Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Amazing Race15 Ep.3

The last pit stop was boat and it sailed along to another part of Vietnam. We learn Big Easy's father passed away just two days before the race started. I can't even fathom how hard it must be to have had that just happen.Marcy is also reminded of her father because during the war he was shot down, and actually survived it. The teams are off to a puppet show theatre where they have to get the next clue from a dragons mouth. The clue is s stamp of a post office inside a bullet. All the teams figure it out quickly but the Annoying Team don't understand that the clue is inside the bullet. At the post office is a detour. Child's play, or word play. All the teams pick Child's play, except for The Old Team. In Word Play, they must go on top of this building and find six letters an then spell a word with it. They get the letters fairly quick but they have trouble figuring out what to do with the letters and how to spell the word. In Child's play the teams must grab a concrete animal, and walk it along collecting different coloured balloons.They then take it to a children's park to get the next clue. Everyone seems to have the right idea picking the smaller animals except Team Awesome, they end up picking a tall giraffe. They end up breaking the giraffe and fall behind because of it.
At the next clue box which is located at one of the busiest intersections is a roadblock. Someone from each team must take apart two vcrs. The Globetrotters being ahead the entire race have trouble finding a taxi, and The Adorable Team almost beats them, but in a foot race the Globetrotter team wins. The Annoying team has various problems not being able to find anything. They mess up on almost every clue. He doesn't even use the tools to take apart the VCR, he just pulls it apart. I almost think that should be a penalty, because it said "using the tools provided."In the end Team Old ended up taking to much time at the detour and never could catch up being the third team eliminated.
1. Team Globetrotters :)
2.Team Adorable :)
3.Team Cool :)
4.Team America :)
5.Team Bro :)
6.Team Poker
7.Team Christian
8.Team Awesome :)
9.Team Annoying
10.Team Old (ELIMINATED)



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