Monday, October 05, 2009

Heroes4 Episode 4 "Acceptance"

Hiro: He tells his sister he will give her away at the wedding of her, and Ando. He also goes on a mission to save this one guy from jumping off a roof. He goes bac kin time a couple of times ,before he actually saves the guy and has a revelation of his own. He decides to tell hi sister that he is dying. Right after that ,he gets a really bad pain, and completely disappears.
Tracy:She decides to get her old job back. However she realizes that she wants to help people and this job isn't going to do that.
Mr.Bennett/H.R.G.: He is thinking about what he should do with his life. Peter comes to him for help,but he doesn't want to help him ,or get into that business again. After a talk with Tracey about her life, he realizes that he wants to have the company again, and do what he did before.
Nathan: Is still having trouble remembering is past so Angela brings some stuff so he can remember. He has a flash back of a old girlfriend being dead in a pool. He goes to investigate what happened to her, and apparently she ran away. He knows this isn't true and finds out that she it her head, and Angela covered it up and got the Haitian to wipe his memory of it. He decides he needs to do the right thing, and goes to tell the girls mother. Later that day a guy attacks him and shoots I'm leaving him dead buried in the dirt. As it happens,Angela is talking with the mother of te girl that died, and the mother hired this guy. Of course, we know its actually Sylar's body and he can't be killed by a gun, so we see a hand ,and then a head coming out of the dirt and good old Sylar is back! Is this the last we are gonig to see of Nathan?



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