Tuesday, September 30, 2008

90210 "Model Behaviour"

Love this show. I also love fashion week .Just like Gossip Girl it is in this weeks episode.
I’m sorry but if someone slept with my bf, I would be pissed at her just as much, and I wouldn’t be freaking nice to her. I hope Annie doesn’t stay this little goody girl the whole season. She needs some spice! Maybe Adrianna will help her with that somehow.
And speaking of Adrianna she eventually is going to get caught with these drugs. At the end of the episode she got some sort of white powder from this new drug dealer.. I’m sure its not baking soda..
Naomi’s mother is the worst actor ever. I hope her and the husband just get a divorce. It is such a boring storyline. I am super glad that Naomi and Ethan broke up. Hopefully it is for good like they said.
So I think Dixon and Silver are really cute together. & they have to cute. Seriously I love fights, but I really wish Dixon didn’t punch the guy. He should have let Silver slap him or something. That guy was such an ass. I’m also really happy that the mother didn’t lose her job,but I’m also nervous that photographer is going to come more, and more into the show.. Its going to be a uh oh moment.
I really wanted Brenda and Kelly to fight. Like a total bitch fight. Hopefully they will be regulars on the show and more will progress from it. I actually can’t believe that Kelly is still hung up on Dillion. She needs to let go of him.


Criminal Minds: The Angel Maker

"We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."
-Chuck Palahniuk
I love this show. But the thought of someone hiding in my house scares the shit out of me.
So the episode is about the Angel Maker. A year after he got executed for murdering six woman the exact same thing starts happening again. Everyone in the small town gets freaked out and think it’s the guy back from the dead. They even dig up the grave. The grave ends up having no body in it. They figure out that a guard is involved, and when they get to his house the guard is dead! That guard took Viagra and was shot in the head and his yeah.. So of course they figure it was a female. The profile the female being in love with the angel maker, or like a groupie. Another woman gets killed and eventually they figure out the screwdriver marks in the body are marks for constellations. So they end up figuring out the crazy woman even impregnated herself. She lost the baby, and that’s why she started murdering she needed to connect with him. Anyways they end up catching her mid-act, and the hostage gets saved. She is upset she never got to finish the work, so she punctures the last constellation on herself. She goes out and gets shot by the cops.

Agent Hotchner is going through some tough shit right now with his hearing loss, and i expect him to be off the show very soon if it continues. His story basically goes no where anyways.
Dr. Reid looks hot! I love his hair.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Heroes "One of us,One of them"

What is going?? Try and keep up...

Sylar is joining forces..with HRG. He partners with Noah to get a bunch of the level 5 guys. Peter is trapped in one of their bodies.He got trapped by his future Peter. They end up getting the guys as they are robbing a bank. Not before Sylar has takes one of the guys powers and the future Peter steals Peter out of the body.
Meanwhile, Claire doesn't want to go to school and wants to be fighting evil. Her birth mother in a not so nice firey way shows her that its not so fun. All is well except that Claire doesn't listen and is off to find bad guys.
Matt is trapped somewhere i don't really know. But he saw his future and then he draws magically and he has t osave some blond girl. My guess is it is Kristen Bells character or Hiro's nemises.
& speaking of Hiro he is still chasing the girl...or he is chasing the other half of the formula. Him and Ando are slowly starting to compete.... The Haitan traps them.

Tracy is trying to figure out about Nikki. She tracks her down and its at Nikkis funeral. There she meets Micah(who we all know is Nikki's son, has a power that he can contol competers etc., and he knows that though Tracy may look like his mother, she isn't the same person.) This leads Tracy to a doctor who somehow created Tracy....

So thats basically whats going on. We didn't see Mohinder this episode. So i'm not sure whats going on with him. LAst we saw he was like dieing or something. We also didn't see Kristen Bells character who was fired the previous episode as Sylar killed her father and Mrs. Petrelli took over the company. I have a feeling she will be back for revenge.


Gossip Girl "The Serena also Rises"

Dan: I just need to get out of Brooklyn. For one night. I'd like to experience the world of Chuck Bass.
Chuck: You're lucky I'm bored.
Dan: Is that a yes?
Chuck: Get in, before I change my mind.
Fashion week on gossip Girl. Yaay!! Nothing is more spectacular then it. Let the war of Blair and Serena begin. Oh, and the war of Jenny.. She just wants to get ahead and happens to push Blair a little out of the way in overriding a seating chart. & Serena well she has been spotted with some very famous people leaving Blair in the red carpet dust.
Dan needs to experience some new things, and decides to get out of his comfort zone. He decides to go to see Mr. Chuck Bass. This should be interestingly awesome!
Dan is going to get in so much trouble. Playing with Chuck is dangerous. And then 5 minutes later..Chuck is the best person ever in the worst way. He got Dan drunk for fun and then left him the middle of no where. Mean but great. Jenny really should not have been skipping school, but then If I where in the same situation I would do anything to get into the fashion world. Well Blair got back at her, but that won’t hold Jenny back…neither will her dad taking her home.
****** I love when Serena and Blair fight. Its very entertaining. So Dan writes about his night, and the guy hates it. So he has to go back out and probably get screwed again by Chuck Bass. Blairs mother is taking Jenny and Serenas side leaving Blair to sit in the corner. Poor Chuck wants to drink with his father and his father doesn’t want to. Dan overhears it and sits down for another wild adventure with him. & Blair well maybe she isn’t sitting in the corner, can’t get revenge that way.
Dan sticks up for Chuck by punching guy, however they end up in jail. All is going well until Chuck finds out that Dan is writing about him. Chuck doesn’t know it, but later Dan decides not to write about him. Its uh oh for Dan…
****** Blair ends up sending all the models home. Jenny gets the socialites including Serena to walk instead. Blair tricks Serena into wearing a dress made by Jenny. Eleanor freaks until Jenny convinces her that its not that bad since everyone loved the last dress. Blair also agrees only after her and Jenny have a little heart to heart. Serena is ticked and her and Blair are now pretty much enemies. Which leaves Jenny on Blairs side perhaps…Jenny is definetly not on her dads side. She quit school, and isn’t going back.


The Amazing Race 13 Episode 1

Whenever i get to busy i forget about doing this tv blog...Its sad... but here is my first impressions on each of the teams from the Amazing Race premire!!

So i had made little assupmtions about each team before hand. & some of them were right, and some where wrong. I really thought i would like Terrence and Sarah, but so far they seem lie the most annoying team. Ialso didn't think i would like Starr and Nick at all, but they actually seem pretty cool. Andrew and Dan i like, but i don't think they expected it to be as hard as it is, they need to step it up. The two blonds i hope start doing better cuz they seemed like a funny team. I think Mark and Bill are my favourite team so far. They are pretty smart, and funny. I need to hear more from Toni and Dallas, Anthony & Stephanie and Ty & Aja to form an opinion about them. Kelly and Christy, i could definetly do without them. I think so far Ken and Tina are the team to be reckoned with, except that i think they probably have the weakest relationship at this point. The hippie team, well it just wasn't the game for them. The amazing race is brutal, and they didn't have the strength to do it.
During the episode Starr & Nick formed an alliance with Ken & Tina. I don't really understand alliances in this show. It seems like a lot of extra wasted time dealing with another team, and worrying about them. Maybe it will work for them,i guess we will see.
The whole cart challange looked fun, mostly because i was starving. The candy looked awesomely good. haha.
The Detour looked super fun. Either of them would be an experience. I definetly would have chose "Soft way down" over "hard way up" Climbing down a cargo net 240 feet up sounds super fun. I like heights. Every team chose soft way down except for Andrew and Dan. They chose the other one because they thought it would be crowded at the other one, which was probably true. They ended up coming in 7th. They might have finished even quicker if they didn't mess up answering the question at the top of the steps. I think it was a great choice for them.

So Nick and Starr were the first team to arrive and won a trip for two to Belize. Ken and Tina showed up quickly right after.
Order arriving at pitstop:
1. Nick & Starr
2. Ken & Tina
3. Terence & Sarah
4. Mark & Bill
5. Kelly & Christy
6. Toni & Dallas
7. Andrew & Dan
8. Aja & Ty
9. Anthony & Stephanie
10. Marisa & Brooke
11. Anita & Arthur (ELIMINATED)
My fav teams so far: Mark & Bill, Nick & Starr,Ken & Tina,Andrew & Dan.

Eliminated next week hopefully: Kelly & Christy!


Thursday, September 04, 2008

ANTM Season 11 Episode 1&2

Analeigh: I just don’t feel that she is model like. Her photo didn’t make me think any differently. Her hips look huge, and her hair while its getting some wind looks silly.

Brittney: I was ticked that the other two had to change their names. Anyways, I quite liked this picture. She looks patriotic and her eyes,lips and hair look awesome.

Clark: I hate this photo. She looks really uncomfortable. Her whole body looks unpropotioned. Her face doesn’t help either, it looks like she just stumbled upon that face.

Elina: Besides her hair looking flat on top, I really like this picture. Her eyes are amazing. I also love that they didn’t airbrush her tattoo out.

Hannah: I would love if her jaw was a little down, she looks a little bit uncomfortable, but otherwise its an alright picture.

Isis: Her face, and upper body is brilliant, but her legs are spread , and it makes her stance look odd.. The picture is quite good otherwise, nice emotion.

Joslyn: I think if she were wearing a different dress I might like the picture more. It just loses the message.

Lauren Brie: I don’t mind this picture, but the pose is very ameteur. I bet she does the same pose next week.

Majorie: Its good, and that’s pretty much it.

McKey: Love her face, but I really hate the boxing stance. She needs to learn how to get emotion.

Nikesha: Its ok.. Nothing great.

Samantha: Love her body in this picture. Her face however isn’t doing it for me.Its not that it isn’t good, I just think its annoying looking. Her hands also look a little manly.

Sharaun: It was definetly the worst photo. Her face looks like she wants to punch you in the face. She didn’t hit the light right either.
Sheena: I really like this picture. I would have loved to see her whole face, but the side of it is great.
My prediction:
14th:Sharaun *Worst picture ELIMINATED*
13th: Nikesha
12th: Analeigh
11th: Clarke
9th: Hannah
8th: Lauren Brie
7th: Marjorie
5th: Jocelyn
4th:Sheena *#1 pic this week*
Thoughts: I really hope some of the girls grow up and stop being mean to Isis. She is awesome. The preveiw for next episode shows Sheena doing something at panel, and i hope its something good. i'm a little worried about it. I also think Majorie, is nuts, and she needs to relax!! I really would enjoy if Clark went next week, even though thats not who i predicted.


Monday, September 01, 2008

Gossip Girl Season 2;Episode one

Summer,Kind of wonderful
& the story continues...
Sex,lies and scandel never take a vacation!

Serena is covering for Nate but she doesn't know what for..He is dating a married woman named Catherine Mason. Naughty Nate! Chuck is being naughty with 3 topless girls. Dan is with a random girl, who i don't like already. Wait.. is he dating another girl? Jenny is interning but it really isn't going to good for her. Nate went to bring flowers to Blair, but she came home with a hottie. Nate and Blair are bickering a lot. Its funny and cute at the same time.
Dan screws up his job thing/internship. Jenny calls up Eric apologizing, but also she wants to go to this party. Serena is going out with a random lifegaurd. Blair and Chucks bickering comes to a sad note, when Chuck sees this "special" pin on this new guy James. Apparently the pin was only given to Nate when she said she loved him, and Chuck gets upset, and then Blair ends up going back to the table, and apparently she didn't give the pin to him at all. Nate jumps out of a window when the womans husband comes home and runs into Serena and her date. Serena now knows what exactly is going on.
Dan can't write his story because he is still confused about his breakup with Serena. Chuck is doing some super investigating on this James guy, and figures out he isn't who he says he is. Anyways so this White party is happening and everyone is going to it, including Nates secret lover, and James and Chuck. Fireworks!!!
Jenny and Eric are at the party and her boss looks super shocked. Serenas grandma tells Dan that he is in Serenas heart. Then she gets him to go to the party. Eric introduces Jenny to some designer right infronnt of her boss. Blairs James gets that Blair is using him, and he ditches. Nates lover his making little comments about him leaving and Serena kisses him to make her jealous. Dan gets there right in time to see it. uh oh!

Nates plan with Serena worked and him and the married woman are all over eachother. Dans 2 girlfriends poured their wine all over him. But it all works out cuz him and Serena kiss! They then decide to ditch the party and go to the beach. Blair goes to find James, and aplogise and flirt with him. He then confesses that he is actually a britsh Lord! He has the hottest accent, and they go off leaving Chuck ticked off. Jenny and her boss make up, in a fake sort of way. Chuck wants Blair to stay and she says she wants three words from him. He can't say it.....

Chuck: Please don't leave with him.
Blair: Why? Give me a reason... and "I'm Chuck Bass" doesn't count.
Chuck: 'Cause you don't want to.
Blair: That's not enough.
Chuck: 'Cause I don't want you to.
Blair: That's not enough.
Chuck: What else is there?
Blair:The true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words. Eight letters. Say it... that I'm yours.
Chuck: I... I ... [pause]
Blair: Thank you. That's all I needed here.

You aint seen anything yet. xoxo GossipGirl.
