Saturday, January 23, 2010

American Idol 9 Auditions 3&4

Shania Twain is guest judging and Kara starts off by being ever so annoying. It confuses me how Chicago is the biggest stop ,and yet it is only an hour long, and only 13 people end up making it through.
Katelyen Epperly comes and has awesome hair. She sort of sounds like Kelly Clarkson, just not as good. I quite like her though. Gold Ticket!
We get to meet Amy Lang who is a character to say the least. She maybe could have sang but she just overdoes everything including her boob thing she does.
Charity Vance is the next girl, and she is so small, and sings very high, but has this unique thing about her.
I really enjoy montages of bad singers. Its so much better then having to learn about them and then see a 5 minute horrible performance by them.
Angela Martin is back for the third time, and just like before i'm not actually a fan of her. She has a good voice, but her personality drives me nuts. Hopefully this will work out for her, but secretly i'm hoping it won't.
We get some really bad people to start on day two, including Brian Krause. I can't tell if he is just joking or if he is challenged. Its hilarious, but sad and annoying at the same time.
"I wanna eat steak" however the kid that says this can't sing, and is going to be eating hot dogs for a long time.
We finally get a really good singer named John Park. He sings and Shania starts to talk about his bottom end, which gets Randy laughing, and then everything Shania says is taken the wrong way. Its pretty funny. Anyways i like this kid.
The next four people get through. Paige something, Justin Ray,Keith Semple and Marcus Jones. Keith Semple sounds amazing to me however i learn later that he doesn't actually live here and there is something wrong with his visa or something so he can't compete :(
We get glittery Theo Glinton to start off the show. He is funny, and very happy, and maybe if he didn't shout his song he could have been good.
Seth Rollins was quite good, as was Jermaine Purifoy and Shelby something.
Jay Stone ends up making a scene and security has to escort him out. Its funny.
Janelle Wheeler, Brittney Starr and Kasi Bedford make it through little bits we are shown of them they sound alright.
Cornelius Edwards makes it through even though i felt he shouted the songs, and he also rips his pants. These two sisters who aren't any better make it through. They have fun personalities though.
The last guy is Matt Lawrence. He has a shady past but sings great! When he was 15 he robbed a bank with a BB gun and was in juvi for four years. He seems like a really good guy now, and was truly embarrassed of what he did.
Overall, both shows we didn't see that great of talent. I'm completely over the auditions and i want Hollywood!



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