Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Amazing Race;Family Edition

This season of The Amazing Race is a little different then the other seven. First off there is a family of four people instead of partners. The families are all different ages some having little kids as young as 8. The second difference is its just in the united states right now. i don't know if it will stay there or not. i hope not, it will make a boring season, except with more people it is a little better. So the Gaghan family started off leading...with the Paolo family getting very lost and stressed out right away. They next have to go to a hot dog stand, and the guys running it (drew and Kevin from season 1)yes who caught on to that one? i did!!! have a little comment for everyone its pretty funny. The Schroeder family dad sayas he wishes he hada handicapped child so, theey could park in the spot. The 3 families in the lead get lost going to pennsylvania and lose it. Then they all have to row across a lake that some guy rode across. All the teams do alright except the Black family has trouble, mostly because the kids are to weak. Then the teams have to go and get tents and the order they arrive thats when they get to leave in the morning. The teams arrived at the Detour. It was build it or buggy it. The Linz family, Gaghan family, and the Aiellos, and the Weaver family chose buggy it. The weaver family switches after the mother is run over by thte buggy.The rest chose buld it where the had to build a windmill. the Godlewskis a family of sisters came in first. 2:Gaghans closley followed by the Weavers. 4rth: Rogers 5th: Schroeders 6th: Paolo 7th: Bransens 8th: Aiellos the last two teams were racing right till the end, and the Linz family beat the Black family. The Black family consisted of the father Reggie(42) the mother Kimberly(40) and the two kids Kenneth(10) and Austin (8) it was kinda dissapointing but, some one had to go.
My predictions for 1rst place next week: The Weaver Family
Last place next week: Paolo
My favourite families are: Gaghans, Weavers, Rogers, Linzs'
The families that are ok: Schroeders,Aiellos, Bransens,
The ones i don't care for at all: Paolos, Godlewskis
so yeah everyone that hasn't watchedthis how watch it!!



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