Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Survivor19 Episode 4

Right after tribal council Jaison starts complaining about being there ,and is really kind of annoying. He complains to Russell, and Russell tries to get his spirits up , but he keeps complaining. Russell thinks Jaison should be careful or he might be next.
At Galu, Sambo is sad that he is back at her own camp. Erik takes Shambo aside and starts talking to her about the hidden immunity idol. Just as Erik is getting some of the clues John comes over and wants to know bout it to. Shambo tells them the clues, thinking it could help her, or not help her letting them know.
The reward challenge is three against three. The leaders of each tribe pick two players to take along. For Galu it is Russell, Shambo and Dave. For Foa Foa its Mick,Russell, and Natalie. The challenge is basically like bocce ball. The team with the closest ball to the stick wins the three chickens. It almost looks like a win for Foa Foa, but with Dave's last ball he wins the challenge.
While the challenge is going on, back at Galu, Erik plays leader and gets everyone to do specific duties so he can search for the idol.Erik finds the idol in a tree just above the sleeping John. Not so sure if he was sleeping, or if he actually saw Erik finding the idol. Kelly starts getting annoyed with Yasmin not doing anything. Shambo also lets a chicken escape. I don't know why they even let her near them. A couple of them try to get the chicken but most of them just complain .Erik is the only one that really makes a effort to try and get it .He claims his tribe sucks, and for the most part i have to agree with him.
At Foa Foa Natalie and Russell assure each other the final two .Russel had decided earlier that he doesn't want to go with Jaison ,and that Natalie is perfect.
At the immunity challenge, it goes a little back and forth as they race through a course and build block towers. Monica ends up being so slow at the rope part that they lose their lead and Foa Foa gets their first win. The weird thing is that none of the members get sent to the others camp with a clue. What the heck?
The three people in danger end up being Monica, for basically costing them the challenge, Yasmin for doing nothing at camp, and Shambo to lower extent for losing the chicken. I would have gotten rid of Shambo but they all end up voting out Yasmin ,except for Shambo.
Go Erik!



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