Sunday, November 08, 2009

Gossip Girl "How to succeed in Bassness" & "The Grandfather: Part 2"

How to Succeed in Bassness
Rufus and Lily stay home to hand out candy to trick or treaters, however no one really trick or treats, so Lily pays some kids to come a couple of times.
Jenny is trying to be a good queen ,but when Eric and Johnathan sit above her on the MET steps, she tells them they have to move.Eric understands it, but Jonathan thinks it is going to her head all the power. The next day they both decide to test her and purposely sit higher. They refuse to move and Jenny gives the order, and yogurt is dumped all over them. She gets in trouble from Lily, and has to go to the opening of Chucks new club with Eric. However, while she seems sorry ,she gets her little minions to egg Johnathan on his way to the opening. Eric and Jenny's friendship/sibling hood is pretty much over right now. Jenny is angry and hurt and throws away her sewing machine and her clothes. A new Queen Bitch is in town now.
Nate pretty much makes Dan watch a video of Olivia having vampire sex with her ex-boyfriend.Its a pretty intense scene and that worries Dan a little bit. Especially because on Perez Hilton Olivia is spotted grabbing some free condoms. Dan confronts Olivia about it all, and she said it was a fake relationship the one with her ex. However she ends up having to go on a date with her ex for the opening of Chucks club. She and Dan decided that Dan will sneak in later, but it still leaves Dan a little upset.
Chuck and Blair are basically together, but kind of still a little distant. Blair wants to help Chuck with the opening of the hotel, but Chuck doesn't want her to. He asks Serena to help get the party organized. Blair tries to help by getting Chuck the liquor licence, except she goes to Jack Bass for the help. Chuck finds out ,and is ticked, and then they both realize the licence is fake and the hotel is screwed. So they get together and call the police themselves, so they are the ones controlling the situation. The media goes crazy, and they hotel gets the attention that Chuck and Blair wanted. However, because a bunch of clients ,of Serena's are there she gets in trouble at first because it could make it look bad. It doesn't ,but she still is angry with Blair for putting her in the situation.
Olivia and Dan also get caught making out and go public with their relationship. Serena ends up kissing Olivia's ex so then he isn't along, and his career gets a boost.
The Grandfather:Part 2
This episode is all about Tripps Election. He is losing a little bit in the polls right now ,and everyone is a little worried about it. While Tripp and Nate are taking a walk ,a person starts drowning and Tripp jumps to the rescue. Vanessa catches the whole thing on tape ,and is so excited to have her name attached to this piece. While looking through the footage she notices that the guy jumps into the leg, and doesn't fall in. She tells Nate that she has to let everyone know about it. (I don't know when she became so stupid. She is choosing showing this video over her friend Nate. She is so stupid) Anyways he lies to her, saying that he will let everyone know about it. He doesn't but Vanessa ends up showing everyone anyways. Someone needs to take the fall for the whole set up, and Tripp is going to resign. However, Nate decides to tell everyone that he set it up. He also claims Tripp had no idea and really is a hero. Moments later Tripp wins the race. Tripps wife later confesses to the grandfather that she was the one that set up fake drowning.
Blair invites this random girl she met to the opening of the hotel, and she turns out to be a high class hooker. Serena lets everyone know this, especially when Blair keeps bugging her about her fake boyfriend. Anyways the fight ends in Serena shoving Blair's face into a cake. I hate Serena by the way. She is so self righteous and annoying!
Meanwhile, Olivia just had an interview where she told an embarrassing story about Dan. She doesn't want him to see it. He eventually sees it, and storms off. He only leaves though because its their one month anniversary, and he wants to do something special. Its too cute!
Gossip Girl: Sometimes it's hard to see the lines we've drawn until we've crossed them. That's when we rely on the ones we love to pull us back and give us something to hold onto. Then there are the clearly marked lines. The ones that if you dare cross, you may never find your way back. XOXO, Gossip Girl.



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