Sunday, January 24, 2010

90210 Season 2 ep.9-12

A Trip To The Moon
Jackie with Teddy surprise Silver with a party for her half-birthday. Jackie has realised that she has missed so much and she really wants to make it up to Silver. Its really sweet. In the morning Silver wakes up to find her mother unconscious. Annie and Jasper tell each other they love each other ,and have sex for the first time. Navid sees Adrianna buying drugs from Jasper and confronts him .He denies it and tells Navid to leave it alone. Dixon wants to confront Sasha so Debbie and Harry have to tell Dixon the truth about the fake pregnancy. He still thought she had lost the baby. He doesn't take it to well ,and gets mad at Debbie for lieing to him. Liam has been in a bad mood ,and finally tells everyone what Jen had done.Dixon,Teddy and Ivy decide to help him get revenge.
To Thine Own Self Be True
Silver really wants Kelly to be with her mother in which are probably her last days. Kelly says she will support Silver, but can't forgive her mother. However when Jackie is moved to a different room and Kelly thinks she has died she collapses on the floor. In the end Silver, and Jenny where both by their mothers side when she died.
Naomi had started secretly dating Jamie who was Richards room mate. Richard comes home with his mother who is the dean of admission. Jamie finds out about what Naomi's true plan was wit Richard and is mad, but in the end he comes around. Navid tells Dixon whats going on about Jasper being a drug dealer. Annie brings home Jasper to meet her parents, but Dixon tells them that he is a drug dealer. Annie says its not true but after an awkward dinner they tell Annie she can't see him anymore. Jasper gets mad at Navid at ends up pushing him down the stairs. Jen and Ryan go on a camping trip together and things get pretty serious between them.
And Away They Go!
Navid wakes up in the hospital and has no memory of who pushed him down the stairs. Adrianna visits him and decides she needs to stop taking pills. Silver and Teddy start to get closer because they had both lost their mothers. Teddy really seems to have a thing for her, but Silver isn't to sure.Annie and Jasper are still sneaking around together even though Harry and Debbie have told her that she can't see him. Everyone ends up going to the horse races, which is where they are going to reveal what a lieing witch Jenn really is to Naomi. Naomi finds out out that Liam and Jen slept together, and instead of feeling happy that its all in the open Liam feels upset. Naomi now doesn't have anyone she can really trust. Ryan also finds out about Jenn.
Winter Wonderland
So Teddy really wants to dance with Silver and she says no, but eventually agrees. All is well until he kisses her. She gets mad an rushes away. Dixon sees this and gets a little jealous. He goes to talk to Silver and kisses her!!Adrianna has been trying to reconcile with her friends for a long time and decides that helping Navid show everyone who Jasper really is. She was going to turn herself in, but that would mean her getting into trouble. Navid tells her not to, and everyone sees how much she is trying to help that they forgive her. Mr. Ryan teacher, is also not a happy person this episode as he is drinking the entire dance. Liam took Ivy to the dance which made her so happy. However, Liam ends up watching Naomi the whole night. Ivy gets tired of it, and texts Naomi from Liam's phone to meet her at his garage. She meets him there, and he shows her what is under the tarp. Its a boat that he is building. He builds it to deal with his anger issues. They end up kissing and all looks to be well with them. In the end we are shown Ivy looking at pictures of her and Liam and she was crying. Also, Naomi tried to apologize to Annie ,as did Liam. Naomi blames herself for Annie ending up with a drug dealer. Annie still doesn't take it all well, until Adriana tells her that she bought drugs from him. Annie goes to confront Jasper and he tells her that she makes mistakes to, like hitting his uncle with the car! I KNEW HE KNEW!!!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Survivor: R.I.P Jennifer Lyon

On January 19, 2010, Jenn Lyon passed away at age 37 after a long battle with cancer. She was from the Palau season and ended up placing fourth. She was diagnosed shortly after she returned from Palau as having stage three breast cancer.
Some messages from people that knew her:
This has really rocked the 'Survivor' community,It's just so sad. She was engaged in the greatest fight of her life, but she had every intention to fight and spread her positive messages." -Austin Carty(Panama)
"Jen was such a beautiful person. I wish life was as simple as "Survivor" because I know for a fact there are 300 of us that would use every immunity idol and jury vote in the world to have her back." -Johnny Fairplay
“If I learned anything from Jenn it is this: Don’t be afraid to ask someone how they are truly feeling about dying. Don’t shy away from the scary parts of death. They need someone to talk to about what is going on inside their head. Most importantly, encourage them to let go of the expectations of others and give them permission to do what is right for them, even if it means letting go.” -Jeff Probst
Jenn has passed away.. Jenn Lyon is my best friend. I can't say I am her's because she has a long line of people who love her and want to call her their own. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on the inside and out. We met playing a silly game called Survivor where she was misunderstood by me because of her beautiful looks and sweet passive attitude. Something her mother told me had happend to Jenn her whole life, people judging her pretty shell. Funny how looks can be a curse. I asked Jenn what she would like to do before she... we never said die, Jenn is too stong to even speak in those terms. This is a person who has faught cancer face to face for almost 5years, die isn't in her arsenal. Her answer wasn't fly to the moon, or meet Madonna, it was simple and clear... "I want us all to go to the mountains with snow all around, everyone can stay in their own seperate little cabins. We can come out and have snowball fights and spend Christmas there together." That was it. I was there when we shaved each others heads at her first chemo treatment. I was there when she she found out the cancer had come back in her bones on my birthday when she was visiting me in Texas. We had just gotten tattoo's together on our inner arms, hers to cover where her port was inserted. I was there when she was in the hospital last year and I had 'Victoria' from Twilight give her a suprise visit. She was there for me when I moved to LA and she loaned me the money to do it. She caroled me at Christmas and I always tried to make her laugh. She always accepted me for who I am and I always tried to learn from her. I was lucky to be there a lot. Has anyone seen Avatar? It was one of the last things Jenn and I did together. The movie looks light and cheesy - eye candy for the masses. But what we didn't know was the theme of the Na'vi people. That nothing dies. We are all energy flowing into the Earth and we are all connected. That tree roots hold the memories of the people passed, that animals can feel their ridders, that people travel through a tunnel of light when passing by while being chanted on by their tribe. As I sat next to Jenn, knowing that she had just had news of only having a short time left, I wondered how she would handle it. All this death and beauty headed at her face in all its amazing technicolor 3D glory! I looked over at her worried but she had a sirine smile on her face. From then on we talked about it everytime we saw each other. How that simple movie could make her We always signed our texts, " I see you". That line was spoken from Neytiri as she held the little, white, human crippled form of Jake in her big blue strong arms. It was the last thing I said to Jenn as I wrote it on a note I left on her pillow. " I see you." Her beautiful shell was still a curse in the end. I often thought when we went to the doctors that poeple didn't take her illness or pain as serious because she was still so pretty. But it was just her Avatar. I write this not only for myself in some sort of therapy but for what Jenn believes in. In writing about this I am connecting our story to the branches. I am feeling the Earth. I am rallying the tribe to chant as Jenn passes her energy into the light. We love Jenn!!! I see us all in the perect snow, with our own cabins, having the biggest snowball fight. Survivors, big blue Na'vi and Jenn running in the snow with her 2 dogs jumping about her. Everybody put on your 3D glasses because this is about to blow your mind. -Coby Archa
After her diagnosis, Jenn had this comment: 'Survivor' taught me there's an end in sight, as hard as it is, it will be over, and you have to appreciate every day."


Survivor 20 Heroes vs Villians Cast

Well for the most part i am happy with the cast. There are a few that i have no idea why they are there and some i just don't want to see again.
Sugar: LOVED her season. I loved her, but i also loved the guys she worked with, and i'm surprised at least one of them isn't here aswell. I would have loved to see Kenny as a villain and Matty as a hero. All three are deserving of being here. I'm not sure if Sugar will have a great game. One thing she has said in some of her videos is that she has a few alliances already going including one with J.T. Apparently they are dating which should be interesting if anyone finds out.
Stephanie: One of the most deserving people to play again .This will be her second time playing and i hope she does well.I'm still ticked she didn't beat annoying Danni... ugh.
J.T: Without Stephan he would not have won his season nor would he have without Taj either. However he does have some charm ,and if he gets a good alliance right away could possibly do it again. I am also sad that Stephan isn't on the show as a villain even though i heart him as a hero!
James: I love James. I don't want him to lose again, but i just don't think the social part of the game is going to get better. I want him to align with Amanda again and to stay away from Pavarti. I'm super nervous for him.
Amanda: She came in second twice, when really she should have won both her seasons. In my opinion she is better then Pavarti she just needs to stand up for herself at the end. Im definitely rooting for her.
Cirie: Looking forward to her, but her friendly cunning ways might not work so well a third time.
Tom: I never really liked him. Thats all i got.
Rupert: ok, so i got him in the first season but ever since then he is one of the most overrated survivor contestants ever. I think he is absolutely crazy. Not really looking forward to him again.
Colby: I didn't really like him during his season, but this season he is looking hot! I think he could do well.
Candice: worthless, useless player.
Tyson: Hilarious guy, and so full of himself i can't wait to see him though. I was disappointed that Sierra wasn't on the Heroes tribe. It would have been great seeing that rivalry.
Coach: He isn't a good player, but he is a crazy character. I am a tiny bit excited to see what he is going to bring this season.
Courtney: Love her. I really hope her and James will get to work together. I think she needs to connect with some people right away. I'm hoping Russell. She could be brought along and then take him out.
Jerri: I think she isn't going to be as bitchy as she used to be. I'm kind of hoping for an early boot.
Rob:I like him...but i'm not sure his heart is in the game .he just had a baby with Amber and i think he might be distracted.
Sandra:Not sure why she is there... however from er interviews she seems like she is going to be a cut throat player.
Pavarti: She is a female i love to hate. She is so annoying, and yet she can play the game. I don't like her because she just does annoying things.Anyways, i'm thinking Russell will align with her right away.
Russell: I'm sure he will come close to the end again. He is a good player. Looking forward to see what games he plays this time.
Randy:A miserable guy with some hilarious one liners. He won't last long.
Danielle:Another useless player.


The Vampire Diaries Ep.11 "Bloodlines"

The person that Elena hit starts is right by her car and then runs away, Damon then shows up. She falls asleep and wakes up in Damons car. He is driving her to Georgia and she gets a little upset but then goes along with whatever he is doing. They go to a bar where they meet an old flame of Damons, who happens to be a witch. Elena ends up letting loose a little having a few drinks, and goes outside to answer her phone. There she gets grabbed, and when Damon goes to look for her he meets up with another vampire. This guy was Lexi's boyfriend, who used to be human but had changed for her. Unfortunately Damon had killed her when she had come to visit Stefan. This guy starts to attack him and is getting ready to kill him, when Elena pleads for his life. He ends up leaving, and they go back home with having bonded just a little...however before they had left Damon went back into the bar and killed his ex flame who had called the mad vampire.
Stefan meanwhile has been trying to get a ahold of Elena and goes to Bonnie for help. Her powers seem to not really be working and she runs off. Her grandmother tells her to face her fears and she goes to the crypt where all the vampires where locked in. She falls into a hole and behind the wall she can hear noises and scratches on the walls. Stefan goes to her house and is reacquainted with the grandmother, who tells Stefan he knows exactly where Bonnie is.Stefan goes and helps her out of the hole, and reassures Bonnie that they can't get out.
Jeremy is researching his family and stuff when he meets this cute girl, who tries to tell him about vampires and he doesn't believe her. When she mentions that her ancestors kept a journal just like his, he gets curious and wants to learn more about the history of the town and what link everything has.
Also, when Elena gets back she reconnects with Stefan after talking about why she looks like Katherine. She wants no more lies and he tells her that she was adopted ad after he found that out he didn't search anymore. When Elena gets home she confronts her aunt and storms up to her room.


American Idol 9 Auditions 3&4

Shania Twain is guest judging and Kara starts off by being ever so annoying. It confuses me how Chicago is the biggest stop ,and yet it is only an hour long, and only 13 people end up making it through.
Katelyen Epperly comes and has awesome hair. She sort of sounds like Kelly Clarkson, just not as good. I quite like her though. Gold Ticket!
We get to meet Amy Lang who is a character to say the least. She maybe could have sang but she just overdoes everything including her boob thing she does.
Charity Vance is the next girl, and she is so small, and sings very high, but has this unique thing about her.
I really enjoy montages of bad singers. Its so much better then having to learn about them and then see a 5 minute horrible performance by them.
Angela Martin is back for the third time, and just like before i'm not actually a fan of her. She has a good voice, but her personality drives me nuts. Hopefully this will work out for her, but secretly i'm hoping it won't.
We get some really bad people to start on day two, including Brian Krause. I can't tell if he is just joking or if he is challenged. Its hilarious, but sad and annoying at the same time.
"I wanna eat steak" however the kid that says this can't sing, and is going to be eating hot dogs for a long time.
We finally get a really good singer named John Park. He sings and Shania starts to talk about his bottom end, which gets Randy laughing, and then everything Shania says is taken the wrong way. Its pretty funny. Anyways i like this kid.
The next four people get through. Paige something, Justin Ray,Keith Semple and Marcus Jones. Keith Semple sounds amazing to me however i learn later that he doesn't actually live here and there is something wrong with his visa or something so he can't compete :(
We get glittery Theo Glinton to start off the show. He is funny, and very happy, and maybe if he didn't shout his song he could have been good.
Seth Rollins was quite good, as was Jermaine Purifoy and Shelby something.
Jay Stone ends up making a scene and security has to escort him out. Its funny.
Janelle Wheeler, Brittney Starr and Kasi Bedford make it through little bits we are shown of them they sound alright.
Cornelius Edwards makes it through even though i felt he shouted the songs, and he also rips his pants. These two sisters who aren't any better make it through. They have fun personalities though.
The last guy is Matt Lawrence. He has a shady past but sings great! When he was 15 he robbed a bank with a BB gun and was in juvi for four years. He seems like a really good guy now, and was truly embarrassed of what he did.
Overall, both shows we didn't see that great of talent. I'm completely over the auditions and i want Hollywood!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Heroes Ep. 15 "Pass/Fail"

Hiro passes out and is rushed to the hospital. While he he passed out he goes into a hallucination typed dream.He ends up being on trial for using his powers for personal gain. He pleads not guilty and then changes it to guilty in which his punishment is death. In real life his heart had stopped and they were trying to revive him. When it seems like it is the end he has a sword fight with Adam Monroe in which he defeats him. his mother comes out and kisses him and gets rid of the tumour. In real life, his heart starts beating again, and they have removed the tumour.
Samuel is convinced that him and Vanessa are meant to be together and tries to woo her by showing and talking about the past. It all seems perfect unitl she tells him that its just not her life, its his. He gets so angry he destroys a whole entire town.
Sylar confronts Claire wanting to know answers about his life and why the tattoo of her showed up on his arm. She refuses but then he claims that he has Gretchen and its her life on the line. They figure out they are alike in many ways, but the most common thing is they cut people off from their lives. Sylar looks into Claires soul by using Lydias power and kissing Claire. She then stabs him in the eye with a pencil and runs off to find Gretchen. When she does she confides to Gretchen what she has been feeling , and Gretchen morphs into Sylar. Sylar realises that he needs to get rid of his powers to be complete, and hopefully not end up alone. Gretchen ends up never being in danger. Claire tells Gretchen that she doesn't want to shut her out, and wants to "hold her hand".


Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Vampire Diaries Ep 7-10

Ep.7 Haunted-So Vicki has been having the urge to feed and Stefan wants to help her. At the Halloween party she ends up making out with Jeremy and then almost attacking him, when Elena comes and steps in. Vicki attacks her and Stefan has to steak her through the heart. It kills her right away. Jeremy is so confused about it all and is really upset that Elena asks Stefan to erase his memory of it all. Stefan isn't that powerful because he doesn't feed on man blood, so Damon ends up doing it. In the end Stefan asks if Elena wants to forget it all too, and she declines the offer. Everyone thinks Vicki has just run away.
Ep.8 162 Candles-A vampire named Lexi arrives to celebrate Stefans birthday with him.She is really friendly and even tells Elena that she should try and fix her relationship with Stefan. Meanwhile Jeremy after getting his memory erased has stopped doing drugs and is actually doing homework. Damon who has become friends with the sheriff gives them a box of vervain. She then tells Damon hat all of the vampire hunters are in town. Damon decides to do a horrible thing and frames Lexi.The police apprehend her, and Damon ends up staking her. Stefan is furious, and goes after Damon. He almost kills him except he doesn't saying that he is repaying him for when he almost got killed by Logan. Stefan also tells Elena that she probably should stay away from him.
Ep.9 History Repeating-A new history teachers comes, and is a vampire. Noone knows this yet, but he wears the same ring that the others do to protect them from the sunlight. Jeremy introduces him to his aunt Jenna. They hit it off and back at her House he wants to come in but thankfully she doesn't let him. Meanwhile Bonnie is having dreams about her ancestor Emily. The girls decide to have a seance. It gets really creepy when Emily actually takes over Bonnies body and runs off. Damon tells Stefan that he came back to Mystic falls to resurrect Katherine with the help of the crystal that Emily has. Stefan wants to stop Damon because the vampires would probably take revenge on all of the towns people. Damon meets up with Bonnie/Emily and tells her of the deal that they made that each of their ancestor line will be protected. However Bonnie/Emily destroys the crystal instead and then disappears leaving Bonnie scared and confused. Damon attacks Bonnie but Stefan stops him and she drinks some off his blood.Elena explains what is going on to Bonnie. Caroline being upset about life connects with Matt and in the end Logan shows up as a vampire wanting Jenna to invite him in.
Ep.10 The Turning Point-Logan starts killing people throughout the town confusing Damon and Logan. Damon figures out it is Logan, and when he finds him Logan doesn't know who turned him into a vampire. He ends up kidnapping Caroline, but Stefan and Damon save her. Damon is going to kill him ,but then he says he knows another way to resurrect Katherine.The history teacher Alaric, starts helping out Jeremy and Tyler. Tylers dad is the Mayor and is a real asshole. Alaric also confronts Logan and tells him to leave Jenna alone. Logan tries to attack him, but Alaric stakes him. Elena tells Stefan that she loves him and they go back to his house and make love. Everything seems perfect but then she sees a picture of Katherine. She leaves the house forgetting her necklace of vervain.She is driving along and almost hits a man in the middle of the road. She crashes her car and the man she hits gets up and walks to her car where she is shown screaming.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Heroes Episodes

Missed a is a short/long recap!
Shadowboxing: So Gretchen is totally freaked out after almost getting killed. Claire had contacted her father and the other two girls minds were erased about the event. However, Gretchen says she can't deal and leaves. Later Samuel shows up and tries to convince Claire to come and join him. Noah after a run in with Becky, finds Samuel there, they chase after them but Becky helps Samuel escape. Body of Sylar/Mind of Nathan runs away from the carnival.
Sylars mind has taken control of Matts body.They argue about who is in control, and Sylar makes Matts body kill a man. Then they are at a diner, where Matt distracts him enough to get a bunch of Police cars after him. He had written on the napkin that he was gonig to shoot people. Matt has decided to get rid of Sylar he must be killed aswell. Peter, and Emma also get to know eachother a bit more.
Brothers Keeper:Tracy has been unable to control her powers and goes to Noah for some help. She ends up talking with Claire and freezing her by accident.Samuel wants Hiro to go back in time, not to save Mohinder from being killed, but to steal a reel of film. Hiro goes having no choice and follows through stealing the film, but helps Mohinder in not being killed. He tells him that he must go into hiding, but Mohinder refuses. So Hiro puts him in a mental institution. Samuel ends up getting the film but its fake anyways. Peter and Nathan go and find the body of Nathan dead in a casket and are confused. They figure it out through the body and go to visit Matt. However, when Matt sees them he freaks out ,and he knows that if they touch Sylar will have his own body back .This happens, and Sylar is in there, but so is Nathan. Nathan still fights for life though confused at everything.Thanksgiving:There are three very different Thanksgiving dinners.The Petrelli's: Sylar comes through at the dinner and starts controlling Angela and Peter. He starts to slice Angelas head open but is stopped when Nathan is trying to control him. Nathan regains control and takes off.
The Carnival:Hiro wants Charlie back but Samuel says no. Hiro talks to Lydia and she and Edgar both wonder why Samuel doesn't get Hiro to go back in time to save Joseph.Lydia and Hiro decide to go back in time to when he was killed and they learn that Samuel was the one that killed Joseph. They go back and tell Edgar. Edgar wants to kill Samuel, but Hiro needs him to find Charlie so freezes time, and tells Edgar that he should escape. Samuel also said that it was Edgar that killed Joseph. Samuel gets Damien to touch Hiros head, amusingly to erase something, but then Hiro sees flashbacks. He says "Must rescue Watson...Beam me up, Scotty" before disappearing. The Bennetts: At Noahs apartment, Claire, her mother, and her friend, aswell as Noahs old partner are going to have dinner. However Claire is mad at life, and wants to drop out of college. They end up getting into a huge fight. Gretchen ends up coming to dinner aswell making things better for Claire, and she agrees not to drop out. She also steals her dads compass which was an important link to the carnival.
The Fifth Stage:Noah and his old partner Lauren, are talking and dating however they end up getting attacked in the apartment by a guy that splits up his personality into different people. He steals the files that Noah had. Angela meets with Peter and tells him that he needs to accept that Nathan is dead. Peter refuses and goes looking for Sylar/Nathan. He runs into them and they fight and somewhere Nathan says he can't hold on. They end up on a roof, and Nathan leaps over the edge, Peter holds on but Nathan lets go, and when he falls morphs into Sylar. Nathan is gone and Sylar gets up and walks away.
Claire and Gretchen reach the carnival. There Claire begins to see the good things about it ,while Gretchen thinks its all a little weird. Eric Doyle, the puppet guy who controlled her before, is there and wants to talk to Claire. There is also an incident where a man who was swindled because he was a jerk gets mad and attacks Samuel. Samuel does not hit him back and Claire steps in and gets hit with a bottle in which she heals right away.The guy leaves creeped out. Later the man is shown dead in a truck.Claire decides to spend the rest of the vacation at the carnival while Gretchen goes back to the dorms.
Upon this Rock: Claire becomes suspicious of Samuel when she sees her dads files in his trailer. She is also creeped out that Eli( The guys who has different personalities) seems to be always watching her. She decides to sneak into the trailer, and Doyle catches her but then lets her go.She finds out from Lydia that Samuel killed his brother. Hiro had vanished for awhile and ends up in Tokyo. He is babbling on about things from Batman, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Sherlock Holmes. The police end up arresting him where Ando finds him. Ando thinks the brain tumour is getting worse but then realizes that Hiro is trying to tell him something. He figures out that Hiro wants to go to a psychiatric hospital.
Samuel goes to the city to meet with Emma(The deaf woman). There she plays music for him which leads people with powers to her. Samuel wants this certain man Ian Micheals. Whenever Ian touches something it turns into flowers, and trees and grass. They go back to the desert, and he turns it into a beautiful landscape. Claire sees this and thinks its beautiful but has for now decided to leave. She checks her voicemail and finds a message that Nathan has died in a plane crash.
Let it Bleed:Edgar tries to kill Noah but Noah tasers him and traps him in a freezer. Noah wants to know everything about the carnival and they agree that Samuel needs to be stopped. However when Lauren and Noah start discussing a raid, Edgar gets mad and says he wants it to be left alone. He then escapes.
At the funeral of Nathan Claire and Peter get a chance to talk. They both are upset but Peter is very distraught. He even goes to help save these people from a crazed gun man. He ends up being shot ,but gets Claires power so he can heal.He promises her he won't do anything reckless. He then asks about a friend of hers who can fly. He is shown flying in the sky in honour of Nathan. Sylar returns to the carnival to kill Samuel. Samuel tells Lydia to use her powers to find out what Slyar desires.It is revealed that Sylar doesn't want to end up dieing alone. He gets her power and goes to Samuel.Samuel reveals that he loves a woman Vanessa. However he is afraid that Vanessa won't ever accept him. Sylar doesn't know what he should do and uses the ink to show him. The tattoo ends up being a picture of Claire. At the end Sylar is shown looking through Claires dorm window.
Close to You: Lydia is doubting everything Samuel does and calls out to someone that she believes could help. This person is Peter Petrelli. He awakes and finds the compass on his arm. Emma tests her musical ability and draws Peter to her. When Angela comes over to Peters and finds Emma there she tells Peter to stop being friends with her. Apparently she does a lot of bad things in the future including killing thousands of people. Peter copies his mothers ability so he can dream and see what happens. In the dream Emma is at the carnival playing the cello and has a look of despair. Sylar reaches his hand out to her and says he can save her.Peter awakes and goes to Emma where he destroys the cello. She is upset and tells him to leave.
Hiro and Ando arrive at the hospital where they need to rescue Mohinder. After a comical escape, the are being chased through the woods when they realize that they need to teleport. Ando uses his power to shock Hiro, turning him back into his old self. They teleport away after Hiro says they need to stop Samuel .
Noah wants to find the carnival, and goes to Matt for help. Matt has settled into being a stay at home dad.However Noah convinces him to come to help him find this Vanessa woman who was a friend of Samuel. When they find her, Matt uses his ability and she starts talking to them. However when she goes to meet with Samuel, he takes her and they are unable to catch them.Matt goes back home not wanting to do anything else, and is wondering if he is a coward. Noah goes to talk with Claire, however she doesn't really want to talk with him. He goes back home, and Lauren is there. They kiss and then Hiro ,Ando and Mohinder show up in his living room.


American Idol Season 9 Auditions 1 & 2

I am extremely sad for this season and its because Paula is gone. Its a disappointing thing. I hate that Kara is on the show as the most useless person ever. I love Ellen but her as the next judge seems ridiculous. She may know about music but she is not a singer, she does not have music knowledge. I'm completely disappointed, however i know i can't stay away from American Idol. Its a crazy addiction.
We start off the show seeing a crazy girl named Janet.The only funny thing she did was call Kara, Paula.What a joke Kara is.Victoria Beckham is also guest judging, and this Janet girl almost forgot her name and then remembered that she was David Beckhams wife. Too Funny.
We then get to see some talent and a heart warming story of 16 year old, Maddy Curtis. She lives in a huge family ,and they have 3 sons who have down syndrome.Two are adopted and one is not. Its a sweet story. She picks "Hallelujah" to sing and she has a very pretty voice making her the first gold ticket holder.
We then get a male who sings Britney Spears. Obviously he is a no.Three females in a row get through, Jennifer Hirsh,Claire Fuller, and Jesse Wolfe. The first two weren't good enough, but i like the last girl. Next we meet Amadeo Diricco, who i would love to be in his family. They look like they have so much fun ,and eat great food all the time lol.He has a good enough voice, but i'm not sure how well he will do.
We get two really bad people, and Simon says the funniest thing all night after the girl says she is going to be a singer. "I'd love to fly to the moon but i can't.....well maybe i can".Hilarious.
We get two really good guys in a row. They are shown singing together but audition separately. Luke Shaffer is really good ,and he shot, and the other Benjamin Bright looked a little nervous, but has a great voice aswell.
We then get to meet Andrew. He has been tired of waiting all day. He looked annoyed and bored.He goes into the room, and right away talks back to the judges and has an attitude. He eventually pisses Kara off alot, which isn't hard. He has a good voice i thought, but the judges just don't like him, so he leaves not after pissing off the two girls a little more. I thought he was charming haha.
More bad people to come then we get Ashley Rodriguez who all the judges were amazed by. I thought she was good, but she was nothing new.
However, my favourite is now introduced. His name is Tyler Grady and he is a drummer, but has always wanted to be a front man. He has to broken wrists after he fell out of a tree he was climbing. Anyways he sings awesome, and i totally felt like he was singing to me. <3
On day two....
There were lots of really bad people. We get a few god males Mike Davis who is charming and has a decent voice and this Josh kid who barely makes it through, but is very likable. There are others but after meeting Tyler Grady none of them really measure up. Bosa Mora is a character, an while he needs some star quality he has a good voice. Lea Laurenti was the last girl and she was pretty good.
Boring episode. Mary J Blije was the guest judge and was definitely harsher then Posh Spice. I'll mention only a few. Jermaine Sellers, gets paid to sing at church and really has a good voice. he picked a surprising song of What if God was one of us by Joan Osbourne. We also meet Keia Johnson who sings really well, but needs a little bit of training to control that voice. Vanessa Wolfe ends up being the token poor girl from small town who can surprisingly sing alright. I doubt she will last long, but i'm excited for her.
Holly Harden looks totally nuts wearing a guitar outfit, but sings alright. i doubt she will make it far. Skiiboski is a character and somehow makes it through. I'm pretty sure he will not last one more round. Best friends come and perform together and they both sucked but because the Judges are stupid they let one of the girls in. Next we meet a cop, who is totally going to be the next Danny Gokey which already annoys me.
The last contestant of the day has an original song called "Pants on the ground" He is 62 years old and is freaking hilarious. In fact the next days i was still singing his song...


Sunday, January 10, 2010

FAIL-Last of the fall Reality shows...

So i failed at recapping the fall shows. I ended up getting sick for two weeks and completely losing track in shows. But who cares? Heres the reality shows..when the other shows come back on i'll recap what i missed before.
Reality Shows:
ANTM13: Nicole Fox won! I wasn't surprised, while i loved Laura, Nicole really took the most amazing pictures. She might actually have a career at this modelling thing.
Survivor 19: The season turned out to be one of the best seasons. Galu totally screwed themselves over.In the end i started rooting for Brett, but i knew he wouldn't make it there. Russell should have won the whole darn show, because he was the best player. However, Natalie ended up winning. I give Erik the credit for his speech he made right at the end. Anyways hopefully Russell will play just as great on the next season, Heroes vs. Villains.
The Amazing Race: In the end meghan and Cheyne won, which was great. They had a great race. I did like of like Erika and Brian, but she was so whiny near the end. The bro team really started to bother me when they started hating on each other. Overall it was a pretty good season. I still loved Matt and Gary!
SYTYCD America: In the end there was a final six which i thought was stupid. They ended up being Ryan, Ellenore,Jakob,Russel,Ashleigh and Kathryn. In the end it was between Jakob and Russell. Russell ended up winning!! I was proud of him, but i thought Jakob probably was the better dancer. It ended up being an ok season ,with a couple of stand out performances. The beginning was way to rushed and that was disappointing. I also miss Mia Micheals. Its also unfortunate they are not doing a tour this year.

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