Friday, September 23, 2005

SURVIVOR;poof shes gone

well. i love survivor. its a great show. i'm really getting behind on my blogs, but i'm going to try and post a bunch soon. anyways i found a new man in my life, yes...his name Brandon. omg i can't believe i didn't relize how hot he was before.anyways so this episode was interesting.Blake was still sic, and Judd was getting sick of his laying around and being pampered to.on the other tribe, Yaxha,people were secretly getting upset that it seems that Morgan isn't doing a lot of work around the first challenge is for the reward of getting fishing gear. They have to climb under a bunch of ropes over water. B0th teams did extremly well,however,Rafe sucked and couldn't get up a three rung ladder, but Judd was having trouble too.At the final minutes it was between Blake and Brian, and Blake proved why he wants to still be here. Nakum, won.,and they ended up catching some fish.Yaxha needed protein, so they ate minnows, grasshoppers and some ate...ants! ewe. Judd made a very good point, about how Blake turned out being the hero in the reward challenge, but, he does so good because he gets pampered at the camp and gets rest, why the rest of the them are getting water and then after being exhausted going to challenges. i agree with Judd and i think someone needs to tell Blake to step it up a little, and get your own water...then Judd goes on to say he wants to be the hero in the next challenge. The immunity challenge was in a giant mud pit, and was a good old fashioned game...tug of war. tribe against tribe they battled for 15 minutes to get closer to their side where the flags where. so, ot was a tie,then came a sudden death round. Judd against Gary...where everyone found out through Danni, that Gary was a nfl quarterback. (later he denies he ever was though) and Judd wins, i don't really understand what on earth gary was trying to do by tackling him. Next round is my, Brandon, and Jaime, Brandon totally kicks ass! so thats 2 flags for Nakum. Then is judd again cuz hes a powerhouse vs. Jaime. it looks like no one is moving, but at the last few seconds left, judd just gives it all and drags Jaime behind him, winning the last flag. yay Judd was the hero this time!Back after the challenge, Yaxha relizes that they are now going to have to get rid of someone. Jaime starts to go after Steph, claiming shes to strong and knows the game( i think he is intimidated by her). People run to tell Steph and she knows she has to start talking.Gary, decides that voting off Steph would be wrong because they need strong playeres, so then it goes to Lydia, who is the weekest , and morgan who does nothing at all around camp. They decide on Lydia, but Brian, pleads for her, and points out they haven't losta challenge because of Lydia, so whos really to say she is the weakest. His words i think saves Lydia, and to Morgans dismay, she is voted out. She was so surprised, she said during council, that everyone in the tribe was together, and that everyone knew who was that sucks or her, she wasn't one of my favs, so i don't mind that shes gone. The person, i want gone, is Danni, i just didn't like her this week. This episodes stars where: Blake,(he proved himself in the reward challenge) Brandon(he wasvery strong through out everything and hes hot!!!) Brian(4 saving Lydia), Gary, for relizing that theyshould keep strong players) and {the ultimate survivor this week was Judd. i like him, hes strong, and won the immunity chalange basically by himself, proving hes stronger then the other tribes two stongest payers.}



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