Friday, August 28, 2009

Survivor: Samoa,Season 19 Contestants

I can't believe that it is season 19 of Survivor already ,and i still have this burning excitement everytime the contestant list comes out. NOt only am i excited for this season but season 20 is another allstars called Heroes vs. Villians. There are tons of rumours going around to who is playing in that season ,and in the next couple of days i will tell you my opinions on the rumoured cast! James anyone!?!?hehe. Here are my opinion of cast members so far just based on their first impression videos and where they are from what they do etc.

Ashley 22: Early target, very naive, and is going to try and flirt probably unsuccessfully.
Ben 28: A complete know it all. Apparently he knows celebrities and thinks he is hot shit. Hopefully an early target, i almost wouldn't mind him getting out first.
Betsy 48: I love her enthusiasim for life. She is just so narmal, and very likeable. I really hope she is not the first out, because here is someone who actually deserves the million. and she has the same birthday as me!

Brett 23: I think he is adorable, but i think he is going to be to likable, and the game might go right over his head. I wish him luck though.

Dave 38: He is still pretty young but his bio definetly makes it seem like he has lived. Ithink he could be hilarious, and hopefully doesn't get on the nerves of the others.

Elizabeth 33: I think if she connects with a couple people right in the begining she could do really well .She is smart enough, and seems like a fun pereson aswell.

Erik 28: He seems very smart, but i think he thinks he is smarter then he really is. Anyone who calls themselves a womanizer is.

Jaison 28: I think he is pretty hot, so that is a big plus for him. He seems really smart and is probably going to be really good in the challenges.

John 25: He is a spoiled rich kid, who has the sterotypical attitude, "Don't hate me because i think i am perfect."Hopefully he is an early boot, so his ego doesn't get to big it could explode!

Kelly 25: I'm kind of on the fence with her. I think she will likely fall into a showmance with someone, and that will help her a little.

Laura 39: I pick her as one of the first 5 people out. I like her a little because she is a strong Christian ,but i dislike because she not only is she very conservative but she also compared herself to Sarah Palin. ugh...

Marisa 26: I also picture her as an early target. I don't know how well she is going to mesh with others. There is just something about her that makes me think she isn't gonig to be there long.

Mick 33:Besides being a doctor, this guy is pretty boring. I mean he seems kind of witty, but so far its all kind of predictable.

Mike 62: I would just die if he were the first one out. He was almost in the past season but his health got in the way and now he has trained and he is ready to go, hopefully not to go out first.

Monica 25: I don't think she looks like much, but through watching her little video i think she is definetly tough enough. I think she could do really well.

Natalie 26: I think she is alot smarter then she looks. She says she loves to compete, and can easily adapt to different surroundings and people. She also says she is observant which is a huge thing in this game. I am betting people are going to think she is pretty stupid and she will fool them!

Russell 36: Well there was Russell from Big Brother with a little bit of anger issues, but i think this guy has a lot more anger then him. He says he wants to play dirty aswell as nice,those guys usually go pretty quick.I think he wants to be this villian, but i mean really he is a father of four... probably just a teddy bear. Oh and did i mention is owns a multi million dollar oil company. yeah... he definetly doesn't need the money.

Russell 42: Another Russell! and another Lawyer! I think he is a really nice guy, and hopefully will make it to the jury just because of that.

Shannon 45: Claims she is a female Rupert.. and is totally annoying. Thats all i have to say about her, i'm not even gonig to mention her

Yasmin 33: Her nickname is Sassy Yassy, and i bet anything her mouth will get her into trouble.

Tribes: I think age is going to play in a lot this season because there is a lot of older people then usual. It will be interesting to see how they split into groups within their tribes.

Foa Foa Tribe Galu Tribe
Ashley 22 Brett 23
Marisa 26 John 25
Natalie 26 Kelly 25
Ben 28 Monica 25
Jaison 28 Erik 28
Elizabeth 33 Yasmin 33
Mick 33 Dave 38
Russell 36 Laura 39
Betsey 48 Russell 42
Mike 62 Shannon 45
I would not be surprised if the Foa Foa tribe got rid of the youngest and the oldest first. I think the middle aged people in this tribe are probably the smartest. In the Galu tribe i think it is going to be the 5 younest against the 5 oldest. Someone will be a tiebreaker in that situation and i'd say Yasmin.

Anyways this is long enough and stay tuned for more about Survivor!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

ANTM Season 13 Contestants

This should be an interesting season for a couple of reasons. First, they got rid of Paula Poriskova, and instead of getting a new judge they are having guest judges. I've heard rumours of Lauren Conrad and Kim Kardasian.What they know about modeling is beyond me. Secondly, this seasons contestants are all below 5'7. I don't know why, because they are definetly not going to make it in the industry being that tall. The shortest is like 5'3! I'm a short person myself but i know my limits, modeling is never something i could do. I mean really what exactly is the point of this season? Anyways here are the contestants:

Ashley, 22 5'6
Bianca, 21 5'7
Lulu, 19 5'7
Nicole, 18 5'7
Courtney 22 5'4
Kara, 19 5'7
Erin, 18 5'6
Sundai, 18 5'3
Brittany, 21 5'5
Rachel, 18 5'5
Jennifer, 23 5'5
Laura, 19 5'6
Lisa, 19 5'5
Rae, 21 5'6
Its hard to say who looks like they have some promise at this point, without seeing more pictures of them and such. I guess so far i like Erin,Rae, Lisa and Laura. I will defiently have more of an opinion after the premire. Wednesday Sept. 9!!!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SYTYCD Canada top 20 results!

Well i was all excited because we were going to see a Michael Jackson tribute and instead what we got was pretty much nothing. A tribute should be various songs put together. All we got was one lousy song, from when he was in the Jackson 5, and a mediorce dance routine. So after that Leah went pretty much right into it. We only get a half an hour result show, so it all goes by fairly quick. The couples ending up in the bottom three were Melanie B and Taylor, Amy and Vincent and to my shock Tatiana and Austin. I thought Austin and Tatiana would have done well enough to get past these first votes.

They each get to perform a solo to show the judges why they should stay. Melanie B goes first and it is dreadful in my opinion. I couldn't wait for it to be over and its only like 30 seconds long to begin with. Amy's solo was probably the best of the three but she seemed way to nervous. Tatiana's solo was good, but not the greatest. Taylors solo was good ,but it lacked a lot of punch! Vincent had a comediac performance, but it was anything great. Austin came out with the spins and flips and evreything , but there wasn't a whole lot of dancing to it. Over all the solos were quite dissapointing.

However, it wasn't the solos that was the dissapointment of the night it was the judges decision that pissed me right off. They decided to get rif of Tatiana. Clearly the worst dancer this night and the night before was Melanie B. NOT only was Tatiana a pretty good dancer, but her personality was great! I was shocked and by the complete silence of the theater so was Canada. It was a ridiculous elimination and i hope the judes realize what a HUGE mistake they made. Oh yeah , and then they get rid of Taylor which was expected, even though i thought he could have grown, i think it was a correct choice.
So, the result show was annoying and a waste of a half an hour. The tribute was horrible and the end result was ridiculous. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come,or this could be a long dreadful season...


So You Think You Can Dance Canada Top 20 Show

I have wanted a tattoo like this for a couple years now. "Stay Gold" Classic!!!!!!!
I have to start this off by saying i loved Leahs dress .It was super cute! Anyways i'm just going to start it off by going right into the performances tonight.
Tara Jean & Everett: Jive*Lust for life,Jiggy Pop
I thought the dancing was a little sloppy by Everett, and a little to stiff by Tara Jean. They looked like they were having fun, but i found them a little disconnected as partners.

Amy & Vincent: Samba* Batcucas, Mitoke Samba
Right from the begining when they messed up the lift, i felt it went down hill. It was awkward watching them. The judges thought they pulled it off, but i was left feeling quite dissapointed.

Melanie M & Cody: Contemporary* Taking Chances, Celine Dion
I think she is a much stronger dancer and might have pulled back a little. I was completely nervous for the lifts, but i think they are a cute couple and will get the votes.

Kim & Emanuel: Hiphopish* Here comes the Hammer,Mc Hammer
Besides the shitty song choice i thought they did fairly well. I think he stepped up and i was surprised by him.

Corynne & Anthony: Vienese Waltz* The Time of my Life, David Cook
Again, besides the shitty song choice, i thought it was a very pretty dance. I think he was a little bit stronger, but overall a good start.

Natalie & Danny: Hiphop* Get Buck in Here, Dj Fellie Fel & some others (Ludacris!)
She was totally buck and he just wasn't. I think he was trying really hard, but it just wasn't that great. The good news is she was so super buck, that i barely watched him!

Jaime rae & Daniel: AfroJazz* The Path,Ralph Macdonald
I loved it. I thought it was super cool and unique. Everything about it was right. The judges were right on, it was the best piece of the night.

Jenna Lynn & Nicolas: Disco* Waking up in Vegas, Katy Perry
I actually thought it was super hot. I was happy with it, and i thought picking a more popular song was a smart choice aswell.
Tatiana & Austin: Capuetta?* Segura O Coco, Alex Capoeria
I thought he did a fantastic job.His movements were alot more natural while hers seemed a little forced. I love Paul Beckers Choreography.

Melanie B & Taylor:Tango* Diferente,Grotan Project
I thought it was ok, i don't know though it was a little to intense, and then with the blood in the mouth it just became awkward. I'm not much of a fan of her, but i think he has potential.
My Ranking order:
1. Jaime Rae & Daniel (totally cool piece)
2.Jenna Lynn & Nicolas
3.Melanie & Cody
4.Tatianna & Austin
5.Natalie & Danny
6.Tara Jean & Everett
7.Corynne & Anthony
Bottom Three and dancing to stay in the competition:
8.Kim & Emanuel
9.Amy & Vincent
10. Mel B & Taylor (Going Home)

Final comments of the night: The judges need to stop being so nice! Especially Jean Marc, he just had the oddest things to say. I had to fast forward through some of his commwnts. It was to much praise, and the dances were not all that great. Blake reminds me of Mia Micheals when he talks. I swear they sound exactly alike. Overall it was an ok show, hopefully it will be a little bit better next week.

Miles from last season and the talented choreographer Paul Becker!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance Canada Top 20 Dancers

While i was kind of dissapointed with the results of who made the top 20, for the most part i was happy. There were so many strong males this year, i knew that a lot of my favourites would get cut.
Nicholas: I really like him i think he is a great dancer and i'm excited for him.
Danny: I don't really remember him..sorry!
Taylor:I liked him in the beginning and then i forgot about him because there were so many great guys that i thought were better...
Vincent:He is my favourite already and i want him to win. I think he is amazing and everything. He is just sooooo SYTYCD!
Cody: i love his adorableness. I think he is a good dancer ,not great, so i hope he is in the competition for a while so we get to see him be amazing!
Everett: I love him ,and his tap dancing. Contender for top 4.
Anthony:I don't remember him at all, but hes pretty cute.
Daniel:Hot! I loved his lsat solo we got to see. I think he should do really well.
Austin:I really like Austin, and i hope he does really well, the way he is built kind of reminds me of Brandon from this past season of SYTYCD American.
Emanuel: i just don't think i like him .I have this picture of me and him when he was figure skating, and maybe thats why i can't get over him dncing.. i just want him to still love figure skating, not dance.
Tara Jean: ilike her, and i think she will so really well.
Corynne: i was shocked she made it. I don't think she should be there at all.
Jaime Rae: I think she is pretty good. I would have liked to see sisters in the top 20, but i do think she is the stronger one.
Jenna Lynn: Ireally enjoy her dancing. Her personality is great too!
Melanie B:I don't really have an opinion of her yet, that could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Natalie: I didn't want her to make it.. i don't know...
Amy:I like her, but i don't think she has that sparkle that some of the other girls have.
Tatianna: I like her, but i haven't been a fan of her dancing yet
Kim: Shes pretty good.. i hope Vincent from last season is there to support her!
Melanie M: She is jean Marcs favourite already, but i haven't seen to much from her yet.

Who didn't make it and i really really want ot come back next year :

Johnathan: The guy with the thing affecting his motor skills. I was shocked when he didn't make it. Everytime i saw him on stage i thought he was fantastic.He had the passion and talent. I was mad that the judges gave some lame excuse for him not making it.

Sebastion: Adorable ,and always in a great mood. His dancing was great ,and i thought he would have brought a lot ot the show.
Rodrigo: Again ,i was shocked he didn't make it. His dancing was great ,and his personality was huge. He should have made it.
Klhoe: I thought she was beautiful, and such a great dancer. Amazing!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Tv 2009-2010 schedule!

MON: Gossip Girl, Heroes, Big Bang Theory,
TUES: 90210, Sytycd Canada and maybe Melrose Place
WED: ANTM, Criminal minds, Glee,Law and Order; SVU, Sytycd American and Canada results and maybe The Beautiful Life, and The Modern Family.
THURS:Survivor, and maybe Vampire Diaries, Sytycd American results
FRI: Southland
SUN: The Amazing Race, Degrassi, The Simpsons, Family Guy.

It is going to be alot of taping..lolbut hopefully and i say this every year i will be able to keep up with the shows. Some will be cut, so i can't wait to see who makes the cut! lol.
