Sunday, October 04, 2009

GLEE "The Rhodes Not Taken"

Kristin Chenoweth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel quit Glee and Finn could possibly get a scholarship for music. He starts to try and bribe Rachel into coming back to Glee by being extra nice to her. He takes her bowling, and they even kiss. He knows what he is doing is wrong, but its for his future. Eventually she finds out that Quinn is pregnant, well everyone does, and she slaps Finn and says she will never go back to Glee.
With Rachel quitting the Glee club,Will needs to find a solution so they can win. He finds it ,in an old classmate, who was three credits shy of graduating. Her name is April Rhodes, and she is played by the amazing Kristen Chenoweth. She also happens to be a drunk, and hilarious. Will used to have a crush on her, and she is why he joined the Glee club in high school.. Most of Glee club isn't fond of her but she ends up winning them over. She teaches Mercedes and Tina how to shoplift. She hooks up with Puck and some of the other guys, and she gets Kurt drinking! Its all quite hilarious ,but in all seriousness Will has to take action. He lets her perform the first number ,but then tells her she can't go back on the stage. She realizes that its not her time to shine its the kids, and eds up being fine with it. With the whole school waiting for them to go back on Rachel comes and says she would rather be on Glee, and be with them. So cute!
Kurt: Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?
Brunette Cheerio: Your sexuality?
Emma: Kurt, I’m a girl who knows her solvents and your breath smells like rubbing alcohol
Kurt (drunk): Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy.
Somebody to Love-Queen-New Directions Buy on iTunes
Maybe This Time-Cabaret-Rachel & April Rhodes Buy on iTunes
Alone-Heart-Will, April Rhodes Buy on iTunes
Last Name-Carrie Underwood-April, New Directions



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