Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Amazing Race Episode 5

I find all the teams hilarious. Anyways i was super excited for Erwin and Godwin, when their plane was like 3 hours and however much ahead of the other teams. I was glad that they stayed true to the aliance and told the others their plan. I thoughut Dustin and Kandace were rude to Peter, and Sarah, i mean they helped the other teams. I felt incredibly sad for Mary and David that they did not get on the flight. But all the teams basically got around the same time of tickets.

Detour: Wild things or Wild Rice
I think i would have chose the alligators, although the rice thing looked fun. Peter is a sarah.He is just so oblivious to everything. But i really don't think Sarah needs to mention how hard it is for her to run all the time.

Roadblock: Who is the driving force behind this team
I would never do this roadblock. I hate driving. I thought Peter did a good job at being calm on the roadblock. It was funny that One of the female beauty queen people drove on the wrong side of road and still got the drivers liscence lol.
Order they arrived:
1.Sarah & Peter
2.Kandace & Dustin
3.Rob & Kimberley
4.Erwin & Godwin
5.Lyn & Karlyn
6.Tyler & James
7. David & Mary (Non-Elimination round)
*They have to come in first or they recieve a 30 minute penalty...

My Like List
1.Erwin & Godwin
2. Lyn & Karlyn
3.David & Mary
4.Tyler & James
5.Kandace & Dustin
6.Peter & Sarah
7.Rob & Kimberly



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