Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Amazing Race 14,Episode 1

So first impressions are so important and some of the teams i already loved by the first ten minutes into the show. Victor and Tammy are a brother and sister team. They are both lawyers and they are super funny. Mark and Michael are brothers and they are also stuntmen. They are hilarious, and they are only like 4 foot 8 or something. I also love Mel and Mike, the father and son team.They are just so funny, and hardworking. The fourth team i like is Margie and Mike ,a mother and son team. Mike is deaf but he is really funny, and they both try so hard.
Anyways at the beginning of the show Phil announces that there are 8 elimination pitstops, which is good. He also is totally losing his accent. I barely heard it! I am continuelly surprised by the people that go on this show.The hick team (Linda & Steve) have never left the U.S! How can you go on this show and actually think you can win, but have no travelling experience? Right at the begginning Jen and Preston ,a dating team miss the train that everyone else gets on. What a bad way to start. It doesn't really matter though because all the contestants meat at this camp unti lthe morning anyways. We get to see Steve get mad at Linda because she can't run...again why are you on the Amazing Race?
The next day the teams head out, and a roadblock makes one member of the team Bungee jump! Awesomely awesome. It is like the second highest one in the world. It looks so fun, and while some are nervous, they all go through with it.
Then they have to take these giant cheese blocks down a hill. They get these wooden carrying things, but most of the competitors break theres. It is really quite funny, as most of them fall,nd up losing their cheese, or slide down the hill. One moment of briliance comes from Steve who actually drags three down the hill at a time passing many teams, however that team ends up not being able ot find the pitstop and the brilliance was all wasted. I thought it was a little funny that the teams had to listen for yodelers to find the pitstop, when Mike is deaf? yeah.... a little not fair,but they still ended up being team number one, with Victor and Tammy, and Mark and Micheal right behind them. The last two teams were on a race till the very end and there were just a few metres a part. Jen and Preston ended up being eliminated. It was sad, because Preston was doing a good job and Jen just was really useless. Plus Preston was super hot, and it would have been nice to see more of
Standings :
1. Margie & Luke (Love them , they get along great, the only thing i'm worried about is strength)
2. Tammy & Victor(I think they will win, that is how much i love this team and how great they are)
3. Mark & Michael (Short, yet strong and determined, they will be a force)
4. Mel & Mike ( I hope they are around long enough just for the laughs. I'm afraid the dad will be the weakness in the team)
5. Amanda & Kris (They are young, and he is strong, and they have good chemestry)
6. Brad & Victoria (I like them so far, they could do quite well)
7. Jaime & Cara (I don't really have that much of an opinion on them yet)
8. Kisha & Jen (I like them, however they need to step it up)
9. Steve & Linda (I am betting they will be gone next week,she is to weak)
10. Christie & Jodi ( I wish they would have went instead of Preston, no opinion on them)
11. Preston & Jennifer ELIMINATED



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