Friday, January 15, 2010

Heroes Episodes

Missed a is a short/long recap!
Shadowboxing: So Gretchen is totally freaked out after almost getting killed. Claire had contacted her father and the other two girls minds were erased about the event. However, Gretchen says she can't deal and leaves. Later Samuel shows up and tries to convince Claire to come and join him. Noah after a run in with Becky, finds Samuel there, they chase after them but Becky helps Samuel escape. Body of Sylar/Mind of Nathan runs away from the carnival.
Sylars mind has taken control of Matts body.They argue about who is in control, and Sylar makes Matts body kill a man. Then they are at a diner, where Matt distracts him enough to get a bunch of Police cars after him. He had written on the napkin that he was gonig to shoot people. Matt has decided to get rid of Sylar he must be killed aswell. Peter, and Emma also get to know eachother a bit more.
Brothers Keeper:Tracy has been unable to control her powers and goes to Noah for some help. She ends up talking with Claire and freezing her by accident.Samuel wants Hiro to go back in time, not to save Mohinder from being killed, but to steal a reel of film. Hiro goes having no choice and follows through stealing the film, but helps Mohinder in not being killed. He tells him that he must go into hiding, but Mohinder refuses. So Hiro puts him in a mental institution. Samuel ends up getting the film but its fake anyways. Peter and Nathan go and find the body of Nathan dead in a casket and are confused. They figure it out through the body and go to visit Matt. However, when Matt sees them he freaks out ,and he knows that if they touch Sylar will have his own body back .This happens, and Sylar is in there, but so is Nathan. Nathan still fights for life though confused at everything.Thanksgiving:There are three very different Thanksgiving dinners.The Petrelli's: Sylar comes through at the dinner and starts controlling Angela and Peter. He starts to slice Angelas head open but is stopped when Nathan is trying to control him. Nathan regains control and takes off.
The Carnival:Hiro wants Charlie back but Samuel says no. Hiro talks to Lydia and she and Edgar both wonder why Samuel doesn't get Hiro to go back in time to save Joseph.Lydia and Hiro decide to go back in time to when he was killed and they learn that Samuel was the one that killed Joseph. They go back and tell Edgar. Edgar wants to kill Samuel, but Hiro needs him to find Charlie so freezes time, and tells Edgar that he should escape. Samuel also said that it was Edgar that killed Joseph. Samuel gets Damien to touch Hiros head, amusingly to erase something, but then Hiro sees flashbacks. He says "Must rescue Watson...Beam me up, Scotty" before disappearing. The Bennetts: At Noahs apartment, Claire, her mother, and her friend, aswell as Noahs old partner are going to have dinner. However Claire is mad at life, and wants to drop out of college. They end up getting into a huge fight. Gretchen ends up coming to dinner aswell making things better for Claire, and she agrees not to drop out. She also steals her dads compass which was an important link to the carnival.
The Fifth Stage:Noah and his old partner Lauren, are talking and dating however they end up getting attacked in the apartment by a guy that splits up his personality into different people. He steals the files that Noah had. Angela meets with Peter and tells him that he needs to accept that Nathan is dead. Peter refuses and goes looking for Sylar/Nathan. He runs into them and they fight and somewhere Nathan says he can't hold on. They end up on a roof, and Nathan leaps over the edge, Peter holds on but Nathan lets go, and when he falls morphs into Sylar. Nathan is gone and Sylar gets up and walks away.
Claire and Gretchen reach the carnival. There Claire begins to see the good things about it ,while Gretchen thinks its all a little weird. Eric Doyle, the puppet guy who controlled her before, is there and wants to talk to Claire. There is also an incident where a man who was swindled because he was a jerk gets mad and attacks Samuel. Samuel does not hit him back and Claire steps in and gets hit with a bottle in which she heals right away.The guy leaves creeped out. Later the man is shown dead in a truck.Claire decides to spend the rest of the vacation at the carnival while Gretchen goes back to the dorms.
Upon this Rock: Claire becomes suspicious of Samuel when she sees her dads files in his trailer. She is also creeped out that Eli( The guys who has different personalities) seems to be always watching her. She decides to sneak into the trailer, and Doyle catches her but then lets her go.She finds out from Lydia that Samuel killed his brother. Hiro had vanished for awhile and ends up in Tokyo. He is babbling on about things from Batman, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Sherlock Holmes. The police end up arresting him where Ando finds him. Ando thinks the brain tumour is getting worse but then realizes that Hiro is trying to tell him something. He figures out that Hiro wants to go to a psychiatric hospital.
Samuel goes to the city to meet with Emma(The deaf woman). There she plays music for him which leads people with powers to her. Samuel wants this certain man Ian Micheals. Whenever Ian touches something it turns into flowers, and trees and grass. They go back to the desert, and he turns it into a beautiful landscape. Claire sees this and thinks its beautiful but has for now decided to leave. She checks her voicemail and finds a message that Nathan has died in a plane crash.
Let it Bleed:Edgar tries to kill Noah but Noah tasers him and traps him in a freezer. Noah wants to know everything about the carnival and they agree that Samuel needs to be stopped. However when Lauren and Noah start discussing a raid, Edgar gets mad and says he wants it to be left alone. He then escapes.
At the funeral of Nathan Claire and Peter get a chance to talk. They both are upset but Peter is very distraught. He even goes to help save these people from a crazed gun man. He ends up being shot ,but gets Claires power so he can heal.He promises her he won't do anything reckless. He then asks about a friend of hers who can fly. He is shown flying in the sky in honour of Nathan. Sylar returns to the carnival to kill Samuel. Samuel tells Lydia to use her powers to find out what Slyar desires.It is revealed that Sylar doesn't want to end up dieing alone. He gets her power and goes to Samuel.Samuel reveals that he loves a woman Vanessa. However he is afraid that Vanessa won't ever accept him. Sylar doesn't know what he should do and uses the ink to show him. The tattoo ends up being a picture of Claire. At the end Sylar is shown looking through Claires dorm window.
Close to You: Lydia is doubting everything Samuel does and calls out to someone that she believes could help. This person is Peter Petrelli. He awakes and finds the compass on his arm. Emma tests her musical ability and draws Peter to her. When Angela comes over to Peters and finds Emma there she tells Peter to stop being friends with her. Apparently she does a lot of bad things in the future including killing thousands of people. Peter copies his mothers ability so he can dream and see what happens. In the dream Emma is at the carnival playing the cello and has a look of despair. Sylar reaches his hand out to her and says he can save her.Peter awakes and goes to Emma where he destroys the cello. She is upset and tells him to leave.
Hiro and Ando arrive at the hospital where they need to rescue Mohinder. After a comical escape, the are being chased through the woods when they realize that they need to teleport. Ando uses his power to shock Hiro, turning him back into his old self. They teleport away after Hiro says they need to stop Samuel .
Noah wants to find the carnival, and goes to Matt for help. Matt has settled into being a stay at home dad.However Noah convinces him to come to help him find this Vanessa woman who was a friend of Samuel. When they find her, Matt uses his ability and she starts talking to them. However when she goes to meet with Samuel, he takes her and they are unable to catch them.Matt goes back home not wanting to do anything else, and is wondering if he is a coward. Noah goes to talk with Claire, however she doesn't really want to talk with him. He goes back home, and Lauren is there. They kiss and then Hiro ,Ando and Mohinder show up in his living room.



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