Friday, September 30, 2005

"The Brave May Not Live Long, But The Cautious Don't Live At All"

Ok, so we start of by seeing the Yaxha tribe. Brian is totally gloating because he saved Lydia. Lydia is just thankful. Nakum was woken up, by monkeys and Cindy, was like super excited about it all. She is a zoo keeper. The reward challenge is one person is the eyes and the others are blind folded and have to get pieces of a tent. Gary was the eyes for Yaxha and Brooke for Nakum. Nakum really starts to lose, but in the end they beat Yaxha in building the tent. The end up winning blankets and pillows and such. Later on Rafe and Gary find Termites and eat them….yuck…it starts to get so hot, that some of the people on the Nakum tribe go into the croc infested waters (Judd, Danni, Brandon, and Bobby Jon) Brandon thinks it is very entertaining and exciting, others that don’t go in think its to dangerous. In the immunity chanllage it’s a game of court ball. Everyone has decorated themselves in paint and stuff. Three members go against three other matched up members. Everyone seems to be trying hard except Brianna, who looks like she is taking a break. Lydia has trouble because she is so short. Amy fell right at the beginning at hurt her ankle. Anyway Danni ended up being the star of the challenge. She scored three out of five baskets. So Nakum won. It wasn’t that big of a surprise when they voted off Brianna,(7-1) it was either her, or Lydia, or Amy. Wouldn’t be a loss if it was any of them anyways. Next to be voted off in my opinion would be Lydia on Yaxha or Cindy on Nakum.
So the star of this weeks show was Danni, she kicked ass in all the challenges!!!I also liked Brandon of course, and Rafe too. Thats it.......


Thursday, September 29, 2005


well this week started off with everyone getting a makeover. Cassandra got her hair cut like really short..which was the biggest change...some turned blonde, one girl got braids Cassandra was really upset with it, but eventually got over it. Tyra wants it cut again so it looks how Tyra wanted it. She also wants Jaylas hair cut back to almost how it was before. so the challenge this week was to go shopping and get an outfit that jay said would match the new hair. so they go shopping and get some clothes. Lisa ends up winning the challenge and she picks kim and Ebony and they get to pick items off the others. The next day is the photo shoot. They have to pick a partner...then it is revealed that they will be competing against the person they picked.They will be wearing the same outfits and in the same spots. They can pose however they want and they don't get to see eachother.
Nik vs Bre.....Nik wins..... Bre didn't pose, Nik had a beautiful pose;she worked the dress
Sarah vs Coryn......Coryn can see up Sarahs nose, Coryn just looked better
Ebony vs Lisa.....Lisa wins.....Ebony had a wierd pose;hair in face, Lisa great eyes and variety
Diane vs Nicole.......Nicole wins......Diane was just not good, Nicole looked great!
Kim vs Kyle......Kim wins.....Kyle was alright, Kim was awkwardly good
Cassandra vs Jayla....Cassandra wins.....Jayla face sucked;bent oddly,Cass was again very good
so its down to six left while the other six are safe. so it goes...until Diane and Ebony are left..then Ebony gets eliminated and they tell her, her dreams to be a model might just be dreams...she is heartbroken. so, its no loss for me....she was just ok..there were worse pictures though...
Best picture:Nicole :) *love the whole picture its great*


Lost...i am lost....

two episodes have happened , whats up with who?
ok....The hatch was opened. Locke, and Kate opened it, and Kate went down then this light came on, and she was gone. Locke went down after her and was gone. Jack came looking for them and went down the hatch. He then found this guy with a gun against lockes head. This guy had been in Jacks past. He was the one that told Jack that miracles can happen when Jack was defeated about his soon to be wifes medical state.So he was in the hatch, living in this underground home or something waiting for the world to end or something.... meanwhile kate is in a vent, after she was tied up and put in a food cellar.
next.. the people on the raft....or the raft, that got blown up...well sawyer got shot. but he is ok, he ends up taking the bullet out with his hands. totally sad..and broken up because Walt got taken by people. He is determined to get him back, after losing him before to his gf/exwife. Him and Sawyer are constantly bickering...until Sawyer goes to get another part of the raft and a shark goes after him..then micheal shoots the shark. They eventually get back to the island. While they are thankful to be on the island, they finally find Jin. He comes running up, and says "others" and behind him are like jungle people...
Everyone else is at the caves doing their own thing. Charlie, still has that statue of Mary, with the cocaine in it...he better not snort any of it!!! ooo..and Shannon goes to look for the dog, and sees like a ghost of Walt. He has like water coming out of his mouth....and he says or tries to talk....he says something like, "press the buttons bad"or "don't press the button, button is bad.."one of the two lol i dunno. so where is walt? is he dead? is he like some sort of prince somwhere....where????what???theres to many questions that need to be answered, but hopefully soon.. some of them will be.


The Amazing Race;Family Edition

This season of The Amazing Race is a little different then the other seven. First off there is a family of four people instead of partners. The families are all different ages some having little kids as young as 8. The second difference is its just in the united states right now. i don't know if it will stay there or not. i hope not, it will make a boring season, except with more people it is a little better. So the Gaghan family started off leading...with the Paolo family getting very lost and stressed out right away. They next have to go to a hot dog stand, and the guys running it (drew and Kevin from season 1)yes who caught on to that one? i did!!! have a little comment for everyone its pretty funny. The Schroeder family dad sayas he wishes he hada handicapped child so, theey could park in the spot. The 3 families in the lead get lost going to pennsylvania and lose it. Then they all have to row across a lake that some guy rode across. All the teams do alright except the Black family has trouble, mostly because the kids are to weak. Then the teams have to go and get tents and the order they arrive thats when they get to leave in the morning. The teams arrived at the Detour. It was build it or buggy it. The Linz family, Gaghan family, and the Aiellos, and the Weaver family chose buggy it. The weaver family switches after the mother is run over by thte buggy.The rest chose buld it where the had to build a windmill. the Godlewskis a family of sisters came in first. 2:Gaghans closley followed by the Weavers. 4rth: Rogers 5th: Schroeders 6th: Paolo 7th: Bransens 8th: Aiellos the last two teams were racing right till the end, and the Linz family beat the Black family. The Black family consisted of the father Reggie(42) the mother Kimberly(40) and the two kids Kenneth(10) and Austin (8) it was kinda dissapointing but, some one had to go.
My predictions for 1rst place next week: The Weaver Family
Last place next week: Paolo
My favourite families are: Gaghans, Weavers, Rogers, Linzs'
The families that are ok: Schroeders,Aiellos, Bransens,
The ones i don't care for at all: Paolos, Godlewskis
so yeah everyone that hasn't watchedthis how watch it!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Degrassi & 7th Heaven

7th Heaven: well it premired last week, but i haven't gotten around saying what i think about it. the main things are that Mary has divorced Carlos and signed over the birth right to Carlos. Carlos still loves mary, and i like him too!! Lucy and kevin finally have their own house, and Kevin quit his job so he can stay home with the baby. Lucy is still somewhat an asssociate paster. Simon is enaged to this conrolling, monster of a girl,Rose who keeps forcing him to do things he doesn't want to. No one in the family likes her and i wish she would leave along with her friend Sandy, (who is pregnant with Martins baby)She expects martin to step up and be a dad and all that, he is still in highschool, and she should have beenresponsible, its all her own fault. Ruthie wants to date this senior, but Eric said no, and the senior doesn't want to keep coming over, so Ruthie hates Eric.
Degrassi: The first 2 episodes are basically about Manny. She want sto be an actreess and thinks she is fat, so she want s to get plastic surgery. her parents say no, and she goes off, gets drunk, and flashes a video camera. the camera belongs to this new kid, Peter,who tries to go out with Manny, but Emma likes him. he starts to pressure her, and she calls him a freak. he blackmails her and wants money, which she doesn't have and the whole school ends up seeing her boobs. she gets kicked out of her house, and off the cheerleading squad. Also Ellie joins the band, even though her and craig were fighting cuz Asley dumped Craig, and Ellie didn't tell him. But they are all good now. They are cute. i want them to get together.
Did you catch that all?????yeah i just write what comes to my head, and if it doesn't make sense to you, not my fault.....well yeah it

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Friday, September 23, 2005

Americas Next Top Model Episode 1&2

It was a two hour premire, episodes one and two. I missed alomst the whole 1rst hour, but from what i saw, i was super excited about the show. I'm not going to really say what happened, play by play wise, but i'm going to critique all the girls, and offer my opinions about them. i am going to write aout some highlights of the episode though. *the girls have an awesome house this eason, based on shopping, all the rooms have a different theme. My theme room, would be the room "bag lady" i love purses. *The girls get along, except, Cassie makes the weirdest comment about her personality, "You know how sociopaths don't feel emotion and that's why they can kill people without ever feeling bad about it? Only I never killed anybody. " she claims she just doesn't show emotion. * Kim is a lesbian, and makes out with Sarah in the limo.Kim says, " One down, eleven to go." The first challenge, they get pushed on the runway, they have to do there own makeup, and do a few outfits. Sarah sucked the most, tripping both times she walks out. The rest were ok, they had to demonstrate certain attitudes. The photo challenge, was being a superhero, susupended in the air. Ashley: her picture turn out ok. Her eyes kinda look dead, and she has an awkward looking body. Bre: her face looks good, but her one leg looks to high above the rest of her body. Cassandra: Her face looks amazing. as does her body. The judges compliment it aswell. Coryn: her face is ok, but she looks like she has short legs, models need to look like they have long legs!! Diane: has a beautiful face, a not so pretty body....Ebony: her face looks horrible, and her arms look to muscular. the rest is good. Jayla: hers is intersting, i don't know if i like it or not...Kim: her face looks really scared, but i do like her body, and the pose she took. Kyle: she loks a little scared too, her body is not confident looking. Lisa: her upper half looks great...but her lower half again looks to short and muscular. Nicole: it is an ok picture.kinda boring...plain. Nik: i don't like her face at all, but her body looks really good. nice long legs, and a good pose. she uses her space well. Sarah: her face is odd, and her legs look wierd. so, the worst picture was, Sarah, and the best was Cassandra. The judges seem to think that the worst two people so far, are Sarah, and Ashley. They end up sending Ashley home, because she is to pretty??? I would have sent Sarah, home she did the worst on the runway, by tripping everywhere, and her photo sucked. Anyways so that was it. i love this show alot. its really good. *Photo: Cassandra( the psycho


SURVIVOR;poof shes gone

well. i love survivor. its a great show. i'm really getting behind on my blogs, but i'm going to try and post a bunch soon. anyways i found a new man in my life, yes...his name Brandon. omg i can't believe i didn't relize how hot he was before.anyways so this episode was interesting.Blake was still sic, and Judd was getting sick of his laying around and being pampered to.on the other tribe, Yaxha,people were secretly getting upset that it seems that Morgan isn't doing a lot of work around the first challenge is for the reward of getting fishing gear. They have to climb under a bunch of ropes over water. B0th teams did extremly well,however,Rafe sucked and couldn't get up a three rung ladder, but Judd was having trouble too.At the final minutes it was between Blake and Brian, and Blake proved why he wants to still be here. Nakum, won.,and they ended up catching some fish.Yaxha needed protein, so they ate minnows, grasshoppers and some ate...ants! ewe. Judd made a very good point, about how Blake turned out being the hero in the reward challenge, but, he does so good because he gets pampered at the camp and gets rest, why the rest of the them are getting water and then after being exhausted going to challenges. i agree with Judd and i think someone needs to tell Blake to step it up a little, and get your own water...then Judd goes on to say he wants to be the hero in the next challenge. The immunity challenge was in a giant mud pit, and was a good old fashioned game...tug of war. tribe against tribe they battled for 15 minutes to get closer to their side where the flags where. so, ot was a tie,then came a sudden death round. Judd against Gary...where everyone found out through Danni, that Gary was a nfl quarterback. (later he denies he ever was though) and Judd wins, i don't really understand what on earth gary was trying to do by tackling him. Next round is my, Brandon, and Jaime, Brandon totally kicks ass! so thats 2 flags for Nakum. Then is judd again cuz hes a powerhouse vs. Jaime. it looks like no one is moving, but at the last few seconds left, judd just gives it all and drags Jaime behind him, winning the last flag. yay Judd was the hero this time!Back after the challenge, Yaxha relizes that they are now going to have to get rid of someone. Jaime starts to go after Steph, claiming shes to strong and knows the game( i think he is intimidated by her). People run to tell Steph and she knows she has to start talking.Gary, decides that voting off Steph would be wrong because they need strong playeres, so then it goes to Lydia, who is the weekest , and morgan who does nothing at all around camp. They decide on Lydia, but Brian, pleads for her, and points out they haven't losta challenge because of Lydia, so whos really to say she is the weakest. His words i think saves Lydia, and to Morgans dismay, she is voted out. She was so surprised, she said during council, that everyone in the tribe was together, and that everyone knew who was that sucks or her, she wasn't one of my favs, so i don't mind that shes gone. The person, i want gone, is Danni, i just didn't like her this week. This episodes stars where: Blake,(he proved himself in the reward challenge) Brandon(he wasvery strong through out everything and hes hot!!!) Brian(4 saving Lydia), Gary, for relizing that theyshould keep strong players) and {the ultimate survivor this week was Judd. i like him, hes strong, and won the immunity chalange basically by himself, proving hes stronger then the other tribes two stongest payers.}


Sunday, September 18, 2005


well, i am done watching Big brother. The horrible happened, Janie got voted off, in the final three. two people who lied and were evil to others are in the final two. Go figure. I am not going to watch the finale. Theres no point, because all the people who deserved it, got backstabbed and lied too. so i guess thats all i have to write about. i don't know. i just am really pissed off , well at least when they get into the real world, those nerd herders will know that most people hated them. thats a good thought. so anyways, love the soverign six!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope all is well with, Sarah, James, Rachel,Howie, Kayser and Janelle! you guys Rock!!!!you played the game with integrity and wit. long live the soverign six.


Friday, September 16, 2005

The O.C

Well, this season of the O.C started off with the Ryan fainting after his brother got shot by Marissa. so basically a bunch of stuff happens and Marissa is going to be charged(on the shooting, but trey hasn't died)However, the lawyers or whatever are trying to pin the shooting on Ryan because its more likely it was him. Marissa said she did it though. Trey wakes up and then julie cooper(shes evil) comes to Trey and it looks like she is going to strangle him with a pillow!!! instead she offers him a money, to pin it on Ryan. and he, then seth,summer and marissa act as those people that help patients and marissa goes to talk to trey, and all is good again. oh yeah, and Kirsten is being tricked by some crazy girl(Jerry Ryan from Bosten Public) while she is in rehab. anyways next week,which was yesterday, second episode, not to much happened, Marissa got kickedout of school, by this evil new dean man, then he was grabbing her arm, and ryan was like let go of her, and Ryan punched him and got himself kicked out to. and Kirsten is taking an extra vacation, with evil crazy girl. so yeah, thats about it, the season will probably get more exciting hopefully.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

so starts Survivor, Guatemala

Boy, was i excited, for survivor to start. i even watched it before the O.C.(which i will have some comments about on another post when i have time). at the beginnng of the show i was so anxious because i wanted to see which two survivors were coming back,because of the spoilers and rumours i figured it was probably Stephanie and Bobby jon. i liked them so it was okay if they were coming back, which they did. i thought there might be a target on their backs because they are gettting a second chance but it doesn't lok like it, but maybe that will play out a little later in the game. so the survivor contestants are aready in tribes Nakum and Yaxha and are told that they have to hike to find their campsite, and the reward will be that and fire, for the first tem that gets their. the other tribe will have to go somewhere else. so they are all going along and Blake gets hurt by a spikey tree?!, i dunno, so hes like sick the rest of the trip aswell as Bobby-Jon. so that sucks,both tribes are almost neck in neck, but Nakum is a little bit ahead and wins. yay!! except four of the guys start puking. way to go...but they have a nurse (margaret)on their team so she helps them...anyways...the other tribe is down, but is still focused on building their shelter and winning the immunity challenge. the immunity challange consists of a little bit of rowing, and pulling the boat over logs. and Yaxha wins. the worst part comes when Jim relizes he pulled a muscle or something in his arm and has to put a sling on it, therefore making him very very weak. he gets voted off. i mean hes 63ish and has a hurt arm....i feel sorry for him, he seemed really nice, like nice grampa thats it. favourites so far are of course Stephanie,....Brandon, Brooke, and um thats it i guess. so yeah thats the first episode...yay!!!!


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Canadain idol

well the finale was tonight and i was so happy with the results. i have been cheering on Melissa from the very begining. I loved, her, along with, Suzi, Josh and Ashley. Rex was not a favourite of mine, but he was pretty good. i couldn't stand Amber and casey but the rest were okay. i could have lived with Rex wining and was almost positive he was going to win, but thankfully, everyone listened and voted for the best singer and person all around. i know that Melissa will have an amazing career, and i can't wait to see what she is going to do. YAY MELISSA!!!!


Saturday, September 03, 2005

almost done watching BB

well Howie and Janelle being on this show is soon to end. that means me watching it is soon to end too. we said bye to beau, but then it was shattered when Janelle didn't win HOH. so now its all up to ivette to not vote one of those 2 out, lol, like that will happen. just one little miracle would be nice. but it looks very very duobtful. lets just enjoy janelle and howie the next 2 weeks. oh what a sad day for BB fans.......


Thursday, September 01, 2005

big brother 6

i never watched Big Brother until this season. i don't know why i started watching it, but as soon as i did i got hooked. i don't know if it was the people in the show or the concet of the show or that i just got bored but i started watching and living big brother. now, i didn't start watching from the very beinning, because i kept being busy the days it was on. i started watching in week 3, just long enough to get annoyed at Eric and his bossy self. Right away i started to pick sides and i sided with the sovereign six. they were so great. i loved all their personalities and basically they just didn't annoy the hell out of me like the others. so y week four i was very happy because i am in love with Kaysar. he looks do good and is so smart and well just so likable. but then week 5 made me hate those little freaks of the friendship thingy/group. Kaysar was gone. but then we got to vote a houseguest back in and i swear i voted 20 times a day for him to come back(yes i have a social life) and he did!!!but then got voted out again. not before Howie screwed everything up for the Six, so then it started going downhill basically......until this week, its now 4 against two, however, Howie and Janelle(my new fav on the show) are still there and today Howie became HoH which is perfect now hopefully Janie/Janelle will win next week and everything will just go on from there. but when i hope this much it never works out that way. but i do think if Howie and Janelle go, ratings will go down. they reallly do make the show. anyways thats it.
Bye bitches!



well i've decided to start a bog about the the wonderful tv shows i watch, because i need to complain when people get kicked off my reality shows or complain when a main character dies or just write about what i think. i have another little blog but thats about my life, not about the shows i watch and believe me, i watch alot of tv. i don't know why, its like i'm transfixed with other peoples lives. whatever so as soon as the premires start in september, i'll be posting a lot. well at least that is my plan.
