Friday, July 28, 2006

Bigbrother "The buxom Blond HoH"

I was jumping up and down when Janelle(Janie) won HoH. It was needed for sure! Icould have done with Marcellus winning because i think he is going to side with bb6 till the end. There are people that i think Janelle should nominate. Either Boogie, and Diane, or Will and CG. I don't want a wasted nomination on CG though. I want ChillTown split up, and well Diane is just really annoying. I think Danielle is going to end up playing them, so i kida want her gon, but she is tight with james so i don't know how that is going to work out. But anyways CONGRATS to JANELLE. This is her second HoH win in the 4 weeks,and all together BB6 alliance has won every time. Its awesome!!! If they play their cards right, there should be smooth sailing from now on.. well maybe not smooth...
P.S Her HoH bedroom is pink!!!!!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

BigBrother 3rd week

Well this is the third week. James is Hoh. He put up Chicken George and Will. The POV competition of basically "what would you do"It was a series of different challenges.
The players; Will, Boogie,Chicken George,James, Kaysar and Jase.
1.Eat a bowl of slop(Boogie and Will drop out)(wimps)
2.They have to take off their shirts and pants and burn them.
3.They have to let the house guests write whatever they want on him.
4. Jub into a giant tub of blueberry dye stuff.
5. Not be able to play 4 next weeks veto.(James and Jase drop out)James doesn't really have a choice, because he can't compete for HOH either so basically he would have to sit and wait.
6.Shave their heads (i was hoping Kaysar wouldn't do it,but he did...)
7.They had to say how many days they would eat the slop. the amount of days left is 60, and that is what george put, while Kaysar put 15.

So CG won...and James put up Jase,who bascally freaked out after,throwing things and such. I'm very excited forthursday because i think Will and Jase are both huge threats. I'm hoping Jase goes,because i think Will is kinda hot,but i think breaking up Chilltown might be a smart idea.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Big Brother *Update*

Well,well, This has been an interesting week. I have been watching Jokers like crazy. Everytime they update something i read it and analyse I am way to obssessed with this show. Its all because of the Sovereign 4. They are awesome! Anyways the house guests in general have been all over the map. They know what they are doing, then they do not. Its just a crazy house.Thursday is the next show and i'm hoping that Diane gets evicted. She is really annoying. As far as i know the house is pretty split, and a little undecided. Anyways thats all 4 now.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Canada's Next Top Model

YAY!! We are down to the final three. Alanna,Sisi, and Andrea. Andrea is a total bitch and i hope she leaves next. Alanna is cute, and sweet, but she doesn't compare to Sisi. She is the total package, and i really hope she wins. The person that was eliminate was Brandi. I was getting sick of her.. she drinks to much, and was somewhat boring in pictures. Anyways this is a pic of Sisi.. enjoy!

p.s. Canadian idol is a dumb show. Not even going to comment on it anymore. Waste of my time.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Canadian Idol;Top 14; The Guys

Well, yesterday it was very clear who the top girls were. Eva, Nancy, and Sarah. I was excited to see if there are clear males aswell. I just can't wait till the top 10!!!!

I'm not going to rate the guys. I thought they all stepped it up and did a pretty good job. I wish we could have 7 guys, and 3 girls. Tonights episode was the best of this season. i really don't know whos going home tomorrow...but here is who i hope is the top 10:
My Top 10
Ashley Coulter


Monday, July 10, 2006

Canadian Idol;Top 14;Top 7 females

Well it was switched up this week. The girls had their performances on monday instead of tuesday.The guys will be tomorrow. Overall i was impressed with three singers the rest can just get voted out and i could care less.
Best to the worst:
Sarah: vocally, the best performance. I hope she makes it to the top 10.

Eva: It was pretty good… I wouldn’t do that song at this point in the competition though. There is just a piano, so it could have been better, further in the competition

Nancy: I love to hate her…..It was good but not… I don’t know.

Steffi D: It was cute…the part with Brandon. She was a little flat sounding though. I like the song.

Ashley Coulter: Not bad vocals but I don’t know.. The song is old…It was pretty I guess.

Kati: Started off could, then she sucked. Like the song, hate her.

Ashley Coles: um no… to big of a song for her.

I'm so excited for tomorrows show!!! I hope Brandon really steps it up, and i hope its just a great show overall. I am very curious about this romance business that seems to be going on....


Sunday, July 09, 2006


Click 4 a better view of my opinions on alliances
My Latest info/findings
Janie won the "power of veto"!!!YAY!!! and she did not use it which means, Danielle and Allison are on the block still!!I'm hoping that Alison goes. I did like her b4 she totally dissed Janelle.

Marcellas: If Erika's an Amber, she has to tie her tail - her wagon to a rock
Marcellas: You're the strongest girl in the house - me, Kaysar and Howie would fight to keep you in.. James is iffy but he'll go with the numbers
Marcellas: I stumbled into that room and discovered Alison trying to get Mike Boogie to play for her
Marcellas: If those two [Alison & Erika, I think] end up at the end, I wouldn't even come back to vote for them!

Fav. quotes:
Janelle- "Where is everyone?" James- "Maybe they all died and we just went to the end."


Friday, July 07, 2006


yay!!!!!!! I was soooo soooo excited for tonights premire. Of course there was like leaks all over the internet about who is in the house becuase of a glich or something in the live feeds. But there was also rumours about everyone gunning for the people from Big Brother 6. That really sucks because those 4 are like the best. I Love Kaysar, Janelle, James ad Howie. They all freaking rock!! I'm really hoping that people start to cling onto them as being a strong clique. They are so like 2 people just need to hook up with them. I think its going to be all good for them. I mean people want to take them out, but i think they are all going to get stuck in that. The fab 4 just needs to win Hoh, and keep playing like they can. Jase and Janelle won the first HoH. They had to decide which 2 people to put on the block. Allison was trying to get Jase to disagree with whoever Janelle wanted to put up, and then those two would go up and they would get rid of Janelle. WEll thank God, Jase isn't stupid. So they put up Danielle (because she was stirring up a bunch of stuff) and Alision because she was being a conieving little bitch. lol. Jase even told Alision he wouldn't put her up. Its all pretty funny to So on Tuesday is the veto competetion which should be fun! GO FAB FOUR!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Canadian Idol; Top 18; Results

So, i was excited for the results of course. I mean who isn't? Anyways here is what i thought:
My Bottom 8
Females: Ashley Coles,Alyssa Klazek, Steffi D, Kati Durst
Males: Craig Sharpe, Greg Nuefeld,Tyler Lewis, Rob James
My Bottom 4 (to go home)
Kati,Steffi, Tyler, and Rob.
Canadas Bottom 8
Females:Alisha, Ashley, Alyssa,and the other Ashley
Males: Rob, Sheldon,Chris,Greg
Canadas Bottom 4
Chris, Greg, Alisha, and Alyssa
Canada got it all wrong. What bull crap. Chris was a great performer, and Alisha was super talented!!! I don't know what the heck is with Canada's voters. ugh... i am really angry about it.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Canadian Idol;Top 18;The girls

I was fairly excited for today. I'm more excited for tomorrow, but today i was excited too. I am really hoping for good performances by the girls. Last week i was pretty dissapointed. So this week i was looking for vocals especially. The judges want people to step out, but they want people to sing the right songs for the voice. Zach says he wants people to sing what they want to put on a record, but then disses them for being in a certain genre. They are sooo confusing. Whatever, they don't decide who make it,so thats awesome!

The Best to the Worst:

Eva Avila: It was pretty good. I think she has had the best vocals of the females. She looked beautiful tonight. The judges were weird critisizing her, when ther was barely anything wrong with it.
Alisha Nauth: She could have really destroyed this song, she didn't though.. She has really good control of her voice. I have to say she is one of my favourites.
Ashley Coulter: It started off a little weak, but at the chorus it was awesome! She has pipes. I was very impressed. It was a great way to start off the show.
Nancy Silvermen: I don't know why i liked this performance.she makes me want to really hate her lol. But she is really different so thats what is great. The intersting part of the song was while she was singing it looked like she was singing about
Sarah Loverock: i don't think it was the best choice of song. She did ok with it though. I still like her. I was surprised with the judges comments, the energy wasn't there, and they thought it was the best.
Ashley Coles: It wasn't bad. She did a way better job this week. She had very good control of her voice this week. She also looked great. I love the shirt!!
Alyssa Klazek: Not a good choice of song. I'm afraid she may be in danger this week as last week. i think she really fun with that. I hope she survives.
Steffi D: It wasn't bad. I liked the way they did the arrangement and stuff. She is just soo annoying, and i can't get over that.
Kati Durst: Yeah it started off very beautiful, and then it tanked. She was losing her voice.She didn't have the voice for it, i'm surprised the judges didn't see that. I agree with everything Zach said, for once.

I didn't vote tonight. i probably should have voted for Alyssa because i think she needs the votes. It should be exciting to see the results tomorow!!


Monday, July 03, 2006

Canadian Idol;Top 18;The Guys

So here we are again. I had to take a break from my Beverly Hills 90210 marathon to watch Canadain Idol.(well sort of on the commercials i flip back just to see whats going on)lol. So anyways, this week according to the judges and me the most important things are Song Selection, Energy, and alot of star power!!!

The best to the worst!!
Keith Mcphearson: I love this song, and he has such a beautiful voice. He just connects with it.. like he has actually had is heart almost made me cry.. wow!
Chris Labelle: He doesn't have the best voice, but he has "it" based on his performances, and his hotness! When the song ended i wished it would keep going...
Chad Douchette: He looked a little creepy at the beginning, but i like the song,liked his voice, and he interacted with the audience.
Brandon Jones: I love him... he has a great voice, but it was a little all over the place..Plus, Elliott Yamin, my fav American Idol ever, did a better job of it. Hes adorable though. Go Brandon!!!!! He is the best anyways lol. Thanx Farley for setting Zach and Jake straight.
Sheldon Elter: i liked it, it was really nice and refreshing, unfortunetly, he was in the bottom last time, and i'm a little worried for him.
Craig Sharpe: I bet he made the little girls melt...He is just too adorable. I think he did pretty good, his voice is really smooth.
Greg Nuefeld: He sang "Rocket man" I really like this song, He did an alright job. I wasn't to impressed with the arrangement..i don't think he did what he could with that song.
Tyler Lewis: well it wasn't bad. i didn't know the song..It probably wouldn't be one i would listen too.. I think they were a little harsh on him.. especially for it being his Birthday. I mean you gotta be nice to him, us people from Saskatchewan are some of the nicest people around!
Rob James: i just don't like this guy. The performance was alright, i just don't think it matched up to the rest. it is a very easy melody to sing.. i dunno...

I had a lot of trouble deciding who to vote for this week. I like to only pick one person and throw a bunch their way.. but Keith Did an amazing job, that i just wanted to vote for him non stop. However i figure that Brandon is in more trouble so i'm going to throw my votes his way.
