Friday, February 13, 2009

Survivor:Tocantins, Episode one

This episode was all about first impresions.Right at the begining they are not allowed to speak to eachother, but they immediatly have to vote out one person. The black team (Timbira) votes for Sierra, and the Red team (Jalapao) votes for Sandy. They think they are being voted out but they really weren't. Instead of doing a four hour hike, those two get flown directly ot their camp. BOth of them are still ticked off. When they get to the camp they can do two different things according to the clue box. They can go search for the hidden immunity idol back on their beach, or they can start building their camp. SO basically start a better first impression or just make sure your booty is safe. Sandy chooses to look for the idol and fails miserably, not even knowing what a pace is. Sierra, however chooses to build the camp, and it pays off when her tribemates finally get to the camp.
At the first challenge it is for flint and immunity. At first the Jalapao tribe looks to be winning, but Timbira quickly cathes up and surpasses them during the puzzle part.

Anyways they have a challenge and some people really suck such as Carolina. The tribe notices that Sandy did a much better job at the challenge. Even though they are ticked that Sandy keeps going off by herself, and didn't build camp for them, they blindside Carolina.

So based on my first impressions, i really like Stephen, James,Spencer, and Taj from Jalapao. From Timbira, i like Jerry, Tyson, and Seirra.
Some i really have a dislike for already: Ben(Mr. think he knows it all)Sandy(Crazy old lady)

the rest i have to see more of yet... Early predictions?
James for the win!



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