Sunday, September 18, 2005


well, i am done watching Big brother. The horrible happened, Janie got voted off, in the final three. two people who lied and were evil to others are in the final two. Go figure. I am not going to watch the finale. Theres no point, because all the people who deserved it, got backstabbed and lied too. so i guess thats all i have to write about. i don't know. i just am really pissed off , well at least when they get into the real world, those nerd herders will know that most people hated them. thats a good thought. so anyways, love the soverign six!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope all is well with, Sarah, James, Rachel,Howie, Kayser and Janelle! you guys Rock!!!!you played the game with integrity and wit. long live the soverign six.



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