Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Vampire Diaries Ep.5 "You're undead to me"

Stefan has Damon locked up in the cellar still and is hoping that it is making him weaker and weaker. Elena after not hearing from Stefan in abut three days, breaks up with him because he won't open up. He shows up at her house, and makes dinner with her ,and he starts to tell her a little bit about himself.
At a fund-raising car wash, Bonnie starts a fire and is in total shock. Stefan ends up seeing it happen but no one else does. Bonnie goes and sees her grandmother who has known all along that this would happen.
Jeremy is really getting involved with Vicki ,and ends up going to a place in the woods where she hangs out. Viki had swiped Elena's pills and Jeremy gets mad at her, and says she is better then the people she is hanging out with .Vicki tells him to leave and she does. Later on Vicki goes to fix the music and Damon shows up biting her.
Damon ended up somehow calling Caroline and she came to unlock the cellar in which he was trapped. He killed the uncle and tried to attack Caroline but she ran away.
Elena is even more curious about Stefan after an old man recognises him from the past. She sneaks off to the learn more. She learns that their was a murder, and sees a video of Stephan from about 40 years ago. She is even more confused and then realizes that he could very well be a vampire.



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