Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Canadian Idol;Top 18;The girls

I was fairly excited for today. I'm more excited for tomorrow, but today i was excited too. I am really hoping for good performances by the girls. Last week i was pretty dissapointed. So this week i was looking for vocals especially. The judges want people to step out, but they want people to sing the right songs for the voice. Zach says he wants people to sing what they want to put on a record, but then disses them for being in a certain genre. They are sooo confusing. Whatever, they don't decide who make it,so thats awesome!

The Best to the Worst:

Eva Avila: It was pretty good. I think she has had the best vocals of the females. She looked beautiful tonight. The judges were weird critisizing her, when ther was barely anything wrong with it.
Alisha Nauth: She could have really destroyed this song, she didn't though.. She has really good control of her voice. I have to say she is one of my favourites.
Ashley Coulter: It started off a little weak, but at the chorus it was awesome! She has pipes. I was very impressed. It was a great way to start off the show.
Nancy Silvermen: I don't know why i liked this performance.she makes me want to really hate her lol. But she is really different so thats what is great. The intersting part of the song was while she was singing it looked like she was singing about sex.lol.
Sarah Loverock: i don't think it was the best choice of song. She did ok with it though. I still like her. I was surprised with the judges comments, the energy wasn't there, and they thought it was the best.
Ashley Coles: It wasn't bad. She did a way better job this week. She had very good control of her voice this week. She also looked great. I love the shirt!!
Alyssa Klazek: Not a good choice of song. I'm afraid she may be in danger this week as last week. i think she really fun with that. I hope she survives.
Steffi D: It wasn't bad. I liked the way they did the arrangement and stuff. She is just soo annoying, and i can't get over that.
Kati Durst: Yeah it started off very beautiful, and then it tanked. She was losing her voice.She didn't have the voice for it, i'm surprised the judges didn't see that. I agree with everything Zach said, for once.

I didn't vote tonight. i probably should have voted for Alyssa because i think she needs the votes. It should be exciting to see the results tomorow!!



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