Wednesday, October 07, 2009

90210 "Environmental Hazards"

Naomi can't go to collage of her choice because she doesn't have good enough grades and she isn't involved in any extra curricular activities. She decides to just give up, until Adrianna and Silver convince her to at least try. Se then decides to hire a tutor. The tutor happens to be the son of the dean of admissions. Her plan is like everything he likes, and then date him, and get accepted. She ends up getting that to happen as well as getting his roommate who is on the football team to like her. Liam shows up to tell her the truth about who he slept with ,but sees her with the deans song and erases the message!
Adrianna invites Silver and Navid to her AA meeting. Silver sees her mom, Jackie there and immediately leaves. Later on Silver gets a car with a note asking her to come to the next meeting from her mom.Silver goes to the meeting and after Jackie makes a speech about not being a good mother,Silver decides to speak. She goes up and totally rips into her mother, throws her the keys and tells her she is dead to Silver. Later Adrianna comes over ,and tells Silver Jackie called her, and that Jackie has cancer and is dieing. Dixon's girlfriend finds out that he is a junior,and wants nothing to do with him. He makes a heartfelt apology with pizza and everything and she still slams the door in his face. Later on they end up at the same spot, and they end up getting back together, at least for that night. Meanwhile Annie, is still hanging out with the kid whos uncle she hit. He is still playing up the whole "i'm so sad about my uncle thing".She of course is feeling guilty, rightfully so, but the kid is really making her feel bad. Anyways i think he is so adorable.hehe. Adrianna is a being a ho, and i hate her. Enough said about her, because i don't even want to talk about her and that ugly ken looking thing. Navid rocks!!!!!!!!!!



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