is dragged to his death. Tracey calls Samuel, and Samuel destroys the police station and all that are in it.
Claire: Her and Gretchen are kidnapped by Becky and the rest of Alpha Chi to play a scavenger hunt. They are taken to an abandoned slaughterhouse. Eventually Claire realises that someone is trying to kill Gretchen, and they see the invisible girl while she is attacking them. Claire gets a metal post through her, but still exposes Becky and saves Gretchen. however the other two girls in the scavenger hunt see what happened and are totally confused and freaked out.
Matt & Sylar: Matt is having sex with his wife when Sylar takes over. Matt freaks out, and tells Janice kind of whats going on. She leaves and Matt starts drinking. He realizes that the alcohol is effecting Sylar. After drinking a whole bottle of tequila, Sylar has disappeared. However, when Matt wakes up he realizes that Sylar is now in control of his body and he is now in the position where Sylar used to be.
Once upon a Time in Texas
Hiro: Is back in time three years ago, and wants to save his love Charlie.Samuel appears to Hiro, reminding him ,that he has to be careful of what he changes. Hiro ends up making a deal with Sylar to stop him from killing Charlie, by telling Sylar about his future. As soon as Charlie is saved and they get away from Sylar, they are excited but nervous to start their new life together. Samuel has another plan, and sends Charlie into some other time and place. Hiro is so mad, but Samuel tells him he needs Hiro to help him. he says he did something wrong and it all resulted in Mohinders death.
H.R.G: He also had a story line about him almost cheating on his wife, but it was annoying and pointless so i'm not going to even recap it.



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