Wednesday, October 07, 2009

SYTYCD Canada Top 8 Performances

Vincent,Everett,Emanuel, & Cody:Theatre*Beggin' Jersey Boys, The Four Seasons.
The performance was alright. I'm not crazy about it. I didn't think they were in sync with each other. They all kind of did their own thing.
Tara-Jean & Vincent*Rumba*Hero,Enrique Iglesias
The dress was weird, and i hated the song choice. The under the leg thing they did was amazing. The kiss at the end was awkward though.
Jaimie Rae solo:I found that the song didn't match the movements. I think she has been much more solid before.
Kim & Cody*Hip Hop*Humpin' Around, Bobby Brown
I think Cody definitely stepped it up with this piece. I hated the song choice, but i did love that we got to see them in their style.
Melanie & Emanuel*Contemporary*The Scientist,Coldplay
It could have been gorgeous, but it was just ok. The lifts looked unfinished, and i'm not sure if that was choreography, or because of Emanuel's injury's.
Everett Solo:It was a nice solo. It wasn't as a good as last week, but hopefully its enough.
Jamie Rae & Everett*Mambo*En Barranquilla Me Quedo, Joe Arroyo
Incredibly hot. It was the best of the night so far. They are a great couple together, and i always forget how incredible it is that Everett is a tapper and is this amazing.
Melanie solo:It was the first time i didn't really like her.I found it a little to awkward for her.
Melanie, Kim, Jamie Rae & Tara Jean:Jazz*Dr. Feelgood, Aretha Franklin
It was a great routine. They were in unison, they played off eachother, it was all there. I hated the costumes. I think this is probably the strongest top 4 girls ever.
Tara Jean & Vincent*Krump*Chea-Chea-Chea, Tha J-Squad
This dance could have destroyed them but they really stepped it up. She was hitting it as hard as i've ever seen her, and he was really good for a ball room dancer. It was good.
Emanuel solo:I thought it was nice, he gave it his all, which was definitely what he needed to do.
Kim & Cody*Smooth Waltz*What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong
Oh... this was just bad. That's it.
Melanie & Emanuel*Disco*Hush Hush; Hush Hush, The Pussycat Dolls
It was a good routine, i'm not sure if it was good enough to keep them out of the bottom though.
Kim Solo:I think it was hot, hopefully she saved herself with that solo.
Jaime Rae & Everett*Jazz Funk*Sexy Chick, (feat. Akon) David Guetta
It was amazing. The best of the night by far, top two right here!If she doesn't win this show i will be shocked!
Cody Solo:It was so-so.I'm kind of over him even more then i was last week.
Tara-jean Solo:It was simple ,and beautiful .Simply beautiful.
Vincent Solo:It was an odd song choice, but he is a performer and made it great.
*Best of the night were Jaimie Rae and Everett by a long shot. I'd be shocked if either of these two were in the bottom .They were on fire all night.Worst of the night, i would say is Emanuel by far ,with Cody not far behind him. For the girls its really a tossup, because they all were pretty good. Kim had that one dance that was off, and Melanie had Emanuel as a partner. I think Emanuel and Melanie will go.



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