Saturday, January 23, 2010

Survivor 20 Heroes vs Villians Cast

Well for the most part i am happy with the cast. There are a few that i have no idea why they are there and some i just don't want to see again.
Sugar: LOVED her season. I loved her, but i also loved the guys she worked with, and i'm surprised at least one of them isn't here aswell. I would have loved to see Kenny as a villain and Matty as a hero. All three are deserving of being here. I'm not sure if Sugar will have a great game. One thing she has said in some of her videos is that she has a few alliances already going including one with J.T. Apparently they are dating which should be interesting if anyone finds out.
Stephanie: One of the most deserving people to play again .This will be her second time playing and i hope she does well.I'm still ticked she didn't beat annoying Danni... ugh.
J.T: Without Stephan he would not have won his season nor would he have without Taj either. However he does have some charm ,and if he gets a good alliance right away could possibly do it again. I am also sad that Stephan isn't on the show as a villain even though i heart him as a hero!
James: I love James. I don't want him to lose again, but i just don't think the social part of the game is going to get better. I want him to align with Amanda again and to stay away from Pavarti. I'm super nervous for him.
Amanda: She came in second twice, when really she should have won both her seasons. In my opinion she is better then Pavarti she just needs to stand up for herself at the end. Im definitely rooting for her.
Cirie: Looking forward to her, but her friendly cunning ways might not work so well a third time.
Tom: I never really liked him. Thats all i got.
Rupert: ok, so i got him in the first season but ever since then he is one of the most overrated survivor contestants ever. I think he is absolutely crazy. Not really looking forward to him again.
Colby: I didn't really like him during his season, but this season he is looking hot! I think he could do well.
Candice: worthless, useless player.
Tyson: Hilarious guy, and so full of himself i can't wait to see him though. I was disappointed that Sierra wasn't on the Heroes tribe. It would have been great seeing that rivalry.
Coach: He isn't a good player, but he is a crazy character. I am a tiny bit excited to see what he is going to bring this season.
Courtney: Love her. I really hope her and James will get to work together. I think she needs to connect with some people right away. I'm hoping Russell. She could be brought along and then take him out.
Jerri: I think she isn't going to be as bitchy as she used to be. I'm kind of hoping for an early boot.
Rob:I like him...but i'm not sure his heart is in the game .he just had a baby with Amber and i think he might be distracted.
Sandra:Not sure why she is there... however from er interviews she seems like she is going to be a cut throat player.
Pavarti: She is a female i love to hate. She is so annoying, and yet she can play the game. I don't like her because she just does annoying things.Anyways, i'm thinking Russell will align with her right away.
Russell: I'm sure he will come close to the end again. He is a good player. Looking forward to see what games he plays this time.
Randy:A miserable guy with some hilarious one liners. He won't last long.
Danielle:Another useless player.



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