Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Amazing Race Episode 7

Well I haven't been updating for much shows but i usually manage not to miss the Amazing Race. I'm so cheering for the six pack!!I really hate Kandace and Dustin...have I said that before? lol. I don't understand why they are so annoying. Tyler and James just went down in my books, what bitches Kanadce and Dustin are. Anyways so i really with those two teams could get eliminated for be annoying and stupid.
So the teams are off to a big boat. They have to swim to the boat. I think its funny that Tyler and James got into last place. Thats what they get for butting infront of Lyn and Carlyn. I think the cho brothers should have just went instead of waiting for the other two teams. I think its hilarious that Rob freaked out.
FUNNYIEST THING EVER: Dustin & Kandace got into a car accident lol....They should get a penalty.

Detour: Salt or Sea
I would chose salt.But then again, i think that would hurt after awhile.The salt piles are also huge. The map thing just looked hard. But what do i know, it was prolly harder then it looked. I really kinda hate that everyone quit the other task.
I wanted a RoadBlock!!

Order they arrived
1. Kandace & Dustin
2.Tyler & James
3.Rob & Kimberley
4.Erwin & Godwin
5.Lyn & Karlyn
6.David & Mary (Not Eliminated Thank God!!)

My Like List
1. Erwin & Godwin
2. David & Mary
3. Lyn & Karlyn
4.Rob & Kimberly
5. Tyler & James
6. Kandace & Dustin


Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Amazing Race Episode 6

I really dislike Peter and Sarah, and Candace and Dustin. Their voices just annoy me. Its nice that the Cho brothers, the Hicks, and The moms, are all working together but sometime they are going to have to split. Its going to make them all be the final three to be the last.
Fast Forward: Confront oil well fire.
The Cho brothers are really nice, but i hope they don't end up in last. But when you think about it, if they are eliminated then, they will go out with integrity.
Roadblock: Climb Kuwait Tower
The whole time the teams were climbing i was worried for the Cho brothers. I do not understand why Sarah always does the climbing challenges. Its good for her and stuff but i dunno, i just think it would be easier for Peter. I was so scared or Erwin...but i was also very proud of him. The stupid blond girls need to shut the f up, and learn to stop following people and being annoyingf little bitches.

Detour: Manual, or Automatic
I would so do the camel racing!But if it was that hard to find i don't blame people for not doing it. I can't believe that Peter & Sarah were that far behind that they didn't even have to do the detour.

Order of Arrival
1.David & Mary
2. Dustin & Kandace
3. Rob & Kimberley
4.Lyn & Karlyn
5.Eriwn & Godwin
6. Tyler & James
7. Peter & Sarah Eliminated!!!!

My Like List
1. Erwin & Godwin
2. David & Mary
3. Lyn & Karlyn
4. Tyler & James
5.Rob & Kimberly
6. Peter & Sarah
7. Dustin & Candace


Friday, October 20, 2006

Survivor Episode 6

Well, i missed last episode where Stephanie got voted off.
Anyways, this week we learn that it is going to be a double elimination, but that the teams will be competeing for a chance to get a feast and listen in on the other tribe.The challenge was awesome! Three members of the tribe had to grab onto posts while the other three members would run and try to get the opposite team off their posts. So it was an all out brawl. Candace did awesome! She is really strong girl. When it came down to the last tribe member on the pole from Raro on the post which was Christina, chances were not good. Flicka started pretty much choking Christina, and then Chrsitina was pulling her hair, and Becky was just trying to pull her feet. Anyways they eventually got Christina to the mat after a hard fought battle.
At the tribal council, Aitu got to go first ad voted out Cowboy. Then they got to have a feast and watch Raro's tribal council. After Raro's discusion with Jeff P. Aitu also got to "kidnap" a person from the Raro tribe freeing them from the vote. They chose Nate.

My like List

15. Adam


Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Amazing Race Episode 5

I find all the teams hilarious. Anyways i was super excited for Erwin and Godwin, when their plane was like 3 hours and however much ahead of the other teams. I was glad that they stayed true to the aliance and told the others their plan. I thoughut Dustin and Kandace were rude to Peter, and Sarah, i mean they helped the other teams. I felt incredibly sad for Mary and David that they did not get on the flight. But all the teams basically got around the same time of tickets.

Detour: Wild things or Wild Rice
I think i would have chose the alligators, although the rice thing looked fun. Peter is a jerk..to sarah.He is just so oblivious to everything. But i really don't think Sarah needs to mention how hard it is for her to run all the time.

Roadblock: Who is the driving force behind this team
I would never do this roadblock. I hate driving. I thought Peter did a good job at being calm on the roadblock. It was funny that One of the female beauty queen people drove on the wrong side of road and still got the drivers liscence lol.
Order they arrived:
1.Sarah & Peter
2.Kandace & Dustin
3.Rob & Kimberley
4.Erwin & Godwin
5.Lyn & Karlyn
6.Tyler & James
7. David & Mary (Non-Elimination round)
*They have to come in first or they recieve a 30 minute penalty...

My Like List
1.Erwin & Godwin
2. Lyn & Karlyn
3.David & Mary
4.Tyler & James
5.Kandace & Dustin
6.Peter & Sarah
7.Rob & Kimberly


ANTM Episode 4

Well i missed the episode on Wednesday, but i caught a recap of it on Sunday. Anyways i never gotto see the episode where Monique was eliminated, so i figured there would be no more drama. However, Melrose is now starting to get on everyones nerves. She also was making fun of Anchal, just saying rude things. They got to learn poses that were really flexilbe and stuff. The next day they had a challenge were they posed and people voted for the best. Eugena won the challange, and gotto keep all the jewelery that the otheres were also wearing.
At the photo challange they were circus freaks!
Aj(The cannabol) Really god, the body and the face wear fearless!
Brooke( Girl that is super rubbery) I liked the body, the face was a little distant though.
Amanda & Michelle (Siamese twins) I really don't how i feel that they were judged together. It wasnt a bad pic, but the one girl looked fat in the face.
Megg(The bearded Lady) Not good..
Caridee(The Elephant Lady) Amazing, I loved the body!
Eugena(The bird lady in a cage) It was ok, not my favourite.
Anchal(The giant lady) I loved the picture, but it wasn't giant like though.
Jaeda(The strong lady) It was ok.. i found the judges comments condusing because Jay in the shoot wanted jaeda to be all like strong/ act it out, and Tyra wanted it softer.. i thought it was all confusing.
Melrose(The old women with the hot body) It was pretty good, i liked the body, and pose.

My Like List
2.Caridee (Picture Featured)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

ANTM Episode 3

So, I missed this episode, which really is sad. Anyways, I still picked my Fav. Picture which is of Megg. I'm not going to have a like list cuz i missed the episode, so it would practically be the same as last. :)


Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Amazing Race; Episode 4

I missed the very beginning because i just got home from work at 7. So anyways the teams looked very stressed when i started watching.It looked like Rob and Kimberely had the worst luck with their cab driver. I thought it was really rude that Rob said "he was done talking with foreigners." I mean isn't he the foreigner there...

Roadblock:Ascend Cliff
I don't know why Srah did the roadblock instead of Peter. It really sucked that only 2 teams could go up at a time.

Detour: Over or Under
i would chose um none... they both looked annoying as heck.
Rob and Kimberly are going to kill each other. I think it is really funny that all these people think they can row but they can't. It looked really windy and i felt sorry for like all the teams.
Order they arrived:
1.Rob & Kimberly
2. Peter & Sarah
3.Tyler & James
4. Erwin & Godwin
5.David & Mary
6.Lyn & Karlyn
7.Dustin & Kandice
8.Tom & Terry (ELIMINATED)

My Like List
1. Erwin & Godwin
2.Tom & Terry (Eliminated...awe..that sucks..)
3.David & Mary
4. Lyn & Karlyn
5. Dustin & Kandace
6.Tyler & James
7. Peter & Sarah (Peter is the most annoying person ever)
8. Rob & Kimberly (their argueing drove me over the edge)


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Survivor Episode 4

Well.. i missed last episode, so i was very excited to see all the new friendships the tribes have made.
Raro: It was really interesting to see that they were mostly divided by gender. The strong males and the smart women. Some of the women start to notice that J.P is starting to be bossy and very lazy.
Aitu: The tribe seems to be getting along, except for the fact that Ozzy feels a little out of place.

Anyways so there was a reward challenge in which they won pillows, and blankets. Ozzy is the star of the challenge because he helped Aitu gain a huge lead. They ended up winning and sending Adam to Exile Island.

After that Ozzy is happy and catches a bunch of fish. He is titled "Poseidon", and he is happy in his place on the Aitu tribe.They goes on like a nature walk, and they find this bird with a nest. Cowboy climbs he tree and doesn't see anything in the nest so he knocks it down then they relize there was a baby bird in it. Jonathan looks like he is going to cry, when he picks up the baby bird. Anyways sothey put the nest back in the tree with the bird.

Everyone is really starting to notice J.P's bossy ways on the Raro tribe.

We also saw the immunity challenge which Raro tribe started off with a huge lead, then The hero Ozzy overtook J.P in the swimming part of the challenge. Cowboy seals Raro's loss when he magically gets the fire started qiuckly.

Stephanie from the Raro tribe blames herself for not starting the fire quick and says she is the weakest. people take that as she wants to be voted off. She relizes what she has done but it seems to late. However Jenny and Rebecca don't want to get rid of a women so they set off to get rid of J.P. They try to convince everyone, but it still looks a little bit doubtful.
The end is really surprising though, because everyone except Nate ends up voting out J.P. I was really surprised that Adam did,and even Brad.

My Like List
1. Ozzy


Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Amazing Race Episode 3

Well i kinda missed the beginning of the show, but from what i saw the Beauty pagents girls were being rude, and Duke and Lauren didn't have a clue what they were doing so they picked up this stranger and she kinda led them astray so that sucked.

RoadBlock:Charm the people, and sell flowers..
It was interesting... They all looked really awkward on the bikes.. I was angry that Sarah and Peter finished first., but happy they got on the wrong bus. I was sad that Erwin and Godwin were in the 5th, but then happy cuz they were on the 1rst bus.

Detour: Fuel, or Fowl
I would have chose fuel probably. I was upset again that Erwin and Godwin had to do the challange again cuz their bricks were to short. But i was super Happy when they were in 1rst.It kinda sucked that Duke and Lauren were eliminated. I was really upset that Tom and Terry were almost eliminated because they broke a rule by riding a motorcycle.
1.Erwin & Godwin
2.Tyler & James
3. Ron & Kimberly
4. Candace & Dustin
5.Peter & Sarah
6.Lyn & Karlyn
7.David & Mary
8.Tom & Terry
9. Duke & Lauren (ELIMINATED)
My Like List
Erwin & Godwin
Tom & Terry
David & Mary
Duke & Lauren
Tyler & James
Lyn & Karlyn
Candace & Dustin
Ron & Kimberley
Peter & Sarah
